View Full Version : Sebelius: I wasn’t pushed out — staying just “wasn’t an option”

Mr. Mensch
04-14-2014, 09:48 AM

Are we really supposed to believe that? It is fairly obvious how this "lead from behind" administration handles scandals and screwups.

Sebelius pays for Obama care disaster.
Lois Lerner pays for IRS targeting conservatives.
Susan Rice pays for lying to United Nations.
Hillary pays for Bengazi.

Talk about your "war on women".

04-14-2014, 12:13 PM
the sacrifices for Sir Golfs Alot will continue. Holder will be the next to go under the bus.

Mr. Mensch
04-14-2014, 12:17 PM
the sacrifices for Sir Golfs Alot will continue. Holder will be the next to go under the bus.

I would prefer to see Holder go to prison. It's where he belongs.

Professor Peabody
04-14-2014, 11:10 PM
I would prefer to see Holder go to prison. It's where he belongs.

AMEN to that!