View Full Version : Cruz ~ 'A President who isn't on his knees in prayer is an atheist'

11-09-2015, 07:14 PM

Any President Who Doesn't Begin Every Day On His Knees Isn't Fit To Be Commander-In-Chief Of This Nation'


Ted Cruz was the (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/huckabee-promises-far-right-conference-hell-ignore-obergefell-and-roe) third (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/jindal-no-earthly-court-can-change-definition-marriage) Republican presidential candidate to appear at the "National Religious Liberties Conference" in Iowa yesterday, an event organized by extremist right-wing pastor (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/jindal-no-earthly-court-can-change-definition-marriage) Kevin Swanson, who earlier in the program (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/if-kevin-swansons-son-got-gay-married-id-sit-cow-manure-and-id-spread-it-all-over-my-body) proclaimed that, according to the Bible, "the sin of homosexuality ... is worthy of death."

Swanson introduced Cruz by stating that Jesus Christ "is king of the President of the United States whether he will admit it or not and that president should submit to His rule and to His law" before asking Cruz to share his opinion on how important it is for "the President of the United States to fear God."

Cruz, predictably, asserted that fear of God is absolutely vitalthat "any president who doesn't begin every day on his knees isn't fit to be commander-in-chief of this nation."

, declaring (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dkVu14Q_bw)

11-09-2015, 07:22 PM
ted looks like the kind of guy that spends a lot of time on his knees

and in ice cream trucks, boy scout troops and ymca camps

11-09-2015, 07:46 PM

Any President Who Doesn't Begin Every Day On His Knees Isn't Fit To Be Commander-In-Chief Of This Nation'


Ted Cruz was the (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/huckabee-promises-far-right-conference-hell-ignore-obergefell-and-roe) third (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/jindal-no-earthly-court-can-change-definition-marriage) Republican presidential candidate to appear at the "National Religious Liberties Conference" in Iowa yesterday, an event organized by extremist right-wing pastor (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/jindal-no-earthly-court-can-change-definition-marriage) Kevin Swanson, who earlier in the program (http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/if-kevin-swansons-son-got-gay-married-id-sit-cow-manure-and-id-spread-it-all-over-my-body) proclaimed that, according to the Bible, "the sin of homosexuality ... is worthy of death."

Swanson introduced Cruz by stating that Jesus Christ "is king of the President of the United States whether he will admit it or not and that president should submit to His rule and to His law" before asking Cruz to share his opinion on how important it is for "the President of the United States to fear God."

Cruz, predictably, asserted that fear of God is absolutely vitalthat "any president who doesn't begin every day on his knees isn't fit to be commander-in-chief of this nation."

, declaring (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dkVu14Q_bw)

So ?? Your point ??

11-09-2015, 07:46 PM
Haters going to hate.

11-09-2015, 07:52 PM
laughers gonna laugh

11-09-2015, 08:07 PM
You guys are great! lol

I hate to say this, because I despise this man so much, but he's going to be the nominee. He's staying out of the mud but close enough to be remembered.

11-09-2015, 08:14 PM
You guys are great! lol

I hate to say this, because I despise this man so much, but he's going to be the nominee. He's staying out of the mud but close enough to be remembered.
Why do you 'despise' him?

11-09-2015, 08:15 PM
Why do you 'despise' him?


Captain Obvious
11-09-2015, 08:16 PM
Why do you 'despise' him?

Because he's a phony?

Pitching himself as a constitution guy then photo-opping with some hack clerk playing "eye of the tiger" in the background when, had this person refused Christian marriages because she was hypothetically Muslim he would have shown up with a truck load of tar and bags of feathers?

He's just a standard political whore looking to make a name for himself.

11-09-2015, 08:21 PM
Why do you 'despise' him?

I'm not going into all the details. I will just say that I oppose his policies, his vitriol and the fact that 85% of the time he votes alongside my senator. I won't give him a platform, even if it is only on a political forum.

11-09-2015, 08:22 PM
Because he's a phony?

Pitching himself as a constitution guy then photo-opping with some hack clerk playing "eye of the tiger" in the background when, had this person refused Christian marriages because she was hypothetically Muslim he would have shown up with a truck load of tar and bags of feathers?

He's just a standard political $#@! looking to make a name for himself.

You've fabricated an awful lot of contrived disgust to conclude something like that. Fact is, Cruz is a brilliant Constitutionalist. Fact is, one can defend the clerk's actions - and simultaneously impugn a Muslim in your mythological example - quite easily:

1) Davis was elected based upon her ideology; based upon the rules and laws known at the time of election. Kentucky's own laws describe marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

2) A muslim wasn't chosen for that position by the constituency, nor would one have the ability to viably defend the notion that they're obeying the laws as written at the time of election - or supporting by the State of Kentucky - to refuse marrying Christians.

Making up stuff about Cruz doesn't make you look smart. You are, as you often are, FOS.

11-09-2015, 08:23 PM
I'm not going into all the details. I will just say that I oppose his policies, his vitriol and the fact that 85% of the time he votes alongside my senator. I won't give him a platform, even if it is only on a political forum.

But I'm sure you're going to vote Republican, amirite?


11-09-2015, 08:26 PM
You've fabricated an awful lot of contrived disgust to conclude something like that. Fact is, Cruz is a brilliant Constitutionalist. Fact is, one can defend the clerk's actions - and simultaneously impugn a Muslim in your mythological example - quite easily:

1) Davis was elected based upon her ideology; based upon the rules and laws known at the time of election. Kentucky's own laws describe marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

2) A muslim wasn't chosen for that position by the constituency, nor would one have the ability to viably defend the notion that they're obeying the laws as written at the time of election - or supporting by the State of Kentucky - to refuse marrying Christians.

Making up stuff about Cruz doesn't make you look smart. You are, as you often are, FOS.How come Cruz only found God after his drunk commie daddy abused and abandoned 'em in Canada ... as if that happens to a president ?

11-09-2015, 08:28 PM
You've fabricated an awful lot of contrived disgust to conclude something like that. Fact is, Cruz is a brilliant Constitutionalist. Fact is, one can defend the clerk's actions - and simultaneously impugn a Muslim in your mythological example - quite easily:

1) Davis was elected based upon her ideology; based upon the rules and laws known at the time of election. Kentucky's own laws describe marriage as a union of one man and one woman.

2) A muslim wasn't chosen for that position by the constituency, nor would one have the ability to viably defend the notion that they're obeying the laws as written at the time of election - or supporting by the State of Kentucky - to refuse marrying Christians.

Making up stuff about Cruz doesn't make you look smart. You are, as you often are, FOS.

Davis is like the old couple that lived up the street from me. She would beat the heck out of him, they would scream at each other for everyone to hear but then would picket in front of the Federal courthouse against marriage equality. If they had any sense to them at all they would have known the federal judge lives at the other end of the street. Davis certainly hasn't lived her life in a manner that 'protects' the sanctity of marriage. Hypocrites.

11-09-2015, 08:29 PM
How come Cruz only found God after his drunk commie daddy abused and abandoned 'em in Canada ... as if that happens to a president ?


11-09-2015, 08:29 PM

Don't get lost inside Exo's head....

11-09-2015, 08:30 PM
But I'm sure you're going to vote Republican, amirite?


I'm not voting. I don't trust any of them. Every time I think one may be worthy of my vote, they open their mouth.

11-09-2015, 08:31 PM
Davis is like the old couple that lived up the street from me. She would beat the heck out of him, they would scream at each other for everyone to hear but then would picket in front of the Federal courthouse against marriage equality. If they had any sense to them at all they would have known the federal judge lives at the other end of the street. Davis certainly hasn't lived her life in a manner that 'protects' the sanctity of marriage. Hypocrites.

I wonder if you believe a criminal, for instance, can be rehabilitated. I wonder if you think how Davis lived her life in the past may have greatly affected why she lives her life now they way she does.

Hypocrites continue to do other than they claim to believe. That does not appear to be the case with Davis. Regardless: she was elected, based upon her beliefs. You haven't heard her constituency wanting to recall her then?

Captain Obvious
11-09-2015, 08:33 PM
Davis is like the old couple that lived up the street from me. She would beat the heck out of him, they would scream at each other for everyone to hear but then would picket in front of the Federal courthouse against marriage equality. If they had any sense to them at all they would have known the federal judge lives at the other end of the street. Davis certainly hasn't lived her life in a manner that 'protects' the sanctity of marriage. Hypocrites.

She's trash basically but a great poster child for someone struggling for a support base.

11-09-2015, 08:33 PM
Don't get lost inside Exo's head....
Don't you people watch your own peoples' debates ? ... LOL


11-09-2015, 08:34 PM
I wonder if you believe a criminal, for instance, can be rehabilitated. I wonder if you think how Davis lived her life in the past may have greatly affected why she lives her life now they way she does.

Hypocrites continue to do other than they claim to believe. That does not appear to be the case with Davis. Regardless: she was elected, based upon her beliefs. You haven't heard her constituency wanting to recall her then?

Actually, I don't believe some criminals can be rehabilitated.
I was raised that the past is the best indicator of the future.
It's Kentucky.

Captain Obvious
11-09-2015, 08:35 PM
Don't you people watch your own peoples' debates ? ... LOL



11-09-2015, 08:37 PM
I am not a republican, Exo....

Don't you people watch your own peoples' debates ? ... LOL


11-09-2015, 08:53 PM
ted looks like the kind of guy that spends a lot of time on his knees

and in ice cream trucks, boy scout troops and ymca camps

Ted will be your next prez...

11-09-2015, 08:54 PM
http://thepoliticalforums.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAIsAiQMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAwADAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgMEBwABAgj/xABDEAACAQMCAwUEBggFAgcAAAABAgMABBEFIQYSMRMiQVFhFH GBkRUjMqGx0QczQlJTksHhFmKU8PFUskNVcoKDhJP/xAAaAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwQFAQAG/8QAJhEAAgICAgICAgIDAAAAAAAAAQIAAxEhEjEEURNBIjIFkRR hcf/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AzeXSJru4SC1dnVj3lJ6Dzp0sbKbR4YknK uI1DfWHvYx0oppmgabp0zTLqTiVwCVkde77tqICx06VhJJqEcr BiQzspOTWeUsIwfqaYsQHIgq51eXUBDbWrRImDzdp1Ix4DzoDq Gkaq/OkPY9qfsuwO/8ATNNl3wzot/Kkk96yyI2VeNwpFG47DSlcOt84wgXl5gAMe4UBpfRJhi1NgTNu D+HNYsJ5nukwC22Dk586O3bmOBraaQSgOXEhbLZ9Pl0pva10x4 2Q6nMqnY8jgH54qn/hvhl05JL+4C/5ZADR2IzZx9wUdVwD9RM06yS/vSs13Gluu7FSAzDyGfGrOoaNa6MZb/TC6ShskSHmB94PWmyx4a4P0+59ot7u47TrlpcgVYvtN4TvImjn uJnDdcSlc/I1MaHGApjR5KnORFuEy6loklvayPPJKokkK7kjNL813fW49mur 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VWUtufDpVYdiNmZxorQ5UTyty1sA6Eq2fDxq6mtcykzRbnxU/0obImd2O1VLhgo2owgaS3AdmFpNRhe8tmD/tMAPf50dtrlpF7p7zePpmkWMEXdqzHusxPypy0u6ikUqqnI6mh vrCgYmejgsRDFo8lvNFKjcrRsGRvGteuruK90y1undiZIlcKvT wz8axqe4iW2ZyxGB408aBJKdGtEe4uI+aNWKCU4GR5eFTFWZSB OuoLA+oD4q1DT1iuTbMXupCeZT4/3rL+31P/AKRv/wAzW36hotlqKIL1riXlPMuZm7p9Kpf4T0f9y4/1DfnT6VFY3uFawfHcJyaTE7c/Z4r0ukw7CSZkz0AGaIqSetSrTOJ9xHMeoEbS7Nu600j52CgD78 URs+HrGGICOMqPLFXFAByAAfPFSqx8zXuJni4+ojfpCtYbQ2SQ jBYMSPlSWxpv/SMxOo2wJJAg2/mNJ7dKgs/cz6fwdeOsgc71FIakbrUE3hRqI5jK8h5tqjmblGQOteur711MA EJFPGjI22JQkfbc1SkcsaklJJOagbrVqLiY91hOpXkkKTBhsV6 U9QaXqWh29lLqMRilvoO3VWG6rkgA+Rxg/GkKRmSfmU4ZTkHyr6V4jtINY4NsLzUYxNcrBFIJfskMyjm6Y6+ XSivXKATNrfFhMQOGdJm4l1VbdSotLfD3LsNiM7L72wR7s1q0e j28YASOAAbACOhuiWkGj8ORjToxD2r8znJYsdhuTnwFW0u5yd5 PuFJWvAjjZkz3Jo6ueYzY9AMCvH0Ov8ZqtwTSPjmbPwqXJrvET nOf/9k=

11-09-2015, 08:58 PM
Ted will be your next prez...

He will be the nominee. But he wont be the President.

11-09-2015, 08:58 PM
Actually, I don't believe some criminals can be rehabilitated.

Ok, so let's go with 'some'. Do you think people can turn their lives aroundd?

I was raised that the past is the best indicator of the future.

It's Kentucky.

What does that have to do with anything? I for one, have no problem with a President who believes in God.

Do you?

11-09-2015, 09:01 PM

Captain Obvious
11-09-2015, 09:02 PM
^^ has a better chance than Cruz

11-09-2015, 09:03 PM
Ok, so let's go with 'some'. Do you think people can turn their lives aroundd?

What does that have to do with anything? I for one, have no problem with a President who believes in God.

Do you?

Some can, I think I said that.
I live part time in WV, trust me Kentucky is as ass backwards. We have a looooong history of voting against our best interests.
No problem with a Christian President, we have one now as was the one before him. I just don't want a President or Senate that tries to turn this country into a theocracy.

11-09-2015, 09:04 PM
Some can, I think I said that.
I live part time in WV, trust me Kentucky is as ass backwards. We have a looooong history of voting against our best interests.
No problem with a Christian President, we have one now as was the one before him. I just don't want a President or Senate that tries to turn this country into a theocracy.

How does a POTUS turn our country into a theocracy? You do realize that a true Constitutionalist is incapable of doing that, right?

11-09-2015, 09:06 PM
Because he's a phony?

Pitching himself as a constitution guy then photo-opping with some hack clerk playing "eye of the tiger" in the background when, had this person refused Christian marriages because she was hypothetically Muslim he would have shown up with a truck load of tar and bags of feathers?

He's just a standard political whore looking to make a name for himself.In other words,no good reason...

11-09-2015, 09:06 PM
How does a POTUS turn our country into a theocracy? You do realize that a true Constitutionalist is incapable of doing that, right?

Of course I do.

11-09-2015, 09:07 PM
Ted will be your next prez...


right after general carson has a turn

Captain Obvious
11-09-2015, 09:08 PM
In other words,no good reason...


11-09-2015, 09:09 PM
Of course I do.

So...you seem to be targeting Cruz with your criticism...and I cannot for the life of me figure out how you'd worry about Cruz doing as you worry.

Can you give me something - some bit of evidence - that Cruz would be a threat as you seem to worry?

Cruz is a Constitutionalist; possibly one of the brightest in our history.

Mister D
11-09-2015, 09:09 PM
How does a POTUS turn our country into a theocracy? You do realize that a true Constitutionalist is incapable of doing that, right?

Few members appear to understand what "theocracy" means. It's typically equated with Christians having opinions and voting based on them.

11-09-2015, 09:12 PM

I'm going to take a nap while you read up. I've had a long day. :)

11-09-2015, 09:12 PM
Few members appear to understand what "theocracy" means. It's typically equated with Christians having opinions and voting based on them.

I was trying to draw out exactly what the understanding actually is. It's slow work.

Captain Obvious
11-09-2015, 09:12 PM
I was trying to draw out exactly what the understanding actually is. It's slow work.

You're just the guy for the job too

Mister D
11-09-2015, 09:14 PM
I was trying to draw out exactly what the understanding actually is. It's slow work.

It will undoubtedly be something along the lines of 'voting based on religious belief or a politician acting on his religious faith = theocracy'.

Mister D
11-09-2015, 09:15 PM

I'm going to take a nap while you read up. I've had a long day. :)

You need one, old lady. When you get tired you say stupid things. :smiley:

11-09-2015, 09:17 PM
How does a POTUS turn our country into a theocracy? You do realize that a true Constitutionalist is incapable of doing that, right?
Few members appear to understand what "theocracy" means. It's typically equated with Christians having opinions and voting based on them.Well, let's take a look at what Huckabee, Jindal and Cruz think it is at this weekends National Religious Liberties Conference ...

'The Bible says Homosexuals are worthy of Death ... and should be rounded-up and Executed'


Mister D
11-09-2015, 09:18 PM
Well, let's take a look at what Huckabee, Jindal and Cruz think it is yesterday ...

'The Bible says Homosexuals are worthy of Death ... and should be rounded-up and Executed'


Don't vote for "Kevin Swanson". Problem solved.

OTOH, who? lol

11-09-2015, 09:19 PM
Don't vote for "Kevin Swanson". Problem solved.

OTOH, who? lolLike what do you mean ... this is the guy who introduced Ted Cruz as your next president.

Mister D
11-09-2015, 09:22 PM
Like what do you mean ... this is the guy who introduced Ted Cruz as your next president.

If you honestly believe Ted Cruz supports the execution of gays and is even remotely likely or capable of implementing such a policy in this country I'm really not sure who's crazier: you or this Swanson character.

11-09-2015, 09:25 PM
If you honestly believe Ted Cruz supports the execution of gays and is even remotely likely or capable of implementing such a policy in this country I'm really not sure who's crazier: you or this Swanson character.I just showed you a christian conservative theocracy ... you can't even a hold your own thoughts for a minute ... LOL

Few members appear to understand what "theocracy" means. It's typically equated with Christians having opinions and voting based on them.

Mister D
11-09-2015, 09:34 PM
I just showed you a christian conservative theocracy ... you can't even a hold your own thoughts for a minute ... LOL

Hmmmm...Swanson is definitely more coherent. Swanson in the lead...

11-09-2015, 09:41 PM
If you honestly believe Ted Cruz supports the execution of gays and is even remotely likely or capable of implementing such a policy in this country I'm really not sure who's crazier: you or this Swanson character.

Ron Swanson is a God. You take that back.

Captain Obvious
11-09-2015, 09:42 PM
Ron Swanson is a God. You take that back.

Yeah, but his TV dinners suck

11-09-2015, 09:44 PM
Hmmmm...Swanson is definitely more coherent. Swanson in the lead...Can you believe that guy .. introducing GOP prez candidates by calling for the death of homos .. LOL