View Full Version : tPF Lets have a policy Discussion and base it on the Truth? Not the propaganda!

08-24-2016, 04:48 PM
We have had a lot of discussion this week about Trump's Softening on Immigration, but what is the actual policies of the Candidates. And How would that actually help Real people.

I suspect if we really look into this and go to the Web sites, we are going to find out that all of our politicians are fool of Crap!

I want to encourage our Johnson and Mrs. Jill Supporters to post their positions as well, I confess I know far to little about them.

If you want to make one liners and poke fun, this is not the Thread for you, But I think that we will all likely learn what we did not know.

08-24-2016, 04:56 PM

I will encourage everyone to Read through this and see if they can find anything that they agree with or disagree with, if we are honest there will be some of each of that for all of us.

I will leave it to our Democratic Friends to post Hillary's plan.