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10-09-2015, 10:55 AM
...from the Master Chipmunk (he just reminds me of a indignant chipmunk).

DON'T be these people:


10-09-2015, 01:48 PM
Language bigots are hardly liberal, what I find is rather a rigidity that attaches (?) meaning to the phrase or word. Hardly a sign of openness. But sometimes we miss the forest for the trees.

Case in point is this article: https://lovebecxo.wordpress.com/2015/10/02/6/ Don't we all stare sometimes?

Then there is the Redskins, I'm not an Indian so the word has no meaning for me, but suppose I were. I once asked a person how their gay daughter was doing? My bad, 'gay' did something and I got no answer. Cold shoulder time. Since I have a gay brother the comment seemed fine to me.

At root we are just humans so is there a need to add qualifier / judgment. How are your dumb kids doing? How are the little angels doing? That one was for a diehard atheist. lol

PC seems to me just be another attempt to manage qualification. Are you a midget or just short? I once read a book on this but it fails me now what I learned from it. Heading to bookshelf now to see if I kept it.