View Full Version : Donald Trump's foreign policy critics have gotten it all wrong since 9-11

04-05-2016, 04:46 AM
Donald Trump's no foreign-policy whiz but his critics have gotten it all wrong since 9-11 (http://www.nj.com/opinion/index.ssf/2016/04/give_max_the_boot_part_ii_military_expert_who_got. html)

This is not just a stand alone article. It is a record of a decade + long conversation about foreign policy issues. Specifically what various neocon thinkers advocated and the warnings by others who are foreign policy realists.

Sorry nothing from isolationists or non-interventionists.

So if you have time read the article. Then follow the links to get the entire picture.

I realize Donald Trump says some silly things about foreign policy from time to time. But I tend not to judge him as harshly as do my fellow members of the media.

Fair enough. But he sounds positively sane compared to many of the people who criticize him.

I'm talking about all of the "neo" conservative military "experts" who have gotten everything wrong since 9/11.

Whenever you hear the term "military expert" you should be instantly skeptical.

As Clausewitz wrote, (http://www.clausewitz.com/readings/Cquotations.htm) war is just "the continuation of politics by other means."

Or in other words, it's important to know, for example, how best to use infantry in combination with tanks. But that knowledge is useless if you don't know your political goal and how to achieve it - like every neocon military "expert" since 9/11.

In every conflict we had the ability to gain total military victory. But that doesn't mean much if you haven't thought through what you do after victory. Or as Clausewitz put it:

"No one starts a war--or rather, no one in his senses ought to do so--without first being clear in his mind what he intends to achieve by that war and how he intends to conduct it."

That's what the "neo" conservatives did. And it's not surprising that many have said they will vote for Hillary Clinton over Trump if it comes to that.

Of course they will. They're liberal internationalists and so is she.