View Full Version : Obama's Creeping Authoritarianism

08-01-2013, 06:23 PM
Henninger in Obama's Creeping Authoritarianism (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324136204578639953580480838.html) ties together a lot of different events and ideas into a coherent whole that spells authoritarianism lies behind Obama's politics.

It starts with an observation and the relates it to the last election and the 1% mantra:

If we learned anything about Barack Obama in his first term it is that when he starts repeating the same idea over and over, what's on his mind is something else.

The first term's over-and-over subject was "the wealthiest 1%." Past some point, people wondered why he kept beating these half-dead horses. After the election, we knew. It was to propagandize the targeted voting base that would provide his 4% popular-vote margin of victory—very young voters and minorities. They believed. He won.

(It's kind of funny that so many libs are still hung up on repeating that mantra. Time for them to shift gears!)

Then Henninger turns to the new mantra (which many libs will start chanting):

The second-term over-and-over, elevated in his summer speech tour, is the shafting of the middle class. But the real purpose here isn't the speeches' parboiled proposals. It is what he says the shafting of the middle class is forcing him to do. It is forcing him to "act"—to undertake an unprecedented exercise of presidential power in domestic policy-making. ObamaCare was legislated. In the second term, new law will come from him.

And what is Obama's aim:

Toward the end of his speech last week in Jacksonville, Fla., he said: "So where I can act on my own, I'm going to act on my own. I won't wait for Congress." (Applause.)

The July 24 speech at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., has at least four references to his intent to act on his own authority, as he interprets it: "That means whatever executive authority I have to help the middle class, I'll use it." (Applause.) And: "We're going to do everything we can, wherever we can, with or without Congress."

It should be obvious what is wrong with this new strategy:

The political left, historically inclined by ideological belief to public policy that is imposed rather than legislated, will support Mr. Obama's expansion of authority. The rest of us should not.

The U.S. has a system of checks and balances. Mr. Obama is rebalancing the system toward a national-leader model that is alien to the American tradition.

Skipping other evidence, we see others have observed this:

In a recent Journal op-ed, "Obama Suspends the Law," former federal judge Michael McConnell noted there are few means to stop a president who decides he is not obligated to execute laws as passed by Congress. So there's little reason to doubt we'll see more Obamaesque dismissals of established law, as with ObamaCare's employer mandate. Mr. Obama is pushing in a direction that has the potential for a political crisis.

How is our government supposed to work:

A final quotation on America's system of government: "To ensure that no person or group would amass too much power, the founders established a government in which the powers to create, implement, and adjudicate laws were separated. Each branch of government is balanced by powers in the other two coequal branches." Source: The White House website of President Barack Obama.

08-02-2013, 10:00 AM

A Damp Hand in a Velvet Glove: Obama’s feeble (and enfeebling) brand of authoritarianism (http://spectator.org/archives/2013/08/02/a-damp-hand-in-a-velvet-glove):

...The only thing that has really changed between Obama’s first term and his second is where he is pointing the finger of blame — waggling it now not so much at George W. as at anyone who dares to oppose what he and his left-wing supporters long ago decided was received wisdom and settled science.

It is received wisdom that we should shift even more money from the private to the public sector. So now he wants more taxes from business in order to spend more money on public infrastructure projects, as if repairing bridges and roads at high-cost Davis-Bacon union wages were the only way back to more robust economic growth.

It is settled science that man-made global warming demands less coal and less fracking and more Solyndras and more subsidies for wind and solar.

It is tedious to recite these and other liberal nostrums — knowing that Obama and his crowd have little or no interest in whether the nostrums work or not. They care only about being in a position to impose their will upon others....