View Full Version : Germany Finds Itself Back In World Power

03-29-2012, 09:36 PM
It's unfortunate that ignorance and jealously has to be the front runner of critics whom oppose any positive action by Germany within Europe and beyond and perhaps bringing a new era of financial and moral grace for the common man. Yet these are the same critics being paid by associate's who have cause this economic crisis to Europe and the West through reckless financial issuing and manipulation among the financial institutions. Read my other thread "The Faces Behind The Greed" for further knowledge on the subject located here: http://thepoliticalforums.com/threads/2535-The-Faces-Behind-The-Greed

Below is the link to articles:


03-30-2012, 03:04 PM
The EU was created to contain Germany and to prevent more wars in Europe. Germany was hemmed in pretty well until the financial crisis of 2008. Its economic strength, relative to the rest of the EU, has made it very powerful, particularly within the Euro-zone. Now Germany is reported to be reprinting Deutsche Marks, and announced this week that its banks will no longer accept sovereign debt (bonds) from certain nations to include Ireland and Greece.

I predict that Germany will leave the Euro-zone (not the EU) by midsummer. I think that they will use it as leverage to create an EU with more political power. They have given up on the idea that financial power without political power works in the Euro-zone.

03-30-2012, 03:49 PM
Nice assessment Pete. They have been on track ever since they paid off those WWII repreations. Plus Duetsche Bank has now moved to the Number Spot in the EU.