View Full Version : Ted Cruz: Obama is abusing power

10-30-2013, 12:13 AM

Fusion has made it obvious they don't like Ted Cruz with this hostile interview, and if we were still in doubt, the words "Political Dysfunction" has been placed as a label on Ted Cruz' image.

And yet, Ted Cruz gets his message across to the young people that will supposedly pay attention to this network: Obama is not quite a dictator, but he really, really wants to be.

And really, the only reason Obama does not have the powers of Castro is because we have a system of government with three co-equal branches, with checks and balances on the power of each.

And Ted Cruz has been using his power as a United States Senator to check the power of the President, and for that, he has been pilloried by the mainstream media, the Democrats, and even his fellow Republicans.

But when the smoke clears, Ted Cruz will be the last man standing. And that's because in the Republican party, and I am talking about everyone of them, he is the only man with the guts to stand up to Obama and say "Enough!"

Enough with the ever-expanding government into every aspect of our lives.

Enough out of control spending.

Enough borrowing money that can never be paid back.

Enough quantitative easing.


10-30-2013, 12:37 AM
Don't know much about Cruz other than that one poster here has a very disturbing obsession with him, but with this he hit the nail right on the head. Americans have had enough. The fact that 66% of us oppose government-forced healthcare says a lot about what lessons our Liberal Democrat opposition is learning from all this.

Let's hope it hammers home AND STICKS!