View Full Version : Why voters hate the Obama economy

11-05-2014, 04:58 PM
CNN reports in Why voters hate the Obama economy (http://money.cnn.com/2014/11/05/news/economy/voters-obama-economy-four-charts/index.html) that 70% of exit polled voters were unhappy with the economy.

Here's why:





Thank you O-government.

11-05-2014, 05:03 PM
People no longer believe their children will be better off than themselves:


What that means, basically, is that Americans no longer believe in the American dream.

11-05-2014, 05:14 PM
As is usually the case the statistics above are meaningless explanations. Consider that only a third of eligible voters voted, add to that the ones who do: roughly 75% white, 35% earn more than 75k, and 52% are over 50 years of age. These people vote republican for obvious and sometime not so obvious reasons. The people at the bottom who should hate their economic situation do not vote. This is fact, but why baffles me. For those of us in our class of the economy all is great. I should be voting republican. LOL



11-05-2014, 05:17 PM
As is usually the case the statistics above are meaningless explanations. Consider that only a third of eligible voters voted, add to that the ones who do: roughly 75% white, 35% earn more than 75k, and 52% are over 50 years of age. These people vote republican for obvious and sometime not so obvious reasons. The people at the bottom who should hate their economic situation do not vote. This is fact, but why baffles me. For those of us in our class of the economy all is great. I should be voting republican. LOL



As is usually the case the statistics above are meaningless explanations.

Uh, statistics are not explanations. They are aggregations of facts.

It was your explanation that was meaningless.

11-05-2014, 05:18 PM
Obama is grim:


Captain Obvious
11-05-2014, 05:29 PM
I think a big question now is, over the next 2 years what if anything does the O'bama do in order to prop up his reputation in order not to be a liability to the next election.

11-05-2014, 05:36 PM
None of that is obamas fault, the fault for stagnating wages and no jobs belongs to CORPORATE AMERICA who has waged a campaign against american workers for the gain.

11-05-2014, 06:33 PM
None of that is obamas fault, the fault for stagnating wages and no jobs belongs to CORPORATE AMERICA who has waged a campaign against american workers for the gain.

You sound like shrillary Hillary.

It's the fault of government interference in the economy, for decades now.

11-05-2014, 06:35 PM
Without the black market economy the US would have gone under.


http://www.alternet.org/story/152446/inside_the_trillion-dollar_underground_economy_keeping_many_americans_ (barely)_afloat_in_desperate_times

11-05-2014, 06:36 PM
I think a big question now is, over the next 2 years what if anything does the O'bama do in order to prop up his reputation in order not to be a liability to the next election.

About all he can do is whine about Congress. Common can offer to share his tissues.

11-05-2014, 07:31 PM
I will make it simple.

The middle class carrys this country.
The middle class pay is down.
Their costs are up.
This BS "zillion jobs created" is obviously without context because people can't get them unless they want to deliver pizza.
Their taxes are up.
Their insurance costs are up.
They were lied to about Obamacare and HE / Harry soon to be gone Reid are inflexible on fixing it.

The peoples pockets are being emptied by the democrats. But every day they make their rich keepers millions.

11-05-2014, 07:50 PM
The middle class, middle america is by far most of america, make them unhappy and you dont win elections.
Democrat party needs to get back to being the party of the working man.

Not the party of Illegal Mexicans, homosexuals and Climate Change.

Middle america is BROKEN and hurting and theyve been hurting for 7 yrs, they dont want to hear any more of that hand wringing crap over the wants of progressives and special interests and they dont want the far right teatards who only zip and unzip the crotch of the 2% and corporations.

11-05-2014, 08:16 PM
We have been hurting for longer than 7 years. We have the best government that money can buy...but most of us don't have enough $$ to buy us any.

We watch as politicians of both parties get rich & provide favors for their friends & supporters. We have watched our incomes sink and our level of living fall.

The programs that are supposed to help the neediest of Americans are being used to buy votes while the rules governing it cause families to disintegrate. We see lots of fingers pointing out blame but no real efforts to address the problems.

Our taxes go to fund research grants for medical research so private industry can copyright new drugs & procedures & gouge us for the use of them. Our medical programs fatten the accounts of insurance companies while children die waiting for someone to pay for liver transplants.

The educational system that is supposed to prepare our children for world competition is a joke...available funds go to second class private colleges while the public schools ignore basic education in favor of arguments about creationism.

Our leaders spend millions to create uproars about non-issues so that Oz behind the curtain can continue doing whatever he wants.

11-05-2014, 08:21 PM
We have been hurting for longer than 7 years. We have the best government that money can buy...but most of us don't have enough $$ to buy us any.

We watch as politicians of both parties get rich & provide favors for their friends & supporters. We have watched our incomes sink and our level of living fall.

The programs that are supposed to help the neediest of Americans are being used to buy votes while the rules governing it cause families to disintegrate. We see lots of fingers pointing out blame but no real efforts to address the problems.

Our taxes go to fund research grants for medical research so private industry can copyright new drugs & procedures & gouge us for the use of them. Our medical programs fatten the accounts of insurance companies while children die waiting for someone to pay for liver transplants.

The educational system that is supposed to prepare our children for world competition is a joke...available funds go to second class private colleges while the public schools ignore basic education in favor of arguments about creationism.

Our leaders spend millions to create uproars about non-issues so that Oz behind the curtain can continue doing whatever he wants.

Well said, I agree with you

11-05-2014, 08:53 PM
PolWatch, well said. You capture well the problems with our system of failed government.

11-05-2014, 09:30 PM
Obama is grim:

And he has very good reason to be. Seeing as how Republicans will engage in nothing but gridlock and continue obstructionism and try to CUT much needed programs and services in order to give big tax cuts to the richest 1% that will be a detriment to the American people, he has Excellent Reason to look grim.

11-05-2014, 11:20 PM
And he has very good reason to be. Seeing as how Republicans will engage in nothing but gridlock and continue obstructionism and try to CUT much needed programs and services in order to give big tax cuts to the richest 1% that will be a detriment to the American people, he has Excellent Reason to look grim.

He probably has more reason to be from about the old and now failed talking points you just paraded out. Save it for next election.

11-05-2014, 11:33 PM
the public schools ignore basic education in favor of arguments about creationism.

Or the joys of the homosexual lifestyle.

Maybe the poor quality of the public teachers has something to do with the poor performance of public school students.