View Full Version : Sowell on Race Hustling

10-22-2013, 06:17 AM
"Some people try to explain how Asians and Asian Americans are able to succeed so well in education and in the economy by some special characteristics that they have. But their success may also be due to what they do not have — namely “leaders” who tell them that the deck is so stacked against them that they cannot rise, at least not without depending on these “leaders.” Such leaders are like the people who said that the laws of aerodynamics showed that the bumblebee cannot fly. Those who have believed these “leaders” have in fact stayed grounded, unlike the bumblebees."

"A painful moment for me, years ago when I was on the lecture circuit, came after a talk at Marquette University, when a young black student rose and asked, “Even though I am graduating from Marquette University, what hope is there for me?” Back in the 1950s, when I was a student, I never encountered any fellow black student who expressed such hopelessness, even though there was far more racial discrimination then. We knew that there were obstacles for us to overcome, and we intended to overcome them."

The liberals and "leaders" spend a great deal of time telling Americans to not try because they can't do. Some of these liberals are teachers who know in their hearts that their students can't do, can't make, will fail, and will have to spend their lives in poverty getting a check from the government. Of course, they don't believe this of "their" children.

Read Thomas Sowell's article. He has some good arguments. Within my lifetime we put Asians in concentration camps but as a group they're doing so well that liberals discriminate openly against them. I wonder why one group discriminated against does well and one group discriminated against doesn't. Could it be "leaders", teachers, and politicians telling them not to bother?


Captain Obvious
10-22-2013, 06:20 AM
My opinion? It's because we take it for granted. We are accustomed to a society that provides opportunity with a little hard work. Outsiders don't have this opportunity where they live so they come here.

And they're eating our lunch while we're napping under a tree.

10-22-2013, 07:29 AM
Whatever. It can't possibly be the race hustlers and liberals telling you blacks not to bother because they can't possibly succeed. It can't possibly be the liberals demanding that poor blacks go to failing schools so they aren't prepared to compete. No, it's because American blacks are lazy.