View Full Version : Rand Paul's campaign is really a "stop government failure campaign"

09-21-2015, 04:00 PM
Oh sure he's all about the BOR's and he is the only one who promotes them as the package deal they are meant to be. But as side effect his campaign points out that the federal government does in fact fail the worst when it strays from the Constitution and BOR's
For example the ill fated "war on drugs" and war on poverty" are clearly outside federal Constitutional authtority. Raiding citizen compounds for little or no reason is as well and look what happened at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Gun control is not only not a federal enumerated power it's pretty much banned altogether. Yet we still would up with "Fast and Furious"
One federal euumuerated power is defense which we are good at NOT offense and imperialism which we suck at.
Yes, I think Rand Paul's very campaign points out that many of the restrictions on federal government activity are there, in part, because the level of red tape is simply too much for them to be any good at all at solving these problems