View Full Version : Cruz calls Trump a sore loser - Trump's right though .. Ted's a pain in the ass

04-26-2016, 08:38 AM
Wait just a sec there Lyin' Ted .. Trump is winning and you're gonna get shellacked again today - when was the last time you didn't come in second or third -- Texas?

Now a collusion attempt with 1 in 38 Kasich bound for failure in which JK won't even tell people in Indiana not to vote for him ...

You'll never be president Ted - please come out of your creepy alternate universe!


http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M37054d26c0b07a2779f0318154b5e880o0&w=300&h=180&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0 :loser:

04-26-2016, 08:49 AM
You should brush up on politics. If you knew anything, fruitcup, you'd have already known that Ted ran off 5 wins in a row, after winning Texas - including Wisconsin, which took place just before New York.

In fact, Cruz received more votes in Wisconsin than Trump did in New York.

Continue your ignorant rant.

04-26-2016, 08:57 AM
You should brush up on politics. If you knew anything, fruitcup, you'd have already known that Ted ran off 5 wins in a row, after winning Texas - including Wisconsin, which took place just before New York.

In fact, Cruz received more votes in Wisconsin than Trump did in New York.

Continue your ignorant rant.

I kind of figured you to be a Creepy Cruzer there Subhuman. Cool i guess - if you enjoy walking ghosts. :D

Ted Cruz is a walking ghost. In deadly radiation poisoning, this term describes the symptomless period that may follow immediate nausea, right before the immune system shuts down. Cruz has already lost the nomination, it's just that he and the so-called 'Never-Trumps' are yet to realize it. When awareness dawns, the agony will be fast, acute, and terminal.

http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/ted-cruz-the-walking-ghost-15933 (http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/ted-cruz-the-walking-ghost-15933)

04-26-2016, 09:24 AM
Ted cannot win 1237 he is done, republicans better get their head around the fact Trump will be the nominee.............

He will be within about 70 delegates worst case and will easily find those needed if he is short and that close. Pennsylvania will assign him more as well after today's romp.

Then he can get onto the most accurate insult of all, crooked Hillary. Who doesn't know that name fits?

04-26-2016, 09:24 AM
Let's see where Teddy is at on November 9th ... I'm betting it will be Texas

04-26-2016, 09:26 AM
Ted cannot win 1237 he is done, republicans better get their head around the fact Trump will be the nominee.............

He will be within about 70 delegates worst case and will easily find those needed if he is short and that close. Pennsylvania will assign him more as well after today's romp.

Then he can get onto the most accurate insult of all, crooked Hillary. Who doesn't know that name fits?

You need to think of (1) One Word - DEMOGRAPHICS :grin:

04-26-2016, 11:18 AM
Ted cannot win 1237 he is done, republicans better get their head around the fact Trump will be the nominee.............

He will be within about 70 delegates worst case and will easily find those needed if he is short and that close. Pennsylvania will assign him more as well after today's romp.

Then he can get onto the most accurate insult of all, crooked Hillary. Who doesn't know that name fits?

I think you're right tex - if they steal it from Trump, 80% of Trumpkins will stay home and the GOP will be smashed on the rocks for eternity.

04-26-2016, 11:20 AM
Let's see where Teddy is at on November 9th ... I'm betting it will be Texas

He can go back to filibustering and pissing everyone off including his kids and his dog. :laugh:

The Sage of Main Street
04-26-2016, 02:43 PM
Wait just a sec there Lyin' Ted .. Trump is winning and you're gonna get shellacked again today - when was the last time you didn't come in second or third -- Texas?

Now a collusion attempt with 1 in 38 Kasich bound for failure in which JK won't even tell people in Indiana not to vote for him ...

You'll never be president Ted - please come out of your creepy alternate universe!


http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M37054d26c0b07a2779f0318154b5e880o0&w=300&h=180&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0 :loser: Thugface Rafael wants to be known as the genuine anti-Establishment candidate and then he makes a deal with the Lemon From Lehman! Cruz's disestablishmentarianism is a mere palace revolution: the same incompetence and indifference to the people, but wearing a different mask. The voters today aren't as stupid as the people at the Daily Planet, who can't recognize that Clark Kent is Superman because he's wearing glasses.

The Xl
04-26-2016, 02:46 PM
Cruz has no legit shot, he can only pray that the shady delegate process and the broken convention nonsense saves him.