View Full Version : Racist Appoirntments

02-06-2014, 12:24 PM
"Last month Maureen Faulker, the widow of murdered Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner, requested a chance to give testimony against President Obama's nominee to head the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. Her husband was killed in 1981 by former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was convicted of murder in 1982. Thirty years after the conviction, nominee Debo Adegbile voluntarily took up Abu-Jamal's (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2014/01/09/video-contradicts-claims-made-by-obama-doj-nominee-about-race-and-mumia-case-n1775111) case and the cause in the name of race during his time as the head of NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Republican Senator Chuck Grassley asked for Faulkner's request to present testimony be granted, but Democrats have blocked her from doing so. The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote today on Adegbile's nomination. "

Well, darn it, a racist should be in charge of the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. The most racist administration in my life.

02-06-2014, 12:47 PM
Don't like it ... do you? :wink:

02-06-2014, 02:08 PM
The word, "racist" is useless for accurate language. Probably was designed as a sort of curse word, slander word and encitement word, and is designed to cloud the real issue.

Prejudice is making a firm judgment before the evidence is presented. It is a form of false judgment. That is the real issue. No matter the motive of the prejudice.

The word racist also limits the range of false judgment to skin color.

Our society is awash in false judgment & prejudice under color of self-righteous indignation about "racism".

But then, we don't honor the weightier matters of the Law, Truth, Mercy and Faith, so I guess yapping about racism makes us feel good.

02-06-2014, 03:03 PM
I'm not sure why a nominee would take up this kind of case at this time. That said, if you go over what happened and how most/all witnesses recanted or had conflicting information and said that they were told what to say and that experts later said the case was mishandled by the police (failure to adhere to procedures), it makes sense that someone would take up this case considering he is facing the death penalty and the case has so many holes. Plus, there are racial issues involved in the judicial aspect of the case according to what I'm reading about it.

I understand why the spouse would be upset. He could very well be completely guilty but he also has the right to a fair trial and to fair treatment since he could be put to death for this crime.

02-06-2014, 03:05 PM
A racist label these days is someone (most likely a liberal) who disagrees with another (most likely a conservative)

02-06-2014, 03:10 PM
The word, "racist" is useless for accurate language. Probably was designed as a sort of curse word, slander word and encitement word, and is designed to cloud the real issue.

Prejudice is making a firm judgment before the evidence is presented. It is a form of false judgment. That is the real issue. No matter the motive of the prejudice.

The word racist also limits the range of false judgment to skin color.

Our society is awash in false judgment & prejudice under color of self-righteous indignation about "racism".

But then, we don't honor the weightier matters of the Law, Truth, Mercy and Faith, so I guess yapping about racism makes us feel good.
5852Excellent analysis of the "racist" phenomenon. Most people should keep this in mind before they decide to use the inflammatory word again.

02-06-2014, 03:18 PM
I live in the Philly area and remember the incident (albeit a little vaguely). There was indeed many bizarre twists and turns, cloudy and conflicting evidence, etc. The conviction seemed rushed, pushed through partly based on race and the fact that the victim was a police officer.

This all should have happened a long time ago.

02-06-2014, 04:36 PM
If we as a nation avoided the word "racist" Washington would be almost silent and MSNBC would be off the air.

02-06-2014, 05:10 PM
The same thing happens in Australia with Aboriginals. In Australia famous Aboriginals with no political expience leapfrog other hard working aboriginal politicians into high positions. Australian politics is beyond tokenistic and insulting as far as affirmative action appointments are concerned.

edit- I really need to start reading stuff. That isnt racist. Lawers are evil. You cant hold it against them. That is their job.

edit- a racist appointment is one made for politics over merit. Like giving Aboriginal former athlete a job over someone that deserves it.