View Full Version : A Rigged Election???

11-10-2016, 12:34 PM
I could give quite a few historical quotes from people in the know that tell us in politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens it was planned that way. Somebody famous said that one too.

Anyway, the last two times in history wherein the Republicans had control over all three branches of government were in 1928 and then seventy years later when 9 / 11 took place. It's not a good place for Trump to be in, historically speaking.

Let's not kid ourselves. Obama spent more money than all his presidential predecessors combined! He screwed the country over with his Obamacare. He flooded the country with foreigners from countries that are at war with us (even if we don't admit that we are in a state of war.) The community organizer made us a joke with his foreign policy.

It's going to take a miracle to get America back on the straight and narrow. Trump got the endorsement of Rupert Murdoch who was (and may very well still be) a Chairman on the Board of Directors for the Council on Foreign Relations (a globalist power broker / think tank group.)

Trump is not helping his cause with Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani nor with Newt Gingrich. Those guys are throwbacks from a failed era. Hopefully, his other picks like Mike Pence might make a difference. But, since Trump prevailed (and he is really a Democrat) I have to keep the door open to the possibility that IF the election were rigged as Trump claimed, it was done so to do irreparable harm to the Republican Party if they can't make significant differences in the first year or so of Trump's presidency.

The closeness of the election; the rising numbers of those on the left - especially Hispanics; the MSM lobbying for the Democrats - AND making the election look like a referendum about race - all of it could have been done to suck us into a state of lethargy and indifference. So, we voted and we go home and let this new administration operate without the oversight it needs from we, the people. Democrats knew that and they may very well have let Trump win, figuring they could watch and even help drive the last nail into the coffin of our Republic.

11-10-2016, 12:36 PM
Take America Backwards ... Again :laugh:

11-10-2016, 01:23 PM
Take America Backwards ... Again :laugh:

How ya doing Loser? :wink:

God is good! :grin:

Captain Obvious
11-10-2016, 01:27 PM
ohh nooooo's

Teh erection rigged?!?!?

valley ranch
11-10-2016, 01:28 PM
Obama's done some wrong~everyone has done some wrong. Now we are on a new page. We can ,if we are together, stop wasting our wealth on wars and bull. Lower our debt, make deals that benefit America, control entry to the good of all Americans. Repair our infrastructure~ do the many things that are to Our Own Good! Pee on those who would like to pit you and I against our fellow Americans. AND to hell with the Political Parties, America is Great and can raise her head high again, All Our People who consider themselves Americans and Love America can do this, share in the work and fruit of that work. We are not obliged to hand over our Country or the Fruit of our labor to anyone.

This is our time, Our Time~All of U.S.

11-10-2016, 01:42 PM
Take America Backwards ... Again :laugh:
So, your contention that Obama spending more money than all his predecessors combined was progress?

Do you think that socialized medicine in a free nation is a sign of progress?

Do you think that flooding America with foreigners from countries that want to kill us (and some of their terrorists have) was progress????

Do you think that the Democrats, who wage their little wars against gun owners, people with racial opinions (not necessarily racists) and Christians is consistent with a progressing nation?

Democrats pick fights with the right, wage petty wars, bait racists, demand that everyone accept their lifestyle while advocating making anyone that don't be charged with a crime and you think that moves a nation forward??? Surely you jest.