View Full Version : (R-Az) Rep. Paul Gosar ~ 6 siblings endorsing his opponent (D) Dr. David Brill

09-22-2018, 09:29 PM


Arizona Congressman's 6 Siblings Turn Against Him in Opponent's Campaign Ad


https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ei=cvemW8H1CsHpzgKIg4OgDA&q=congessman+6+siblings&oq=congessman+6+siblings&gs_l=psy-ab.12...13408.21708..25004...0.0..0.80.1284.21.... ..0....1..gws-wiz.......0j0i131j0i67j0i10j0i13j0i13i30j0i8i13i30 j0i22i30j33i160j33i21.Dy4qW8_Dbyo

The Brothers and Sisters of Rabid Trumphyte (R-Az) Paul Gosner seeking to oust their brother

Phoenix Republican Congressman Paul Gosar’s brothers and sisters have made their sibling rivalry political.

Six of Gosar’s siblings appeared in a political ad Friday, condemning their brother and endorsing his Democratic opponent Dr. David Brill.

The ad entitled “A family defends its honor” features siblings Tim, Jennifer, Gaston, Joan, Grace and David.

Brill is looking to unseat Gosar, who has represented Arizona’s 4th Congressional District since 2013, in the upcoming midterm elections.

In his campaign video, siblings of the incumbent representatives reject their brother’s far-right political stance on immigration, the environment and health care.

Gosar has been supportive of President Donald Trump.

“We gotta stand up for our good name,” brother David says in the ad.

“This is not who we are.”




09-22-2018, 09:30 PM

Just In



Arizona congressman blasts siblings who endorsed opponent

09-22-2018, 09:48 PM


Arizona Congressman's 6 Siblings Turn Against Him in Opponent's Campaign Ad


https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ei=cvemW8H1CsHpzgKIg4OgDA&q=congessman+6+siblings&oq=congessman+6+siblings&gs_l=psy-ab.12...13408.21708..25004...0.0..0.80.1284.21.... ..0....1..gws-wiz.......0j0i131j0i67j0i10j0i13j0i13i30j0i8i13i30 j0i22i30j33i160j33i21.Dy4qW8_Dbyo

The Brothers and Sisters of Rabid Trumphyte (R-Az) Paul Gosner seeking to oust their brother

Phoenix Republican Congressman Paul Gosar’s brothers and sisters have made their sibling rivalry political.

Six of Gosar’s siblings appeared in a political ad Friday, condemning their brother and endorsing his Democratic opponent Dr. David Brill.

The ad entitled “A family defends its honor” features siblings Tim, Jennifer, Gaston, Joan, Grace and David.

Brill is looking to unseat Gosar, who has represented Arizona’s 4th Congressional District since 2013, in the upcoming midterm elections.

In his campaign video, siblings of the incumbent representatives reject their brother’s far-right political stance on immigration, the environment and health care.

Gosar has been supportive of President Donald Trump.

“We gotta stand up for our good name,” brother David says in the ad.

“This is not who we are.”




Thanksgiving's must be fun at their house. Talk about a dysfunctional family. :)

09-23-2018, 07:39 AM


Arizona Congressman's 6 Siblings Turn Against Him in Opponent's Campaign Ad


https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ei=cvemW8H1CsHpzgKIg4OgDA&q=congessman+6+siblings&oq=congessman+6+siblings&gs_l=psy-ab.12...13408.21708..25004...0.0..0.80.1284.21.... ..0....1..gws-wiz.......0j0i131j0i67j0i10j0i13j0i13i30j0i8i13i30 j0i22i30j33i160j33i21.Dy4qW8_Dbyo

The Brothers and Sisters of Rabid Trumphyte (R-Az) Paul Gosner seeking to oust their brother

Phoenix Republican Congressman Paul Gosar’s brothers and sisters have made their sibling rivalry political.

Six of Gosar’s siblings appeared in a political ad Friday, condemning their brother and endorsing his Democratic opponent Dr. David Brill.

The ad entitled “A family defends its honor” features siblings Tim, Jennifer, Gaston, Joan, Grace and David.

Brill is looking to unseat Gosar, who has represented Arizona’s 4th Congressional District since 2013, in the upcoming midterm elections.

In his campaign video, siblings of the incumbent representatives reject their brother’s far-right political stance on immigration, the environment and health care.

Gosar has been supportive of President Donald Trump.

“We gotta stand up for our good name,” brother David says in the ad.

“This is not who we are.”




Damn. When six of your brothers and sisters say vote for the other guy, that says a lot. I mean, who knows you better than your own family and you can't say it is just a brother or sister that is jealous or envious...all six of them agree.

09-23-2018, 07:50 AM
Splitting families up and creating what is akin to what a Civil War would look like in our country in this day and age is not leadership but the typical playbook that focuses to divide and conquer. How this can be making America great is beyond me.

09-23-2018, 07:53 AM
Trish, they may not like him. He certainly won't be going to any Thanksgiving dinners with them. I find it funny. Odd, but funny.

09-23-2018, 11:48 AM
Trish, they may not like him. He certainly won't be going to any Thanksgiving dinners with them. I find it funny. Odd, but funny.

Capt'n - Dismissal seems to be a very popular theme and battle cry from the right side of the political aisle.

This family wedge is considered funny - not division or worrisome?

Making a joke about a current sitting SCOTUS about her claiming to be molested by Abraham Lincoln is funny - not disrespectful or tone deaf to the current situation?

Dismissing the claims of an accuser as mixed up; a liar; or politically motivated - no curiosity or desire to investigate and put to rest these claims?