View Full Version : Big Bush and Rubio Donors Shun Cruz and Kasich.....

04-28-2016, 12:06 PM
It seems like a logical pairing: Republican donors who despise Donald Trump, and two GOP presidential rivals sticking it out to keep him from the nomination.
Yet those donors have largely shunned Ted Cruz and John Kasich, depriving each of them as much as $39 million in what has become a desperate final push to topple Trump.

Yet, donors who once gave as much as allowed by law to establishment favorites Jeb Bush (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/jeb-bush.htm) and Marco Rubio have mostly disappeared from the political landscape, an Associated Press analysis of campaign finance records shows.....snip~


After Indiana, Cruz will be completely done. Where he thought GOPe would back him over Trump. It was nothing more than a hope and a wet dream. As ABC points out, its so dire now for Cruz. He had to pull a publicity stunt to not have it all end there.

Rubio had the backing of Silver. Thee top mover and shaker for the GOP. Plus 4 of the Top Seven Billionaires from the Right.

04-28-2016, 12:25 PM
Those donors are smart enough to not pour good money after bad. Simple.

04-28-2016, 12:38 PM
Those donors are smart enough to not pour good money after bad. Simple.

Yeah and Kasich hasn't amounted to much. Running around and talking about beating Hillary in some polls but not showing he possibly could. Helps with that reality.