View Full Version : Al Franken tells it like it is ...

08-23-2012, 08:51 PM
This will sure get their panties into a bunch ... http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b137/chasc5/panties.jpg


08-23-2012, 09:03 PM
Al Franken wouldn't be in the Senate without massive voter fraud. Good job, you clown.

08-23-2012, 09:05 PM
http://www.debatepolitics.com/images/smilies/damn.gif and here I thought you was going to show he admitted to the 1099 Convicted Felons that voted him into Office. :shocked:

Captain Obvious
08-23-2012, 09:08 PM
Ironic considering it's Franken's constituents who are more likely to be sucking on the gubmint teet.

08-23-2012, 09:11 PM

08-23-2012, 09:16 PM
Or more precisely, it was illegal. But on the positive side, Congress has a jester now. A clown. An idiot.

08-23-2012, 09:25 PM
Yep ya can hear them now on the Senate Floor.....I Yield the Floor to the Court's Jester. :wink:

Then the Corny One liner.....well Liberals love America too. Then when someone mentions John F Kennedy. All the Demos hurry outs the back door. Not Wanting to hear the Echo of Ask not what your Country Can Do For you.....but what You Can Do for your Country. :grin:

08-24-2012, 02:53 AM
Al Franken wouldn't be in the Senate without massive voter fraud. Good job, you clown.

Yes, when I saw the thread title I thought, yeah right, that ass clown wouldn't know the truth to "tell it like it is" if it bit him in the ass. And sure enough yep, he's not "telling it like it is" he's as is typical of most leftist statists, distorting the truth, and projecting his own behavior upon everyone else. ;)

08-24-2012, 02:55 AM
http://www.debatepolitics.com/images/smilies/damn.gif and here I thought you was going to show he admitted to the 1099 Convicted Felons that ILLEGALLY voted him into Office. :shocked: There I fixed it for you. You left out the key part of that argument. The fact that these felons ILLEGALLY voted him into office as it's illegal in that state for a convicted felon to vote.

But I digress.

Given the way every election dead people vote for liberals, it does not really surprise this American all that much that felons would be voting for franken.

This is after all, the real reason, the real crux of the leftists arguments against voter id laws. They don't oppose such measures because it's unfair to require state id be shown to vote, they don't oppose such measures because they somehow impose a hardship upon someone who wish's to legally vote.

They oppose such measures because they attempt to address the fraud the liberals on the left like to engage in, when they cannot sway the people with their arguments.

They oppose such measures because they attempt to prevent the unfair practices, that well given the demographics in this nation, are the only way these liberals can win an election.

08-24-2012, 03:14 AM
Nope, no voter fraud going on here folks.......http://doctorbulldog.wordpress.com/2012/07/31/federal-court-rules-obama-administration-interfered-with-dojs-prosecution-of-2008-voter-intimidation-by-new-black-panther-party/

345What is the next lie you'd have us all believe liberals? The dog ate your homework?

08-24-2012, 06:26 AM

Smack that kid!!

08-24-2012, 06:37 AM
Only ones I see using that phrase over and over are Liberals. Interesting that the picture coincides with a number of psychological analyses that suggest Liberals first and foremost are not grown up people who have learned that life is not always fair.


08-24-2012, 06:48 AM
Sen. Franken, according to Cigar, tells it like it is. He supports rape and hates homosexuals. That's telling it like it is, Cigar.

And, where did Democrats get a panel of grown-ups to give them an opinion?

08-24-2012, 09:47 AM
Franken really is a Democrat poster child. Elected by voter fraud and quite happy to joke about raping women and hating homosexuals. He's a poster child for the Drive By Media that ignores same because, after all, he's a Democrat!

08-24-2012, 10:11 AM

Which President and which party cry constantly about "fair"? Of course, they never define "fair" because they are intent on screwing most Americans but they still whine. My favorite is when the take those who pay the most in income tax and whine that they're not paying their fair share but it's imminently fair that people in the administration don't pay their taxes. That's fair. It's also fair that almost half the country pay no income tax. Hell, yes, that's fair. Oh, and it's very fair that UAW union goons get bailed out with taxpayer dollars and Delphi employees lose their pensions. That's fair. And Cigar working as a shill for a failed administration that's fair.

08-24-2012, 10:27 AM
Which President and which party cry constantly about "fair"? Of course, they never define "fair" because they are intent on screwing most Americans but they still whine. My favorite is when the take those who pay the most in income tax and whine that they're not paying their fair share but it's imminently fair that people in the administration don't pay their taxes. That's fair. It's also fair that almost half the country pay no income tax. Hell, yes, that's fair. Oh, and it's very fair that UAW union goons get bailed out with taxpayer dollars and Delphi employees lose their pensions. That's fair. And Cigar working as a shill for a failed administration that's fair.

Excuse me, Mayor Bloomberg is talking ... about a Man who shot and killed someone over being fired. :)

It's possible he thought he was unfairly let go.

08-24-2012, 10:28 AM
You've got your threads mixed up, genius. :rofl: