View Full Version : One Killed After Bridge Collapses On I-35 In Salado, Texas

03-26-2015, 02:15 PM

One person was killed and several injured Thursday when a bridge currently under construction was hit and collapsed onto Interstate-35 in Salado, Texas.

The accident was reported at 11:15 a.m. at FM 2484 and I-35.

According to TXDOT, an oversized tractor trailer struck a bridge support, causing several beams to fall onto the roadway.

Read more: http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2015/03/26/report-i-35-bridge-collapses-in-salado-texas/

Ironically ... this was just one of thousands of Infrastructure projects that required constructions ... this one was under construction ... but too late. :undecided:

There are Ticking Time Bombs like this all over the Country, while the our Legislators play Russian Roulette with American lives.

Hope now one you or I Love is next.

03-26-2015, 02:17 PM

03-26-2015, 02:36 PM
This bridge didn't collapse on its own, it was hit by a truck.


03-26-2015, 02:44 PM
This bridge didn't collapse on its own, it was hit by a truck.


Bridges get hit by Truck Tailors everyday all the time ...

03-26-2015, 02:47 PM

One person was killed and several injured Thursday when a bridge currently under construction was hit and collapsed onto Interstate-35 in Salado, Texas.

The accident was reported at 11:15 a.m. at FM 2484 and I-35.

According to TXDOT, an oversized tractor trailer struck a bridge support, causing several beams to fall onto the roadway.

Read more: http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2015/03/26/report-i-35-bridge-collapses-in-salado-texas/

Ironically ... this was just one of thousands of Infrastructure projects that required constructions ... this one was under construction ... but too late. :undecided:

There are Ticking Time Bombs like this all over the Country, while the our Legislators play Russian Roulette with American lives.

Hope now one you or I Love is next.

Really man? We should have repaired the bridge sooner to prevent a tractor trailer from running into it? WOW you are really something!

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-tJ1aqE2EQWRnx9MGerSnlL9N5doM3HrP6LGAycGysnosTR0NOq LWEQ

03-26-2015, 02:48 PM
Really man? We should have repaired the bridge sooner to prevent a tractor trailer from running into it?

http://thepoliticalforums.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAG4AawMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAwQGBwECCAD/xAA/EAACAQMCBAMEBQoFBQAAAAABAgMABBEFIQYSMUETUWEicYGRFC MyodEHFRZCUmKUscHwJDNVguE0Q0Vyov/EABkBAAMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDBAUBAP/EACcRAAICAgIBAwQDAQAAAAAAAAABAhEDEiExQRMyUQQi0fBxk fEU/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCD2DeC+aPw6mFjILVH0G1bE4rIjkaLJYo vsd6lceMDg5zWeGuB9V4om/wMPh2wbEl1LtGvu/aPoPuptZwPfXtvZxH6y4lSJe+CxAH866E1CBeGeDLpNIVY/oNo7REjO4GcnzOcmq8ScltIRonJQj5Ixo/A3DfB/hS6lfPdTkHEco+2f3YxufvqQnW7x05dM0tYYVGzXTcmR6IP6kH 0oZp8UMUSyhJJbhiGklY8zMBg+0T8aezNOuy+Gnivgqdz5ZNde Z3UeCaf1EY+1XQtJqWtwnLrYsueXARhv5Z5q3/PkiSZv9Jf2VwZIGWQAZ364OKRNrztzSzMCRkc3nXuWflyJQ+Y8 kcud9iRt8OtD67rsBfUTv7o8fvwFLaTTNTVxbgCRftLyFHX4HF DryBrWUo2/wCyfMU2snMfFdoz8q+LFKmAc9QrDf8A2mpDrEAmsnbHtJ7S/wBapi9o2UcNKS8/4QvV5cRn3VXGsqZZgVJ67ip3rsmIj6Cqy1O/Iu+QHOOuKKL5FzVo3WUQSjmbGR3pYzQsc83WhlzMsrZKkNjApm bwxnkZdx1yaNyoBQHC0nKxHQUSFia81mBuaxY9mhPNGuAt+S3S 5NR4ysnI+qtM3EhP7vT/AOiKvLiWA3PD2pwqCTJaSqAO+VNQr8jemiGzv78r/mOsSn0UZP3n7qV/KD+UeDQXk03SFjudSH+Y7bxwe/zPp27+VakOIE+Jvbb45MaZqM1zYQvaJiNE9q4uH8GJMqAfaI3P XoDTa/4g0aIlL3ioStk/VadblyPieYVTmrcQ3+qzF725kvJOxlYiNPcox/T40zSO9nX/ADXCfsp7I+QpesY8jNMSk3GP9/v4Lfl4z4Th9kprk7Abs0ix5+HMP5U3f8oHDnL9Ra66n7yyo/8AMmqnXSrhjgL91I3GkSwnnKHbuBXVKLGPhe1Ft2f5QdLk1nT5 5ri7SG2kLEy268+CrLg8rH9rPTtVraTrel65bmTTLyG5THtBDu vvHUVyE7Tx7F2I8mOaIaNr15pV5HcW1xJbzr9mRDj4eo9DRx46 EzmnSaqvj8F5cVweC80JP2Sfl2qotQjdNQfbbvVgT8UfpLpdrf SIqXQ5oLoIMKXXBDD0IYe7FAprESSlpF2NC8iTEz+3hkfiEk0y +GBzA7Hy+FPriyXxm8Xww/622aKw2SW5EkaR8/bmXOKSewEjl2IyTk0XqIDcUgjZ3AIpe8scRhwKysqinElyjwkN 5YrE2akgAtxNxe/BPCel6Rp5VNRurcyFguShbcnyzlu/lVQQi6u/EkmLFnYnB3yeuT5n1NSHixBfajb3ksh8YxiMl8lVA6HYE96P6f oMMVhFzSIzcudgd/mK1t7iqLsbuCXwV9NA9kiySvGhboH6n4Vi1vp0bxvHMiqMuqDZ R6jr8ac21n+cruZ5yPEEnOhDjIwfslfLHQ0jq9l+biLmIOXMhJ bYLjH2cdTnua7tDbTyK9WmSvQnGpQyyqMcqYFRzVpp5LmTlm8N YzhiSQAP77VOeBdOjt2eKOPxEycuc7jHQDY98fCoxxnp7WmtLC WWNZJmlPMmVHTlPfPVtvfS4L76K8kqx2BLYWsm90LsoTy+MvKQ D/6/80UueGYpLPx7V/Gi5S6Mn6wB393Q7VJbfQ7JbEPJHEytiZkHMEDAdeXZuXfOMfdT nhewkkF6qSZhWQDmC8oyQc4HbbH3UKzqabjxRNhyKc9RtwtcRx cP3FhNh0glWeCTADHmHKyn5LS7t4pYxyKuegbvWsmmize8aKQq 65BA6EUPTnXcj7PfvXpNSdic0GpCn079UjGK2FwWGVOxofIwZj 5eVaCVl2HShiIDClOUgkbVowBB9uhLzsrdc05s5xLIFyfWp9E2 G1ToNw6VJd2qSLyFF9s8w9cD+VSKK3DqqkYwuMCmOnxPPoca26 tIyyYwBvgHNGIfrJpOTHXpVK4VGlGNRVEK1rh2awuWvNLjV42k 8R4CeUFu+fMUGh0C4vmhnv405oVwTjmLjtnG3pmraEKn7a9u9M tQRFhIOFFN3Sd1yL/5oOWwx0C6tdNgBvJAZVxzEtuaD8VQ6fxJcr9Bnjkntx9ZEjDmI J237Eb/AH0neRxos08o9iNeZj1ytFNAFnzJLbw8ocdSuD8f771yubQ9ST jqxhpfDtysXhySTj63xMvGObPTJOfKpbaWMVlYeBCuMe0SepJ6 k0+hYFQAQSK0uWAjfO3Wl5Mjao5jwxg7QIh02O7+keMilHUsPM 5HKar9IPDVFB3JIP8AzVqWbfR7dZHCKDGfbJ7dd6rGWcNcM8Yx CznA5cY32oYID6n2jeS3IGR1pHwm8qINKgblzW4UfqkYr10ZYJ v4vAjDA8wOxPrSFip8Riz8i4znP3U9ubqC5gkTYOrYPrmhVhOv NKr4KqtdUR8o1kJVovEEWlW7wzqXhJJDJuy+fwqQaHrel6hOw0 6YMQAzrggj5+41WkymKVmR9mHSl+FLo6XriSF0EU6+HJn5g/MffR0WRnXBdYaNlA5hnFCr+d3YxLbB2U/rNgYpKC+Bj9kjNO0LzvnkBBGcnrQqY7SyP3mlpMwU6gqBt3jWM sCvkdxS9np7OXFpqZZy5Ygw4GTvjY7D8KLR6LE788pGT91ELTS 4LSP6kBTjcjv7683LsJRigVokV/DdzJdD2F3DA5FENSkCxsxOcrt6Vm5kEETYfBPXegd7ctNJFbIc ySMB16DzpD5D/ggup8R6pcarPpt9LiK3Y+Eijl9nsT57VmKQTuSw6Dt59q9x1bG 24oknjikWCSFFMvKSpbfbPngUw0hZH5pCQyb7env86ofVokkrb RvJIySHnOffThJCVGHpL6J41wZWbKA9KdeEg2HT30JmtUyJSXs iEr0y25r1k5kL7YBII9aXurNnlZ3Ktv8AZPatrPkgiKBgD5CnN quBzdMXiVnOX7j5Ux1X2IVYEq3b19ae27AkszE8tNNTIwCm+2N +1cXZRF2rJza38q6bb3kftxSopYA7gkUb0bX45HMTtyNy9D2FR Hg65W40V7ZzzGFyvwO4/rTm9s5Yh4sTYK7kk9vxpdJSplFvW0TduIo4HZGdM4JHKadwcQR zIHjIYY2IORn4VV8+ou6qxjIfILEjHu/vFE7HWLiOExwQxojPnJ6gdDj30bivLA9ZvwF+JddmjnSK23Eme bI7jG1Z06YabbS6tqR3Vc47+gHqTSVvbG5lW5uEXIwqovQVEuK 9cGpXX0O1fNrbMfaH/dk6FvcOg+PnS4Y/UlS6DlN447S7C0OuLrthcW2oQSSyBnnMUTFC0Y5Tyqe5HtMMg/ZPntEbG/ks7qWBCzIrEIWGMjtkeeKxbyzRypIkrxyA+wyHDL6gjpT0pFb3 IlnijuZbi3E4bnYFBzMDnsTle+arlhSTUTOhNxk2PFn5bcMrFu 5pBtTySShpGS5XlZYQQpGRt370J+kSd/5Uh4X5FvsWivPpEHtDDLtzZ2x76QkikhYkvt5Vf3HvDBh04fmi 0062d7obxxrF9XytsSEPfHyo7oHCelyaNYSXdhZyTtax+JmBGB blGTuu+/eq3gqOyfY3t0zmS2vljc8529DSNzdozkq2x8q6v/Q/RP8ATrP+Fj/CvfodoR/8bZfwsf4UPpq7DTpVZzLwTeiHW2ty2UuU5f8AcNx/WrAcjkKMR6VbkfCGiIQy6dZhh0YWsYwflTkaBp+MNa2ze+2T8K DJi2dodDJqqKGurOOQEkgHHlTjTbUKwGCT2q8vzDp2f+ktf4ZP wrI0OwHS1th54tk3+6geCTXYSypO6KF4y1U6ZpotoWAurvKqQd 0T9Y+/t8TUEtk5F9kgnHyFdXzcM6TO/PPp9jI+Mcz2kZOPlWn6J6J/pWnev+Ci/CnYoKEaE5pPI7ObdHkeyljup7KzurOVvCc3cfPGrDfqMlWx6bj zre90u4vL60k0+zkNteTMbMI3ODgkcoO2432ODjeukl4Y0cRvG NNsAjlSyi0jw2M4ztv1PzpW20KwtfD+jWttEI2LII7dF5SRjIw NqJp3aEaOzmHVLB9Ov5bS5CJNC3LIqtkA+hFEPF4bGA1jfSNjd lbAJ9xkroocMaIXd5dKsJGY5Ja0j69z0rb9GNA/0TTv4VPwonyd0P/Z

No ... it's in Texas ... what do I care.

03-26-2015, 02:51 PM
Bohner ~ Where's teh Jobs ?

Mister D
03-26-2015, 02:53 PM
lol Your talking points sucked today, Cigar. More than usual.

03-26-2015, 02:54 PM
Bohner ~ Where's teh Jobs ?

This Study is over 5 years old ... Freight trucks cause 99% of wear-and-tear on US roads, but only pay for 35% of the maintenance. This $60B subsidy causes extra congestion and pollution, and taxpayers pay the bill.

It seems obvious that the heavier the vehicle, the more damage it does to roads over time. A 40,000 pound big rig probably does a bit more damage than your average 3500 pound consumer vehicle, right? It turns out that vehicle road damage doesn’t rise linearly with weight. Road damage rises with the fourth power of weight (http://truecostblog.com/2009/06/02/the-hidden-trucking-industry-subsidy/#link1), and this means that a 40,000 pound truck does roughly 10,000 times more damage to roadways than the average car [1] (http://truecostblog.com/2009/06/02/the-hidden-trucking-industry-subsidy/#link1)!

In other words, one fully loaded 18-wheeler does the same damage to a road as 9600 cars (http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-09-10-3878428638_x.htm). According to the American Trucking Associations (ATA), the trucking industry represents 11% of all vehicles (http://www.truckline.com/Programs/Documents/Image%20Tools%20and%20Information/Trucking%20Industry.pdf) on the road in the US, while paying 35% of all highway taxes (http://www.truckline.com/Programs/Documents/Image%20Tools%20and%20Information/Trucking%20Industry.pdf). But if trucks represent 11% of vehicles, their heavy loads cause them to do 99% of all road damage! [2] (http://truecostblog.com/2009/06/02/the-hidden-trucking-industry-subsidy/#link2) The trucking industry paid $35 Billion in highway taxes in 2005, according to the ATA. Since most of the $100 Billion in highway taxes paid goes to maintenance (and US infrastructure maintenance is far behind), this implies that the trucking industry receives a $60 Billion annual subsidy from other drivers.

What are the negative effects of this subsidy? Since the trucking industry doesn’t pay the true cost of its road usage, it benefits relative to rail and other forms of transport. Freight rail lines are privately owned and maintained in the US, so they don’t receive a similar subsidy. As a result, more truck traffic ends up on highways than the market would dictate, leaving the taxpayers poorer, the air dirtier, and the roads more congested.

So do nothing but make excuses right? :rollseyes:


03-26-2015, 02:55 PM
lol Your talking points sucked today, Cigar. More than usual.

One less Hick Cowboy doesn't bother me :laugh:

03-26-2015, 02:55 PM
You know all about that accident huh? Kind of like you knew all about the Michael Brown case?

Here is an idea you should implement, stop trying take force stories into making a point or outcome that you want...........

Mister D
03-26-2015, 03:03 PM
This Study is over 5 years old ... Freight trucks cause 99% of wear-and-tear on US roads, but only pay for 35% of the maintenance. This $60B subsidy causes extra congestion and pollution, and taxpayers pay the bill.

It seems obvious that the heavier the vehicle, the more damage it does to roads over time. A 40,000 pound big rig probably does a bit more damage than your average 3500 pound consumer vehicle, right? It turns out that vehicle road damage doesn’t rise linearly with weight. Road damage rises with the fourth power of weight (http://truecostblog.com/2009/06/02/the-hidden-trucking-industry-subsidy/#link1), and this means that a 40,000 pound truck does roughly 10,000 times more damage to roadways than the average car [1] (http://truecostblog.com/2009/06/02/the-hidden-trucking-industry-subsidy/#link1)!

In other words, one fully loaded 18-wheeler does the same damage to a road as 9600 cars (http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-09-10-3878428638_x.htm). According to the American Trucking Associations (ATA), the trucking industry represents 11% of all vehicles (http://www.truckline.com/Programs/Documents/Image%20Tools%20and%20Information/Trucking%20Industry.pdf) on the road in the US, while paying 35% of all highway taxes (http://www.truckline.com/Programs/Documents/Image%20Tools%20and%20Information/Trucking%20Industry.pdf). But if trucks represent 11% of vehicles, their heavy loads cause them to do 99% of all road damage! [2] (http://truecostblog.com/2009/06/02/the-hidden-trucking-industry-subsidy/#link2) The trucking industry paid $35 Billion in highway taxes in 2005, according to the ATA. Since most of the $100 Billion in highway taxes paid goes to maintenance (and US infrastructure maintenance is far behind), this implies that the trucking industry receives a $60 Billion annual subsidy from other drivers.

What are the negative effects of this subsidy? Since the trucking industry doesn’t pay the true cost of its road usage, it benefits relative to rail and other forms of transport. Freight rail lines are privately owned and maintained in the US, so they don’t receive a similar subsidy. As a result, more truck traffic ends up on highways than the market would dictate, leaving the taxpayers poorer, the air dirtier, and the roads more congested.

So do nothing but make excuses right? :rollseyes:


:laugh: A truck driving into a support is not "wear and tear". That's like totaling your car and calling it inevitable "wear and tear". Too funny.

03-26-2015, 03:03 PM
You know all about that accident huh? Kind of like you knew all about the Michael Brown case?

Here is an idea you should implement, stop trying take force stories into making a point or outcome that you want...........

Here's a better idea ... how bout you hand him a Shoehorn :grin:


Mister D
03-26-2015, 03:04 PM
I had to thank that post. It made me laugh out loud.

03-26-2015, 03:57 PM
His picture is funny but my advice is better.

Let's face it I doubt he even read the part about the truck hitting the bridge until it was pointed out.

03-26-2015, 07:30 PM
Pardon the interruption while we breack for Building Explotion in NY.

These Gas Explotions happen after 80 years of no Infrastructure Upggrades.

I now return you to your denials. :grin:

03-26-2015, 07:34 PM
One less Hick Cowboy doesn't bother me :laugh:That isn't a nice thing to say.

03-26-2015, 07:39 PM
I would hate to think that a truck hitting a bridge support could take out any bridge. That would mean there isnt any bridge in america safe to drive on.