View Full Version : Obama worst POTUS since WWII

07-02-2014, 07:34 AM
According to a Quinnipiac University Poll:


Quinnipiac found 45 percent of voters say the country would have been better off if Mr. Romney (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/mitt-romney/), the 2012 GOP nominee, had been election, while just 38 percent say Mr. Obama (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/barack-obama/) remains a better choice. Even Democrats aren’t so sure — just 74 percent of them told the pollsters Mr. Obama (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/barack-obama/) was clearly the better pick in the last election.Voters also rate him the worst president since World War II, topping even his predecessor, President George W. Bush, who had left office with terrible ratings.
“Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/barack-obama/) finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

Right up there with Junior Bush who used to be my choice for worst POTUS.

Going on 14 years in a row of disastrous leadership for the U.S. now. Two terrible presidencies in a row. First gets us into a stupid war, second gets us into just plain one stupid move and scandal after another.

If you haven't figured out this two party Donkephant business is broken beyond repair, you really aren't paying attention. Not to mention the fact that this "election" in MS should have woken you up. There we have a very clear demonstration that Republicrats are quite happy to stuff ballot boxes and buy votes just like the Demicans.

07-02-2014, 07:37 AM
So what, everybody wants to be like Truman.... and his numbers were worse....

07-02-2014, 07:50 AM
Probably because he got the country in another stupid war.

07-02-2014, 08:04 AM
"Choices" influenced by the media, these things aren't accurate as Presidents aren't accurately portrayed until long after they've served. And I'm also very sorry to say Maine is quite unqualified to attempt a thread start such as this one. He's capable and intelligent, not a very good student mind you but.....regarding Presidential matters....foreign policies....relevant issues such as those....uh....yeah.

Happy 4th of July everyone. Maine....should you need tom know why the 4th of July is relevant I'm willing to teach you. Here on July 2nd, so whan Friday rolls around....you'll know.

07-02-2014, 08:06 AM
Drop dead. We're all sick of your personal nastiness when you get outed for your neocon nonsense.

You're as big an idiot as Cigar and about as popular here.

07-02-2014, 08:12 AM
Rancid is to the forum like conservatism is to America ... a disease and plague ... conservatism plays America like it's an abused wife beaten-down in domestic violence ... then it says America would be better-off with themselves at the helm ... that's how we ended-up with Bush and the neocons.

Today, we have little tea party boys with little tea party gayboy haircuts in Congress pretending they are mafioso-like Bush neocons.

07-02-2014, 08:13 AM
Another recent finding: It’s now official: On foreign policy, Barack Obama is worse than Jimmy Carter (http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/barack-carter-article-1.1847138): "Obama is leaving America weaker on the world stage than Carter did."

Obama's in a spiral downward.

07-02-2014, 08:22 AM
Drop dead. We're all sick of your personal nastiness when you get outed for your neocon nonsense.

You're as big an idiot as Cigar and about as popular here.

Oh...an outing occurred......Lancet......but I'm not sure I was the focus. I'll never ask anyone to drop dead, it's unchristian. And exposes how off balance you are here...you're not qualified, you're posting polls and trolling. I point that out, you get all upset.

07-02-2014, 08:23 AM
Rancid is to the forum like conservatism is to America ... a disease and plague ... conservatism plays America like it's an abused wife beaten-down in domestic violence ... then it says America would be better-off with themselves at the helm ... that's how we ended-up with Bush and the neocons.

Today, we have little tea party boys with little tea party gayboy haircuts in Congress pretending they are mafioso-like Bush neocons.

Still smarting over that Supreme Court spanking, I see.

07-02-2014, 08:24 AM
Another recent finding: It’s now official: On foreign policy, Barack Obama is worse than Jimmy Carter (http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/barack-carter-article-1.1847138): "Obama is leaving America weaker on the world stage than Carter did."

Obama's in a spiral downward.

I'm a tad confused why it took a downward spiral to get where he is today.

07-02-2014, 08:24 AM
Another recent finding: It’s now official: On foreign policy, Barack Obama is worse than Jimmy Carter (http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/barack-carter-article-1.1847138): "Obama is leaving America weaker on the world stage than Carter did."

Obama's in a spiral downward.
Did you catch little gayboy Paulie this last weekend ?

Yeah, he gets hammered by insHannity for blaming Iraq on Maliki and not Obama ... then goes on Meet the Press and blames Bush & Cheney and not Obama ...

This is the foreign policy expertise of little gayboys.

07-02-2014, 08:24 AM
Drop dead. We're all sick of your personal nastiness when you get outed for your neocon nonsense.

You're as big an idiot as Cigar and about as popular here.

my gratitude...

07-02-2014, 08:27 AM
Did you catch little gayboy Paulie this last weekend ?

Yeah, he gets hammered by insHannity for blaming Iraq on Maliki and not Obama ... then goes on Meet the Press and blames Bush & Cheney and not Obama ...

This is the foreign policy expertise of little gayboys.


Captain Obvious
07-02-2014, 08:28 AM
Drop dead. We're all sick of your personal nastiness when you get outed for your neocon nonsense.

You're as big an idiot as Cigar and about as popular here.

Agreed. Ransom was the only person on my ignore list for this reason - he's just an abrasive troll.

Just put Chris on for, well pretty much the same reason except Chris is more antagonizing than abrasive, and an old fool.

I don't understand how Ransom isn't banned already. He brings nothing but contempt to the forum.

07-02-2014, 08:28 AM
Obama is not the worst POTUS since WWII only because he didn't murder another president. Other than that he's pretty useless.

He'll be known for his War on Healthcare which has totally sucked ass.

07-02-2014, 08:31 AM
Obama is not the worst POTUS since WWII only because he didn't murder another president. Other than that he's pretty useless.

He'll be known for his War on Healthcare which has totally sucked ass.
Except for neocons and little gayboy tea partiers who prefer you go home and die as their domestic policy expertise.

07-02-2014, 08:34 AM
I'm a tad confused why it took a downward spiral to get where he is today.

He had to lose the high hopeful respect of liberals first.

07-02-2014, 08:35 AM
Did you catch little gayboy Paulie this last weekend ?

Yeah, he gets hammered by insHannity for blaming Iraq on Maliki and not Obama ... then goes on Meet the Press and blames Bush & Cheney and not Obama ...

This is the foreign policy expertise of little gayboys.

I'm about as impressed with your blather as I am captain's bluster. Save it, will ya.

07-02-2014, 08:36 AM
No president murdered another president...

Bammy IS the worst president in about a hundred years at least since Wilson or Warren Harding. At least Harding was merely personally corrupt, he didn't drag the entire country down with him.

07-02-2014, 08:36 AM
I'm about as impressed with your blather as I am captain's bluster. Save it, will ya.
I'm with Obvious ... you're an old fool .. LOL.

07-02-2014, 08:40 AM
Except for neocons and little gayboy tea partiers who prefer you go home and die as their domestic policy expertise.

Did you say gay?



Not exactly this


07-02-2014, 08:40 AM
No president murdered another president...

You're behind pretty much even standard historians on this one. Everyone thinks Johnson murdered Kennedy.

07-02-2014, 08:42 AM
You're behind pretty much even standard historians on this one. Everyone thinks Johnson murdered Kennedy.
You actually posted this right after root'n for Poot'n who invented Oswald ?

07-02-2014, 08:44 AM
You actually posted this right after root'n for Poot'n who invented Oswald ?

I'm sure Putin didn't invent Oswald. He's not 80.

07-02-2014, 08:44 AM
You're behind pretty much even standard historians on this one. Everyone thinks Johnson murdered Kennedy

everyone at prison planet, maybe

07-02-2014, 08:45 AM
I'm sure Putin didn't invent Oswald. He's not 80.
I see ... it looks like you're attempting to prove that you're in the same leagues as a Chris or a Rancid .... LOL.

07-02-2014, 08:46 AM
You're behind pretty much even standard historians on this one. Everyone thinks Johnson murdered Kennedy.
Have you read "Death of a President" by William Manchester? Everyone knows Johnson did not kill Kennedy.

07-02-2014, 08:49 AM
I think Johnson was quite capable of it. As were some Mafia dons at that time.

07-02-2014, 08:50 AM
I think Johnson was quite capable of it. As were some Mafia dons at that time.
Do us a favor ... don't think out loud.

07-02-2014, 08:51 AM
I see ... it looks like you're attempting to prove that you're in the same leagues as a Chris or a Rancid .... LOL.


Codename Section
07-02-2014, 09:01 AM
Obama is not a manly president, but that's ok. His wife makes up for it. She's like Angela Basset in Strange Days tough. While he screams and jumps on a chair she can use her mad Kung Fu skills on the mouse.

What's this thread about again?

07-02-2014, 09:01 AM
Obama is not a manly president, but that's ok. His wife makes up for it. She's like Angela Basset in Strange Days tough. While he screams and jumps on a chair she can use her mad Kung Fu skills on the mouse.

What's this thread about again?

fried chicken

07-02-2014, 09:03 AM
Obama is not a manly president, but that's ok. His wife makes up for it. She's like Angela Basset in Strange Days tough. While he screams and jumps on a chair she can use her mad Kung Fu skills on the mouse.

What's this thread about again?

Little tea party gayboys pretending they're little scarfaces taking the country back by assuming hysterics of abused women .. LOL

07-02-2014, 09:32 AM
fried chicken

Yup, your chicken is definitely getting fried these days.


07-02-2014, 09:34 AM
Little tea party gayboys pretending they're little scarfaces taking the country back by assuming hysterics of abused women .. LOL

Hey watch it, the entire gay movement is in the leftist movement and you know it. Oh how we miss Barney (fag) Franks.

Codename Section
07-02-2014, 09:36 AM
Little tea party gayboys pretending they're little scarfaces taking the country back by assuming hysterics of abused women .. LOL

I don't really want to talk about Obama's sexuality but I'll talk about chicken.


If I had 3 wishes from a genie, one of them would be making Popeyes free of calories so I could eat it every day.

The Xl
07-02-2014, 09:45 AM
Little tea party gayboys pretending they're little scarfaces taking the country back by assuming hysterics of abused women .. LOL

Is gayboys your new word or something? Can we expect it to be irrelevantly blurted out in every thread?

Codename Section
07-02-2014, 09:53 AM
Is gayboys your new word or something? Can we expect it to be irrelevantly blurted out in every thread?


07-02-2014, 10:00 AM
http://thepoliticalforums.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQSEhQUExQVFBUXFxQWGBgXFBYUFxQXFRQWFxUVFR UYHCggGBolHRQUITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O FxAQGywkHCQsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCw3LP/AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAYHBQj/xABKEAABAwICBgYGBgkBBgcAAAABAAIDBBESIQUGMUFRYRMicY GRoQcUQlKS0TJTscHh8BUWI0NiY3KCk6IkNFRzssIXM0Sj0uLx/8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQF/8QAJhEAAgIBAwQDAAMBAAAAAAAAAAECEQMSIVEEEzFBFCJhBRU yI//aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A1+yACUjsuizgG7JVkoBCyLAKyJyWAiISs YlBKshZMpCCgjshZMQkorJYQKLGIARkJQahZFgJQslogEWAVkd kYCU1qVgNgIyEsBHZKwE4EeFKsgAlYqE4UYalhGlYUIDUdkpGi woSUAlIJDSEoJSNA6I9kpHZGAqsihKFkoIWSCgkLJdkkhFjEon JVkdkxiAELJVkRCLATZGUdkYCAEAI7I7IwEWAnCisnEVkWAQFk aMNRhKwEgIwEqyIhAAsjAQQSACACNCyB0BEUaCAoCCCFkCAgjs ggdCEAgjTJAEEAjSGEUSUiQASCOyNACLIWSkSYBWQSkEAJsjRo IGFZElIIEBBBGkAEEaCB0EgjQCQUCyK6MlcDWfWJtJhaG45HAk C9g0e87lfKyPJSVukd7EiDwdhB7DdZFXaTkmdilkcSbZAkM5AM 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Captain Obvious
07-02-2014, 10:01 AM
http://thepoliticalforums.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQSEhQUExQVFBUXFxQWGBgXFBYUFxQXFRQWFxUVFR UYHCggGBolHRQUITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O FxAQGywkHCQsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCw3LP/AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAYHBQj/xABKEAABAwICBgYGBgkBBgcAAAABAAIDBBESIQUGMUFRYRMicY GRoQcUQlKS0TJTscHh8BUWI0NiY3KCk6IkNFRzssIXM0Sj0uLx/8QAGQEAAwEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQF/8QAJhEAAgIBAwQDAAMBAAAAAAAAAAECEQMSIVEEEzFBFCJhBRU yI//aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A1+yACUjsuizgG7JVkoBCyLAKyJyWAiISs YlBKshZMpCCgjshZMQkorJYQKLGIARkJQahZFgJQslogEWAVkd kYCU1qVgNgIyEsBHZKwE4EeFKsgAlYqE4UYalhGlYUIDUdkpGi woSUAlIJDSEoJSNA6I9kpHZGAqsihKFkoIWSCgkLJdkkhFjEon JVkdkxiAELJVkRCLATZGUdkYCAEAI7I7IwEWAnCisnEVkWAQFk aMNRhKwEgIwEqyIhAAsjAQQSACACNCyB0BEUaCAoCCCFkCAgjs ggdCEAgjTJAEEAjSGEUSUiQASCOyNACLIWSkSYBWQSkEAJsjRo IGFZElIIEBBBGkAEEaCB0EgjQCQUCyK6MlcDWfWJtJhaG45HAk C9g0e87lfKyPJSVukd7EiDwdhB7DdZFXaTkmdilkcSbZAkM5AM 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dot2Liad1Np43xtZcMZiM7yXEHO7GMOy5bmRwQnvZnJbFek1yq HUjqVxDmuDQHm+NoDgbX33GR71y9GVE9nNhMlvpER34e1ZM1Va HTOlYzAzHdgDeqALWAvyHmtkodFNAhraSMNOG1RCBgE0T27bbL jbe3FVqrclRQ5pSscdGspxfpKlzYBxGJmKQ9zQ7vsmPSTCDo0v Zk39hkPZLHhoP2BdCtYyOYPuOpmwlwsA8B1wDsNsrrl6/V8PqtQxssZZLHeNrXtJEoeHYQAduSia22LxPczXQ+k3U08M7dr Tn/ABNIsR3g+S9CaHkElPiGbXtxD+4XPmvNMT7ttfPLdnvWyeh3T4 dTGnkPXidhbfexxu0edkvReVb2d/Q9RYFufFWKlzF+Kp5cWPO4gkW8VYqKvsOts7PsWmRbGMXsZh6V NXujk9ZiaQHG0wGwG2UhG6+QWeOXoHTbmOc5jrOZI3MHMFrm2s VgGm6B9PO+F1+qeqTliZta4cRms5r62ju6TLvpYlpKTVRXGIJn E7jbmn45Xe2Lg7x8t652e1jakqGrbOaLihKMLRmCNx5KPj5+aR M3TJHJGAob3c/AphzzzVVsZ9xI6lx2IsYG8Ll4zv8ANH0nZ3JqInmJ3T9iQ6rve 5/O5RelSemHNOiHkbLbRaLY1pe5zX4o3GwF+jGMNdJ2gblxKaMGV rc3NxAbQ3EAeeQuBdQ4KgszjeWG4O/aDcX5XRmVxJLrG5JyyzPJXZkve5bf0RTcT/mjRqn4vzhCCeoy0Pk281dX0XQx6Kext8TQ2ZgaDvNjxXC0zW1U TGmej6BriQ17pMVnDO2Fp5Ljs0/VRABtVNZuYu4G3LMZhD9LyStYJJDIWue4YjiDS88xyuuqOCae/g8OXURfgjUepsroZKiJwnADjI1rgJGk5nqOGYy4qfqhoyqiZ09 PRyTMlY0tc5zQC297gA3RQ18kbj0b3MLh1iw2xcAbbRmUdDXSQ NtDI+O+fVJGd+F7b030007TEuqVUzrV1LXyfS0c4DK9nA3N+qf pbbpWtMmlKqERv0e5oHtRkXOQFi3FbvURus9YLf7RJlzb55Jib WCrP/qZvjy7sln8bJfkr5MaK+7RM4Ap5x0IicSG2aXAuAJNwMxY8VYd P0NZT+qAVLpopbxwyMf0TW3zDJL2sO0nYuc6ZznF73FzibknMk 8ynZ5XSMwPcXMFzhJu2+y4bxXRPpm4oxh1KTdk2q9G1c8AiFoO ZderMmMm2ZxCw7BkuodUdIiSKRlHRtMJFgJLCQt2OeAM1x6avm ibaOWVg3ASOsOwEmyKq0vOQSZ5Tb+a77isPizvyarq0vRL0rqT pSrlxvpqeMgWyms3be4yuU1qsJaGoc3pGwuc7opDhEzBY5HM7L 8OK5mlNISsEJbNN1mYj+1kzOVzt5qIJSBmdue0m/4qseCrTFk6htJoulXpPSbqmWA+qNljzJc4RCRu0PYCDe6EOltL AWFTo9vbMwgcrBh8VT3VDnWJcXZAAkkmw3Zpl0p3E+Ka6OT9g+ rivR0dY9b9Is60j6dwHVvE0OvbZbLzVZ0jNVVLmGVzCbAA3scP cFOdNY7UzJNv579oVx6SvLF8zhHU0Xq9HLeNkpbMR+yxn9m6Qf u3n2cWwHcVXJaacEhz42Fpc0jgWkgjZnsU50xO8/JEIwql0UW7KxfyGSCoi/tCMJliP9o+4KK6iJOckQ7vwXRwBGWo+DHk0f8AJz9nJkoiLdZj uNgfFOCjuRYhgPFt/BT8edvPgg1ts1XxIeDGXXZLs5stORsfc/8ALI79qbEDjvy/o2rsFo/JQDRxCXw8Y1/I5DkCF3vf6V19X6Sn65qnuOzC1oIPEkkIGMbcvFMsAxHPzSfSQ 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+qaACb5p2qi25A5hMz012klwuGmw4FS5FKAlk+IAEb79nPNMaP LnS4XkluefE32p6lpL5E7QLcuSmuhawA2uQbbbKLKaQfqv5v8A cgyjz3+CnRm+aWtURpIIod+XgjNNnmLqeG8vFKATFoITafknW0 vYpIPJGDySCkR/VQlUlKOlDs8i0eBCfxb7JLZMAaeLm273BLyOkan0P8P2IKR0vM IIoKRh72JpzFfRqnAdrn/EPkljUynv9KQ/3D5KSWZ7hzSgLnYtEGplLvL/AIx8kf6nUg97/ImFGd2HAqZowgSNPBwKuw1RpeLv8icZqlSDME349Iigoc0YA6u owNz3u+GJ5+1dDX+cYsN/3LR8cn/1SdC6LYyqidG9znWkGbsQa0tOdkzpiljqKh5kNyLNAx4LAAEZB NjKdPEb3v5KOWZq7HV6lzzP+Qo/0BSdvbISnQ9RRSxEGq+foGj4D4yknQVH7o+MooLKIQk3Cvv6Bo r/AEW97iiGhqIey34inQWUS/FFiHEK+foiiHsM8yjfo2iA+hH5pBqMyipg1xJfcHZyzvZRdIxs DHEXv/UVq8dFQnMNYe4/JSYNHUha5zYmFrb3NrgYdt7hGi0JzMgp47AYiCQeOXjvT9SA9t r4TfjvWjs0xorK0kHgT/2p0af0YM+kh7mOP/alS5FuZ3FU2aBcZZJz1rsV/drJo334+6N+X+lNnWfR97XBHERu8Pop3HkPsUMzn8hJhqHEuv7 1hYbrbVfhrbQDf/7T/wD4ojrlQX390EnyStcj0yKM2V3PwSwXcD3BXT9cKMZ4X35Qv+S T+utIPYf/AInfJGtchpZSJ2y3ADHm+3LYg5khcAWODG2N7bXA2A+0q7frvS 7o5P8AGfvCZk1zgOfQyH+0cMktSGoslfpIc/NBRP1tj+pPgEE7QtLGZNiYO1BBZlPyKTU6CCpCIbknigggotPo w/3mT/k/9wSdLf79P2t/6AggmQAqJIjQVsQ2jKCCkZGSo9qCCYmCTeokm1BBIQnerJq7/uE39NV96CCteAM80Z9FvYpzthRoLlfk6RmPenotqCCheQYob0P kiQSl5KQce1HxQQSXkqXgSnH7O5BBX7IGkEEFoI//2Q==


Yeah, but does it taste good with biscuits?


07-02-2014, 10:02 AM
Naw, its a rubber chicken. It just doesn't taste good at all no matter how you try to dress it up.


07-02-2014, 10:57 AM
I'm with Obvious ... you're an old fool .. LOL.

Have you convinced him the debt is decreasing yet? He's idiot enough to fall for it.

07-02-2014, 11:01 AM
Agreed. Ransom was the only person on my ignore list for this reason - he's just an abrasive troll.

Just put Chris on for, well pretty much the same reason except Chris is more antagonizing than abrasive, and an old fool.

I don't understand how Ransom isn't banned already. He brings nothing but contempt to the forum.

Translation: Ransom exposes my utter bullshit and makes me look like a fool in here....so I don't like him.

And that is too bad.....the forum beatings will continue until morale improves.

07-02-2014, 11:25 AM
Is gayboys your new word or something? Can we expect it to be irrelevantly blurted out in every thread?
We can ... why ?

You don't actually know of one congressional tea partier who doesn't conduct himself as a little gayboy do you ?


The Xl
07-02-2014, 11:27 AM
We can ... why ?

You don't actually know of one congressional tea partier who doesn't conduct himself as a little gayboy do you ?


This post has no meaning whatsoever.

What is a "gayboy," and what do tea partiers do that would classify them as such? Also, do you have an issue with gays? Because the language and context you're using the word in doesn't seem very nice. That's not very progressive of you.

The Xl
07-02-2014, 11:28 AM
Anyway, the worst was easily Johnson. Obama and Bush are basically tied. No one was really that good post WW2, but props to Eisenhower and Kennedy for at least making some sort of stand against the powers that be.

07-02-2014, 11:31 AM
This post has no meaning whatsoever.

What is a "gayboy," and what do tea partiers do that would classify them as such? Also, do you have an issue with gays? Because the language and context you're using the word in doesn't seem very nice. That's not very progressive of you.
Easy .. congressional tea party gayboys cry like victimized and abused women by calling Obama the worst president since WWII.

07-02-2014, 11:43 AM
Easy .. congressional tea party gayboys cry like victimized and abused women by calling Obama the worst president since WWII.

he is the worst president in my lifetime with the exception of reagan

The Xl
07-02-2014, 11:44 AM
he is the worst president in my lifetime with the exception of reagan

Odd seeing a liberal but Obama above Bush.

07-02-2014, 11:45 AM
We can ... why ?

You don't actually know of one congressional tea partier who doesn't conduct himself as a little gayboy do you ?


Speaking of "gay boys," I bet you voted for Obama. If you voted for him twice, you are way to ignorant to argue with!:rollseyes:

07-02-2014, 11:49 AM
he is the worst president in my lifetime with the exception of reagan

Its statements like that comparing the greatest 20th century president by far with the hands down worst American president of all time that makes people laugh at your obvious incompetence of being a serious debater.

07-02-2014, 11:52 AM
he is the worst president in my lifetime with the exception of reagan
Yes ?

I never took you for a gayboy.


The Xl
07-02-2014, 11:52 AM
Yes ?

I neveer took you for a gayboy.


You're just mad that he's a liberal who might not be a totally partisan hack.

07-02-2014, 11:54 AM
You're just mad that he's a liberal who might not be a totally partisan hack.
I merely said I never took for 'em a gayboy ... so why don't you ask 'em if in fact he is a gayboy ... LOL

The Xl
07-02-2014, 11:57 AM
I merely said I never took for 'em a gayboy ... so why don't you ask 'em if in fact he is a gayboy ... LOL

This is such a stupid post, I really have no idea how to respond to it.

Captain Obvious
07-02-2014, 11:59 AM
This is such a stupid post, I really have no idea how to respond to it.


07-02-2014, 11:59 AM
This is such a stupid post, I really have no idea how to respond to it.
Sure you do ... gayboys do nothing else except whine and cry like little wussies ... hence congressional tea party gayboys ... LOL

Paperback Writer
07-02-2014, 12:10 PM
Sure you do ... gayboys do nothing else except whine and cry like little wussies ... hence congressional tea party gayboys ... LOL

You have a forum of "gayboys" then. Is it something in your water supply, perhaps?

07-02-2014, 12:15 PM
You have a forum of "gayboys" then. Is it something in your water supply, perhaps?
Ahhhh ... you're a wise one ... say for instance Paulie just stepped-up to the plate to impress us with his foreign policy expertise again ... this time regarding his Pro-Israel stance ...

Yeah, cut-off aid to the Palestinians.

Wow ! .... He sure fixed that Obama failure.

Rand Paul rebukes White House in pro-Israel column


Whoa ... strike a pose dude ... LOL


07-02-2014, 03:33 PM
I can see it's still an all skate in here.

07-02-2014, 03:39 PM
Yes ?

I never took you for a gayboy.


you never took me for ice cream, either

07-02-2014, 03:40 PM
Its statements like that comparing the greatest 20th century president by far with the hands down worst American president of all time that makes people laugh at your obvious incompetence of being a serious debater.

somehow your assessment doesn't have the sting you think it does.

reagan flat out sucked, and obama is giving him a run for his money.

07-02-2014, 03:42 PM
Without having read through all the posts at this point, i'll say that without a doubt that Obama is the most HATED president since WWII. But not the worst one.

07-02-2014, 03:43 PM
you never took me for ice cream, either

And with the debt decreasing and all, I figure Debt Clock could at least afford an ice cream. Meh.

07-02-2014, 03:44 PM
Without having read through all the posts at this point, i'll say that without a doubt that Obama is the most HATED president since WWII. But not the worst one.

Nah, Bush, everything is still his damned fault.

07-02-2014, 03:45 PM
Without having read through all the posts at this point, i'll say that without a doubt that Obama is the most HATED president since WWII. But not the worst one.

He sure is some uniter eh? But yes, by far, he ranks the worst of my lifetime. This starts with FDR to date. Never has this country had a president who prances and thinks he became god till Obama.

07-02-2014, 03:47 PM
somehow your assessment doesn't have the sting you think it does.

reagan flat out sucked, and obama is giving him a run for his money.

Reagan is the best president America has had. I go back to FDR and Reagan by far is best.

07-02-2014, 03:48 PM
If I might generalize I'd say ever since Coolidge we've had progressively worse presidents.

07-02-2014, 03:51 PM
Without having read through all the posts at this point, i'll say that without a doubt that Obama is the most HATED president since WWII. But not the worst one.

He's not done yet.


07-02-2014, 03:58 PM
Reagan is the best president America has had. I go back to FDR and Reagan by far is best.Reagan was one of the best presidents the wealthy saw since WWII...

Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts. Unemployment jumped to 10.8 percent after Reagan enacted his much-touted tax cut, and it took years for the rate to get back down to its previous level. Meanwhile, income inequality exploded. Despite the myth that Reagan presided over an era of unmatched economic boom for all Americans, Reagan disproportionately taxed the poor and middle class, but the economic growth of the 1980′s did little help them. “Since 1980, median household income has risen only 30 percent, adjusted for inflation, while average incomes at the top have tripled or quadrupled,”
http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/02/05/142288/reagan-centennial/...and he was popular with a bunch of people, but again, popular doesn't mean great. Two different animals.

07-02-2014, 04:01 PM
He's not done yet.


Oh I think the fat lady has sung already. Time to put a fork in it.

07-02-2014, 04:01 PM
He's not done yet.

:grin:No, you're right about that.

07-02-2014, 04:02 PM
Reagan is the best president America has had. I go back to FDR and Reagan by far is best.

whatever, bobby

07-02-2014, 04:02 PM
Oh I think the fat lady has sung already. Time to put a fork in it.The republicans can only hope. God knows they've did all they could to make that happen.

07-02-2014, 04:04 PM
Yes indeed, they've been so powerful with their one third of the government. Ignore all those jobs bills they sent to Dirty Harry.

Talk about partisan foolery.

07-02-2014, 04:07 PM
The republicans can only hope. God knows they've did all they could to make that happen.

Which roles were reversed in the past, like under Reagan. That's the way our government was designed.

07-02-2014, 04:11 PM
So what, everybody wants to be like Truman.... and his numbers were worse....
At least Truman had the balls to drop the bomb that ended the war.

07-02-2014, 04:13 PM
Except for neocons and little gayboy tea partiers who prefer you go home and die as their domestic policy expertise.

Well accept that poor people have less access to healthcare under the ACA that would be good!

It would be nice if you would base something on the truth, instead of lies and deception, But I suppose that with the idiots coming out of the public educations system You might be on to something.

07-02-2014, 04:15 PM
Did you say gay?



Not exactly this


No that is not gay???? That is full blown Fagot!!!!!

07-02-2014, 04:16 PM
You're behind pretty much even standard historians on this one. Everyone thinks Johnson murdered Kennedy.

Well I would say that he had knowledge of it! But there were a lot of people including the mob that were not happy with Jack!

07-02-2014, 04:17 PM
So what, everybody wants to be like Truman.... and his numbers were worse....

Isn't Ironic that one week they're filing Law Suits because Obama is Overreaching, the next week they're whining that he's done nothing.

Yea their Numer One Job from Obama first Day as President was to say NO to EVERYTHING ... eking if they like it. :laugh:

The next two years are going to be Fun

07-02-2014, 04:17 PM
I'm sure Putin didn't invent Oswald. He's not 80.

He might have in Exotix's world? things happen differently there!

07-02-2014, 04:18 PM
Do us a favor ... don't think out loud.

How would you know if someone is thinking? We are still waiting for your first original thought?

07-02-2014, 04:20 PM
Little tea party gayboys pretending they're little scarfaces taking the country back by assuming hysterics of abused women .. LOL

How was it that the court ruling denied contraception to women again, You forgot to answer that yesterday?

07-02-2014, 04:23 PM
We can ... why ?

You don't actually know of one congressional tea partier who doesn't conduct himself as a little gayboy do you ?


Welcome to the Democrats war on Gay people! Remember they are the party of inclusion and compassion

07-02-2014, 04:27 PM
Easy .. congressional tea party gayboys cry like victimized and abused women by calling Obama the worst president since WWII.

So now you are against abused women?


And it was a poll? The people don't like him because he is ineffective and he is a crybaby as well. have you been watching his speeches

WAAAAH! they won't let me do this!!!!!! WAAAAH! they won't let me do that! I 'm going to take my phone and pen and go home.

07-02-2014, 04:27 PM
I just want to say that Barack Obama has done a horrible job at being the worst president. He is a lousy tyrant, dictator, fascist, communist, warmonger, etc. People still have the freedom to follow religion or not.

"White slavery" has not been established. There have been no black helicopters or FEMA camps. The government is not reading all our thoughts. We've gone from losing jobs to having over 40 consecutive months of private sector job growth.

Bin Laden is dead. The Constitution is still in tact and hasn't been trampled. There have been no new wars started thus far, and no more 9/11-type attacks here. He has not raised taxes on poor Americans, and he got rid of tax cuts for the rich. He ended the Iraq War, and has been drawing down the Afghanistan War. He signed the Fair Pay Act and reformed the country's health care system.

And so on.


As for who is more deserving of this title, Reagan did raise taxes on the poor in addition to lowering top tax rates from how they were under Carter, and he got the country more engaged in the Cold War. And under him and both Bushes, the deficit and unemployment both increased. Under Bush ll, the administration started two wars and didn't care much about catching the culprits responsible for 9/11, and misled the country into believing that there were WMDs. Furthermore, none of these presidents dealt with news networks dedicated to criticizing their every move, or SC decisions allowing billionaire tycoons to "make it rain" when it comes to spending for negative ads against them, or Congresspersons who were more interested in obstruction than working together to see the country succeed.

With all of this in mind, I call on the community to strip Mr. Obama of his "Worst Post-WWll President" trophy. Thank you, and have a nice day.


07-02-2014, 04:28 PM
he is the worst president in my lifetime with the exception of reagan

Didn't Reagan rank #1?????? That is interesting

07-02-2014, 04:29 PM
Rancid is to the forum like conservatism is to America ... a disease and plague ... conservatism plays America like it's an abused wife beaten-down in domestic violence ... then it says America would be better-off with themselves at the helm ... that's how we ended-up with Bush and the neocons.

Today, we have little tea party boys with little tea party gayboy haircuts in Congress pretending they are mafioso-like Bush neocons.
Hey! I hate to break this to you. But, we were a helluva lot better off under Bush than we are now. Where we are now sucks rotten eggs.

07-02-2014, 04:30 PM
Ahhhh ... you're a wise one ... say for instance Paulie just stepped-up to the plate to impress us with his foreign policy expertise again ... this time regarding his Pro-Israel stance ...

Yeah, cut-off aid to the Palestinians.

Wow ! .... He sure fixed that Obama failure.

Rand Paul rebukes White House in pro-Israel column


Whoa ... strike a pose dude ... LOL


And the Trifecta in one thread!


07-02-2014, 04:32 PM
Without having read through all the posts at this point, i'll say that without a doubt that Obama is the most HATED president since WWII. But not the worst one.

I think that the poll has it right, Because Obama has really accomplished nothing but the ACA, and the ACA is a total disaster!

All of the other things that he has tried with E.O's the court is overturning.

07-02-2014, 04:34 PM
If I might generalize I'd say ever since Coolidge we've had progressively worse presidents.

I like Coolidge, but JFK, and Reagan certainly turned the country around. LBJ, Carter, Obama, likely the biggest deviders

07-02-2014, 04:35 PM
Reagan was one of the best presidents the wealthy saw since WWII...

...and he was popular with a bunch of people, but again, popular doesn't mean great. Two different animals.

But Clintons 1996 Capital gains tax cuts was certainly better for the rich than the Reagan tax cuts.

07-02-2014, 04:37 PM
Gosh, Blad, funny that middle class jobs grew like weeds during the last Reagan term.

Also, the rich paid more taxes than ever.

Never let facts get in the way of your class hatred BS, guy.

Now shall we talk about the REAL friend of the rich POTUS? You know, the same guy on whose watch 70 percent of the job "creation" for working people are crappy part time jobs? Or the same guy on whose watch middle class incomes have been FALLING while the 0.1 percent have gotten richer faster than at any time on history?

No, we don't want to talk about that because it really does make you look silly.


07-02-2014, 04:38 PM
I like Coolidge, but JFK, and Reagan certainly turned the country around. LBJ, Carter, Obama, likely the biggest deviders

What about Clinton, other than his impeachable, would he fall in with JFK and Reagan? And Bush, definitely another divider, wouldn't you say?

07-02-2014, 04:39 PM
I just want to say that Barack Obama has done a horrible job at being the worst president. He is a lousy tyrant, dictator, fascist, communist, warmonger, etc. People still have the freedom to follow religion or not.

"White slavery" has not been established. There have been no black helicopters or FEMA camps. The government is not reading all our thoughts. We've gone from losing jobs to having over 40 consecutive months of private sector job growth.

Bin Laden is dead. The Constitution is still in tact and hasn't been trampled. There have been no new wars started thus far, and no more 9/11-type attacks here. He has not raised taxes on poor Americans, and he got rid of tax cuts for the rich. He ended the Iraq War, and has been drawing down the Afghanistan War. He signed the Fair Pay Act and reformed the country's health care system.

And so on.


As for who is more deserving of this title, Reagan did raise taxes on the poor in addition to lowering top tax rates from how they were under Carter, and he got the country more engaged in the Cold War. And under him and both Bushes, the deficit and unemployment both increased. Under Bush ll, the administration started two wars and didn't care much about catching the culprits responsible for 9/11, and misled the country into believing that there were WMDs. Furthermore, none of these presidents dealt with news networks dedicated to criticizing their every move, or SC decisions allowing billionaire tycoons to "make it rain" when it comes to spending for negative ads against them, or Congresspersons who were more interested in obstruction than working together to see the country succeed.

With all of this in mind, I call on the community to strip Mr. Obama of his "Worst Post-WWll President" trophy. Thank you, and have a nice day.


Well you may be right, if he had tried that, at least it would have been something.

Cigar you are nobodies fool and you know that history is not going to judge Obama well! He is not capable of working with the opposition, and thus he has not been able to lead

07-02-2014, 04:40 PM
Oh yes, he's very much Barry's fool.


07-02-2014, 04:44 PM
What about Clinton, other than his impeachable, would he fall in with JFK and Reagan? And Bush, definitely another divider, wouldn't you say?

I certainly don't think that Clinton was a bad President and there was a small economic slow down at the end of Bush #1

But he did not turn the country around? Reagan took the disaster left by Carter and in 8 years created 21 million jobs, and won the cold war!

Jfk took a fairly deep recession and turned it around and caught up and passed the Russians on the space races and ballistic missiles.

Clinton took a fairly well oiled machine, and ran with it, but he had the Waco attack on US citizens, and depleted the military, and passed on Osama twice?

So while I don't have a lot of issues, he was not a President that changed the direction of the country for the better

07-02-2014, 04:47 PM
Hey! I hate to break this to you. But, we were a helluva lot better off under Bush than we are now. Where we are now sucks rotten eggs.
I certainly don't think that Clinton was a bad President and there was a small economic slow down at the end of Bush #1

But he did not turn the country around? Reagan took the disaster left by Carter and in 8 years created 21 million jobs, and won the cold war!

Jfk took a fairly deep recession and turned it around and caught up and passed the Russians on the space races and ballistic missiles.

Clinton took a fairly well oiled machine, and ran with it, but he had the Waco attack on US citizens, and depleted the military, and passed on Osama twice?

So while I don't have a lot of issues, he was not a President that changed the direction of the country for the better

07-02-2014, 04:49 PM

Actually you are right here Exotix My first like should have said


07-02-2014, 04:54 PM
Yes indeed, they've been so powerful with their one third of the government. Ignore all those jobs bills they sent to Dirty Harry.

Talk about partisan foolery.Jobs bills? Really?

Not many of them would have created few if any new jobs.

07-02-2014, 05:15 PM
I think that the poll has it right, Because Obama has really accomplished nothing but the ACA, and the ACA is a total disaster!

All of the other things that he has tried with E.O's the court is overturning.If you feel compelled to ignore the obstructionist policies of the GOP, you must then ignore Obama's inability to lead. The obstructionism is pretty much an accepted reality these days. At least W didn't have to deal with that. He even got the wars he wanted!

The ACA is a total disaster? I guess it depends on who you talk to. If you talk to the state of Kentucky, it's working just fine for them. Kentucky... that's McConnell's state. You remember him...He's the guy who told America that his number one priority was to keep Obama a one-term-only president.
It seems like more and more, little by little, people are seeing that the ACA isn't the nightmare the righties said it would be. Time will tell, but so far, the right wing doesn't have much to show for all of their ranting.

07-02-2014, 05:17 PM
Jobs bills? Really?

Not many of them would have created few if any new jobs.

Then it would have been the first time in the history of the country, that creating the business environment would not have lead to massive economic growth and the creation of jobs.

07-02-2014, 05:19 PM
If you feel compelled to ignore the obstructionist policies of the GOP, you must then ignore Obama's inability to lead. The obstructionism is pretty much an accepted reality these days. At least W didn't have to deal with that. He even got the wars he wanted!

The ACA is a total disaster? I guess it depends on who you talk to. If you talk to the state of Kentucky, it's working just fine for them. Kentucky... that's McConnell's state. You remember him...He's the guy who told America that his number one priority was to keep Obama a one-term-only president.
It seems like more and more, little by little, people are seeing that the ACA isn't the nightmare the righties said it would be. Time will tell, but so far, the right wing doesn't have much to show for all of their ranting.

I would have to know how many doctors and hospitals are accepting the Government pool insurance to tell you.

In MI you are going to be driving a long way to find someone to treat you

07-02-2014, 05:20 PM
I like Coolidge, but JFK, and Reagan certainly turned the country around. LBJ, Carter, Obama, likely the biggest devidersWhere does Nixon fit in?

07-02-2014, 05:24 PM

Americans aren’t feeling the presidential love these days. President Barack Obama (http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/02/joe-biden-barack-obama-problems-relationship/?utm_source=Linksmart&utm_medium=cpc) has been down in approval polls for quite some time now, hovering in the low 40 percentiles (http://www.gallup.com/poll/116479/Barack-Obama-Presidential-Job-Approval.aspx) for much of 2014, and hitting his all time low of 38 percent job approval in 2011 most recently — according to Gallup. On average, compared with other presidents (http://parade.condenast.com/263504/michelechollow/first-felines-for-presidents-day/?utm_source=linksmart&utm_medium=linksmart_campaign&utm_campaign=ROS) during this time in their presidency, he isn’t doing that far below the average. However, a new poll from Quinnipiac Universitylisted President Obama as the worst (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/news-and-events/quinnipiac-university-poll/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2056) U.S. president since World War II, worse even then the runner up: George W. Bush (http://parade.condenast.com/263504/michelechollow/first-felines-for-presidents-day/?utm_source=linksmart&utm_medium=linksmart_campaign&utm_campaign=ROS). Richard Nixon had 13 percent of respondents calling him the worst president, with Jimmy Carter taking 8 percent and George W. Bush with 28 percent to Barack Obama’s 33 percent. Only 8 percent called Obama the best president, while Harry Truman and John Kennedy both received no votes putting them as the worst presidents, and Ronald Reagan (http://parade.condenast.com/263504/michelechollow/first-felines-for-presidents-day/?utm_source=linksmart&utm_medium=linksmart_campaign&utm_campaign=ROS) received 35 percent of votes for being the best president.

07-02-2014, 05:25 PM
Where does Nixon fit in?

Well compared to the current administration he was a Fucking Choir boy, but he did knowing have people commit a crime.

But he opened China and ended the war too? not a bad economy.

I would rate them as follows. Starting with the Worst.

Obama, Carter, Johnson, Nixon. GWB

07-02-2014, 05:25 PM
But Clintons 1996 Capital gains tax cuts was certainly better for the rich than the Reagan tax cuts.Only because Republicans owned both the House and the Senate for the last 6 years of his presidency. But really; it doesn't matter. All of our leaders will work for, rather than against, the betterment of the wealthiest Americans and corporations.

Common Sense
07-02-2014, 05:30 PM
Looks like the Repub smear campaign is working...

07-02-2014, 05:30 PM
Then it would have been the first time in the history of the country, that creating the business environment would not have lead to massive economic growth and the creation of jobs.And therein lies the discussion: would their "jobs bills" create an environment that would successfully create new and permanent jobs for middle class workers, or would these bills just "adjust" the environment to better serve those at the top. It's a fair question given that our government is owned by big money. Effectively, they are the ones who write our laws.

07-02-2014, 05:32 PM
I would have to know how many doctors and hospitals are accepting the Government pool insurance to tell you.

In MI you are going to be driving a long way to find someone to treat youSorry. I have no information or facts on either one of your points. I'll need to check out MI.

07-02-2014, 05:39 PM

Well compared to the current administration he was a Fucking Choir boy, but he did knowing have people commit a crime.

But he opened China and ended the war too? not a bad economy.

I would rate them as follows. Starting with the Worst.

Obama, Carter, Johnson, Nixon. GWBYeah. He opened China. Look were that got us. (j/k).
I think that a distinct change happened between the Carter and the Reagan administration. And i'm not sure it was was just happenstance. That change certainly wasn't for the better, IMO.

07-02-2014, 05:39 PM
And therein lies the discussion: would their "jobs bills" create an environment that would successfully create new and permanent jobs for middle class workers, or would these bills just "adjust" the environment to better serve those at the top. It's a fair question given that our government is owned by big money. Effectively, they are the ones who write our laws.

How is it that the wealth gap is growing faster under the policy of Obama?

Yes if you encourage investment in the economy it creates middle class jobs.

The Xl
07-02-2014, 05:39 PM
Johnson is clearly the worst post WW2 Pres.

07-02-2014, 05:41 PM
Yeah. He opened China. Look were that got us. (j/k).
I think that a distinct change happened between the Carter and the Reagan administration. And i'm not sure it was was just happenstance. That change certainly wasn't for the better, IMO.

What was bad about what changed between Carter and Reagan?

And it was the Clinton Free trade that caused the jobs to move to Mexico first and then China, Nixon opened trade, and we were exporting!

07-02-2014, 05:57 PM
:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: ... I'm betting this so-called "public" wished McPalin or MittCantor where President.

Well guess what ... Obama is and will be for the next two years, The 44th Back-2-Black President of The United States.

I can't wait to see what the GOP puts up against someone like Hillary Clinton, or Elizabeth Warren, or a Bernie Sanders or a Howard Dean.

Can you immagin the GOP Clown Car up against them.

Keep Hope Alive :laugh: with after the fact Polls

07-02-2014, 05:59 PM
Looks like the Repub smear campaign is working...

Working like a charm ... after Both Presidential Elections .... Brilliant :grin:

07-02-2014, 05:59 PM

07-02-2014, 06:02 PM
Looks like the Repub smear campaign is working...

Oh sure. That's why there's such a shift among Dems and independents.

Even the shilling media is on his case.

Last one out, turn off the lights.

07-02-2014, 06:04 PM
Blad would have preferred for the cold war with China to continue?

The Xl
07-02-2014, 06:14 PM
I don't know if one poll determines public opinion. If I had to guess, Obama and Bush are neck and neck in the courts of public opinion. Not surprisingly, they're the two most recent and both are fresh in everyones head.

07-02-2014, 06:26 PM
Let's face it, we've had 13.5 years of continuous really bad leadership. It is really starting to sink the ship and we have 2.5 more years of the most current disaster to go.

I shoulda voted for Gore.


07-02-2014, 08:20 PM
I shoulda voted for Gore.

Ah yes, a touch of humor goes a long way in masking your disgust.

07-02-2014, 08:23 PM
I wonder how long the Pain of Obama kicking that Ass twice will last for ReTugs :laugh:

5 ... maybe 6 generations? :grin:

07-02-2014, 08:24 PM
Still whining? Poor cigar

07-02-2014, 08:26 PM
I wonder how long the Pain of Obama kicking that Ass twice will last for ReTugs :laugh:

5 ... maybe 6 generations? :grin:

Three Weeks into the next Presidents term, he will be the President that wasn't

07-02-2014, 08:29 PM
Three Weeks into the next Presidents term, he will be the President that wasn't

How much MONEY are YOU willing to put on that?

The same amount that ObamaCare will be Repealed and 10 Million won't sigh up? :laugh:

07-02-2014, 08:55 PM
How much MONEY are YOU willing to put on that?

The same amount that ObamaCare will be Repealed and 10 Million won't sigh up? :laugh:

I will pay to have your vet professionally detailed.

Remember the actions that the CBO said will cost 500 to 800 thousand jobs will be going into effect just before the election!

They are could be killing it before the next election.

And there is NO problem with those that have signed up? Grand father them in, and then use the Obama doctrine. If you change your plan in any way? You lose and are forced to go to a private plan!