View Full Version : China's New Humvee Isn't Quite Built for Combat

01-01-2016, 03:53 PM
This forum will soon be named Veterans and Military room, so I am not waiting. Here is an article about the new Chinese military's version of our Humvee. (http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a18790/this-is-chinas-new-humvee/) It is more of a civilian vehicle than a combat vehicle.

If all this—combined with pretty standard SUV styling—makes the Warrior sound like a civilian vehicle, that's probably because it's not far from the truth. The People's Liberation Army (which includes the Army, Navy, Air Force and 2nd Artillery missile corps) has trouble finding quality recruits, as many especially from urban areas would rather try to get professional jobs. So making military life seem appealing is one of the People's Liberation Army's goals.

One big problem with the Warrior—as comfortable as it is—it's not really built for post-9/11 modern warfare. Reliable, sure, but it has none of the features that modern tactical vehicles now come equipped with, such as bullet-resistant windows, bullet-proof walls, and an undercarriage that can withstand the directional blast of improvised explosive devices.

It is also visibly smaller than the Humvee, and will be more difficult to upgrade with armored kits as the Humvee was. That's fine if the vehicle is confined to base driving and the occasional exercise, but will be a severe drawback in actual combat.

01-01-2016, 04:36 PM
It is more of a utility vehicle than a fighting vehicle, so it will probably function fine in that role. However, China's Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Co bought the rights to the Hummer in 2009. I would not be too surprised to see a more rugged vehicle based on that platform show up sometime in the next few years.