View Full Version : Idiot Judge Set Bond For An Illegal Alien Drug Lord At $200

03-29-2019, 04:16 AM
Some Idiot Judge Set Bond For An Illegal Alien Drug Lord At $200 And The Punk Promptly Escaped
A short fortune teller was recently arrested and broke free from jail, leaving the newspapers to run with the headline "Small Medium At Large," but it didn't a psychic to predict something similar would happen after a Michigan Judge gave an illegal alien drug dealer a $200.00 bond which made it possible for the criminal to run away from authorities and avoid his court appearance despite a litany of offenses.

According to The Detroit News (https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2019/03/28/accused-mexican-drug-smuggler-skips-court-after-posting-200-bond/3287945002/), "Jose Antonio Lopez, 24, is wanted by police after he skipped a March 12 probable cause hearing in 36th District Court, following his March 2 arraignment in 34th District Court in Romulus. He had confessed to the crime, police said."

Lopez pled guilty to "trying to smuggle more than 6 kilos of cocaine and heroin into Detroit" But, "despite the confession, the severity of the charges and Lopez's status as a non-U.S. resident, visiting magistrate Vesta Swenson set bond at $2,000/10 percent. The defendant posted the $200 needed to get out of jail and fled."

Understandably, local authorities are furious at Swenson for giving the illegal alien such a low bond.

"I’m deeply disappointed that someone who commits a crime of this magnitude, in addition to being a foreign national, which makes him a tremendous flight risk, is allowed back on the street for $200," Detroit police Chief James Craig told media. "It's an outrage."

Apparently, low bonds are nothing new if the arraignments occur during the weekend.

"Saturday bonds have been a problem," assistant Detroit police chief David LeValley told Detroit News. "We have historically been seeing low bonds on the weekends — sometimes absurdly low for the crimes being charged."


03-29-2019, 04:49 AM
I wonder if there is a particular judge who works on Saturday who does this. Or a magistrate.

03-29-2019, 05:15 AM
Doesnt matter this is typical absurd actions by judges that are political hacks.

03-29-2019, 07:19 AM
One must wonder how much is the judge collecting from the drug dealer for letting him go free.

03-29-2019, 08:40 AM
Perhaps the idiot judge will have an accident. People break exercise bands and run into shower doors all the time.