View Full Version : Who will Donald Trump be? And do Americans think their job is over or just begining?

11-14-2016, 08:11 AM
Donald Trump could be one of three presidents

1) Four to eight more years of Bushbama sameness. Remember he ran repub and used to be dem for many years.
2) Simply the the flip side of political corruption? The guy who is used to buying influence rather than selling it?
3) Or the starting point for some real change.
Much of who he becomes depends on how we hold him to his promises and how we back him up with non-establishment types eleceted to local and state levels and to congress. in the next 2-4 years.
Our job is not done , it has just begun. This is the vigilance the founders spoke of. If Trump does not do what he said he will do there are non bought and paid for types out there to bring in in four years no matter what your political leanings are. Rand Paul, Jill Stein, whomever is Bernie's successor and there will be one. If you really want a better America the work isn't over , it's just begun.

11-14-2016, 08:19 AM
Donald Trump could be one of three presidents

1) Four to eight more years of Bushbama sameness. Remember he ran repub and used to be dem for many years.
2) Simply the the flip side of political corruption? The guy who is used to buying influence rather than selling it?
3) Or the starting point for some real change.
Much of who he becomes depends on how we hold him to his promises and how we back him up with non-establishment types eleceted to local and state levels and to congress. in the next 2-4 years.
Our job is not done , it has just begun. This is the vigilance the founders spoke of. If Trump does not do what he said he will do there are non bought and paid for types out there to bring in in four years no matter what your political leanings are. Rand Paul, Jill Stein, whomever is Bernie's successor and there will be one. If you really want a better America the work isn't over , it's just begun.

LOL, you seem to have left out a few possibilities.

11-14-2016, 08:50 AM

11-14-2016, 08:50 AM
Donald Trump could be one of three presidents

1) Four to eight more years of Bushbama sameness. Remember he ran repub and used to be dem for many years.
2) Simply the the flip side of political corruption? The guy who is used to buying influence rather than selling it?
3) Or the starting point for some real change.
Much of who he becomes depends on how we hold him to his promises and how we back him up with non-establishment types eleceted to local and state levels and to congress. in the next 2-4 years.
Our job is not done , it has just begun. This is the vigilance the founders spoke of. If Trump does not do what he said he will do there are non bought and paid for types out there to bring in in four years no matter what your political leanings are. Rand Paul, Jill Stein, whomever is Bernie's successor and there will be one. If you really want a better America the work isn't over , it's just begun.

Donald Trump has shown who is "IS" time and time again ... if you forget, you need only to Google his name and look for yourself at all the YouTube Video showing Trump speaking in his own words. Now if you refuse to believe what you see and hear with your own eyes and ears, then that's on you.

11-14-2016, 02:56 PM
If Trump destroys the Establishment he will be a success. If he succumbs to the establishment he will be an enemy on the level of Hillary.

11-14-2016, 05:07 PM
LOL, you seem to have left out a few possibilities.

Enlighten us?

11-14-2016, 05:08 PM
If Trump destroys the Establishment he will be a success. If he succumbs to the establishment he will be an enemy on the level of Hillary.

Yes, but we must do our part.

11-14-2016, 05:10 PM
LOL, you seem to have left out a few possibilities.

Swedish rapist, who's "victims" continued to share him for the weekend? Propaganda 101. But your gal had quite a coalition of cheats and frauds to her credit

11-14-2016, 05:12 PM
Donald Trump has shown who is "IS" time and time again ... if you forget, you need only to Google his name and look for yourself at all the YouTube Video showing Trump speaking in his own words. Now if you refuse to believe what you see and hear with your own eyes and ears, then that's on you.

So you are against a new Washington and think the ways things were , the complete failures of the past 16 years were preferrable to change? Are you honestly going to go on record saying you want more of Bushbama?

Common Sense
11-14-2016, 05:14 PM
Who some want Trump to be...


The reality is probably more like...

http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/12917783_1746270962274555_1243472560_n.jpg?ig_cach e_key=MTIxODEyMjAwMzI3MDkyNTgyMg%3D%3D.2

11-14-2016, 06:22 PM
He'll be a cross between...

... FDR an Harry Truman.