View Full Version : tPF The little people have had enough - not just here, but in America too

10-10-2016, 06:59 AM
The little people have had enough - not just here, but in America too (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/2016/10/09/the-little-people-have-had-enough---not-just-here-but-in-america/)

Nigel Farage speaks.

There are fewer than 30 days to go before the US presidential election. It is a campaign which mirrors many of the arguments and conflicts that we have seen recently in British politics, especially during the recent referendum campaign. Essentially, this election is about continuity versus change, with huge doses of personal vitriol thrown in.

When I arrived at the Republican Party convention in Cleveland, Ohio, back in July, I was amazed at the reaction to me over the Brexit result. Normally we follow trends in America, not the other way round, but it was clear that many of the delegates saw Brexit as an aspiration for what they see as the Trump “revolution” against the Establishment. I met many others who were not delegates or political anoraks, who were also keen to talk about Brexit. A group of retired US Navy veterans told me we should have done it years ago. Others were less impressed and shouted at me in the streets. Indeed, this weekend while I was in St Louis, I received some proper abuse on the Washington University campus.

One thing is for certain: our referendum is being talked about the world over and it may well be the first kick-back against the status quo that leads to a popular revolt across the West. While Trump and Clinton may be the most unpopular presidential candidates ever, there has been a growing distrust of the political class. Just as in the UK, where cash for questions and the MPs’ expenses scandals lead to a chorus of uproar, the elites in Washington are seen as remote and detached.

Read the rest at the link.

10-10-2016, 08:26 AM
It's because people don't think about the consequences of their actions. People love to talk about secession from the US like they want to live in the glory days of the past, but those states that are suggesting such, are states that are too dependent on the US for welfare payments, which means they receive more than they pay. So, they will only be hurting themself in the long run.

It's like a 14 y.o. who get's mad at their parents and decides that they are going to leave and make their own rules, only to find out the world is a cold, harsh, place that doesn't suffer fools lightly.

10-10-2016, 08:30 AM
Or it is globalism v. nationalism.

The Treaty of Westphalia still controls the international order.

Hillary and others want to change that.