View Full Version : Healthcare solution?

10-24-2014, 07:44 AM
Why not simply make affordable catastrophic health insurance available and have us pay as we go for the routine stuff? This would:
1) Decrease or end the flawed idea of health insurance being tied to a particular FT job
2) Create true price competition in healthcare which has been missing for decades
3) Provide individuals with incentive to improve lifestyle and become more discerning about how much healthcare they use and for what issues

Captain Obvious
10-24-2014, 07:47 AM
I've made this suggestion several times now, in fact I put myself and my family on just that plan for a couple years when I was doing interim/consulting gigs on my own. I basically bought a major medical plan for like $200/year and paid everything else out of pocket, which was minimal.

These are the kinds of plans kids should be on - 30-somethings and under.

10-24-2014, 07:51 AM
Agreed. I have also said this would be a great way to control some of our health care costs. It would introduce the free market into routine health care.