View Full Version : Republican Event in Des Moines - This is like bucket list items for me

11-22-2015, 11:22 AM
I travel to Des Moines Iowa on business regularly. The Des Moines Register has a candidate tracker service and I always search it when I am here to see what candidate may be close to me. Also, I don't care which one it maybe Dem or Rep. This was a really cool event that matched up with my schedule. I saw many in one sitting at a "Presidential Values Round Table." There were reception rooms afterwards and were like mock caucasus'. It was really interesting.


There were protest interruptions as you can see in one picture. These people were deportation protesters and the second group strategically positioned themselves within the crowd and started going off every 15 seconds (maybe 10 of them), I couldn't make out what they were saying. the one I could make out was yelling about animal rights, I assume they all yelled about something different.

Who won when they went into the caucasus areas? I went by where people went first:

1.Ted Cruz
2.Ben Carson
All the rest equal after that

Private Pickle
11-22-2015, 11:43 AM
Libs are all about Freedom of Speech as long as it's them talking....

11-22-2015, 09:07 PM
Luntz handled it well and said I love our country where these folks can interrupt and make their opinions known. Then they all get to be escorted out, won't spend a minute in jail and won't be beaten or shot like in places where you can't have an opinion. He even asked them to stay and sit down and in 10 minutes they would discuss immigration and allow them some participation. They refused. So they were shouted down with USA chants and escorted out politely and peacefully.

11-22-2015, 10:17 PM
In other words they don't care about discussing anything, sound familiar? Maybe Obamaish?

11-22-2015, 10:20 PM
Great funny line by Rubio:

I wouldn't want to be in the dem primary. They are running a socialist, and someone being investigated by the FBI. There may be a downside being in the republican primary, you could be audited by the IRS.