View Full Version : The Torture Memo Bush Tried To Destroy

04-05-2012, 11:11 AM
This memo was declassified a couple of days ago, thanks to an FOIA request by the National Security Archive. Below is a pdf of the actual memo:


The importance of the memo lies in its revelation that there was real, serious debate inside the Bush administration about how to interrogate captured terrorist suspects. The members of the White House declined to enter that debate — indeed, they did their best to squash it. The destruction of Zelikow’s carefully reasoned memo suggests the White House did not want any record of alternative views even existing, lest they be considered reasonable or people get the idea that the torture policies were thought controversial even by members of the administration.


04-05-2012, 12:13 PM
Oh, yes, oh my. Pouring water up a terrorist's nose is "torture". However, you may from the sky fire a misssile into a crowd of men, women, and children and blow them all up with out any charges filed or paperwork at all.

Don't make me laugh this early. It gives me gas for the entire day.

Mister D
04-05-2012, 12:57 PM
On the other hand, I'm sure a shower really is pure torture for these people.

What's with US interrogators and their wussy version of waterboarding anyway?

keyser soze
04-05-2012, 05:02 PM
Interesting... terrible policy!