View Full Version : RuPaul and the Tranny Controversy

05-29-2014, 09:17 PM
My aunt was a hair stylist when she got to America and introduced me to drag culture when I was 12. She styled wigs for drag queens and helped them with makeup. Back then they called themselves drag queens and trannys for transvestite. We had a convenience store lady who was a "tranny". That's what she called herself. In the last couple of years all these terms have been added to the lexicon like "cisgender" (that's suddenly what I am now even though I never asked for it) rather than say biological woman (apparently that's bad) and transgender woman.

I'm just kind of over it. If I have to check daily to find out what to be called or how you're referring to me now, I wont bother.

I grew up with being told the feminist (Steinem) that gender was only a construct and if the shoe didn't fit don't change the foot, so I never really understood how if gender was a construct why anyone needed surgery. But whatever, it's your money, your life.

But there is a part of me (just being honest) that is like, I have to deal with periods, menopause, and all sorts of shit that goes with being female--oh and potential pregnancy, and that is part of the bag of being "woman", and they don't but want that same title...this makes me sort of "meh".

Basically, I'm saying I don't understand transgender at all.

I do understand words. I am a purveyor of them. I understand that words are nothing without intention behind them. I can call someone a "lovely girl" and it be an insult and call someone a "bitch" and it be affection.


Rupaul said "tranny" and "shemale", things he always referred to himself as, and transgender "women" dropped their baskets and went apeshit on him.

His response was not to back down (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2014/05/26/RuPaul-Compares-Lefty-Language-Police-to-Animal-Farm-Bitch-You-Need-to-Get-Stronger).

RuPaul was quick to note that he did not believe the criticism was mainstream within the transgender community. "These are fringe people who are looking for storylines to strengthen their identity as victims," he explained, adding that "most people who are trans have been through hell and high water, and they’ve looked behind the curtain at Oz and went, ‘Oh, this is all a fucking joke.’"RuPaul also scoffed at the idea that censoring words would protect maligned communities. "It’s just words, like, ‘Yeah, words hurt me!’ Bitch, you need to get stronger," he said. "If you think--if you’re upset by something I said, you have bigger problems than you think."Maron elaborated on RuPaul's point, adding, "if you are going to live outside the Matrix, you can't live by its rules."RuPaul went on to compare the "four people who have a Wi-Fi connection, sit behind a computer in God knows where, and deliberately misinterpret our verbage" to the pigs inAnimal Farm. "The pigs forgot why they had a revolution in the first place, and the pigs started walking up on their hind legs," RuPaul noted. "Secretly, they just want to be Farmer John.”

Captain Obvious
05-29-2014, 10:03 PM
A friend of my wife's is really into the shemale thing, she goes to these events all the time. Wants us to go. I'm like up for it, sounds like a pretty good time. It's not an orgy or anything like that, just a lot of glam shows and stuff.

05-29-2014, 10:18 PM
A friend of my wife's is really into the shemale thing, she goes to these events all the time. Wants us to go. I'm like up for it, sounds like a pretty good time. It's not an orgy or anything like that, just a lot of glam shows and stuff.

Sounds simply FABULOUS, Cap'n!!

https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/2284458240/h82CAB10A/ (http://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=4sTgA1mXe-ghuM&tbnid=e7090WETJMYCuM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.freerepublic.com%2Ffocus%2Fne ws%2F3096225%2Fposts&ei=mviHU5m7AsWZyATYqoBA&bvm=bv.67720277,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNEBQIIoPn-ozwE0aPApZkWVXn-P9w&ust=1401506289376893)

05-29-2014, 11:58 PM
Cisgender? Wtf is that?

07-23-2014, 02:43 PM
Cisgender? Wtf is that?
I do not really know but it is my honest opinion that boys should be boys and girls should be girls otherwise you are just gay and well be gay quit trying to confuse people.

07-29-2014, 01:09 PM
I will continue to use the words white, black, gay, woman, man, lesbian, oriental, spanish, arab, and fucked-up in the head doesn't know if it's a toad or bread box yet. PC police and gripping hard progressives be damned.

07-29-2014, 01:59 PM
I will continue to use the words white, black, gay, woman, man, lesbian, oriental, spanish, arab, and fucked-up in the head doesn't know if it's a toad or bread box yet. PC police and gripping hard progressives be damned.

I agree with your First Amendment rights...call a fag a fag and a spade a spade no matter whose sensitivities are hurt.