View Full Version : When Tolerance Attacks: Voters

12-21-2016, 11:52 PM
While liberals claim to be advocating “tolerance” and “diversity,” their tactics can be disturbingly violent and close-minded. Take this year’s election, for example.
Tolerance Advocates across the country claim to be promoting diversity, inclusiveness, and civil discourse by threatening and assaulting anyone who dared support Donald Trump in his successful run for the presidency.
Item One: Electoral College members in states like (http://www.mrctv.org/blog/when-tolerance-attacks-voters?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWlRrNFlUVXhOV0l4TkdFMiIsInQ iOiJXYWRMWlM0bjNpWmJEUTFzNUJBcExTRFByb1JMUGM2VUdhT jFrK20yQU0rdGJEeDlMUE45SGxKd1wvZVQzUGtvdnVNUDRQQ3l 0VThwWlc1ZU0zd0VcLzZuanVYMElHdVZneUpvdkVNY2t2V0w5M GlDVGQzXC9QMHZnZk84YVg4T3dZQiJ9)Texas (http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Texas-Elector-Says-Democrats-Trying-to-Sway-His-Vote--401818136.html) and Michigan (http://nypost.com/2016/12/14/electors-are-being-harassed-threatened-in-bid-to-stop-trump/) received death threats

Liberals, DNC, et al Progressives, are on a fast track to self destruct.......If they keep going in the same displayed direction they are headed in they will be self neutering themselves in the 2018 mid term election and rendering themselves irrelevant.......
Please let it be so!

12-21-2016, 11:57 PM
Fockin hypocrits.Yeah...beat his ass...don't vote trump.Because he was white

Captain Obvious
12-21-2016, 11:57 PM
"Diversity" is progresses scheme to force two cultures who don't like each other to conform - because "progress" is smarter than either of them.

When violence ensues, progress hides.

Points the finger at the majority though.

"Tolerance" is a one-way street with them, which is kind of ironic when you think about it.

12-22-2016, 05:38 AM
"Diversity" is progresses scheme to force two cultures who don't like each other to conform - because "progress" is smarter than either of them.

When violence ensues, progress hides.

Points the finger at the majority though.

"Tolerance" is a one-way street with them, which is kind of ironic when you think about it.

This is soooooo true and deserves so much more discussion. I wish I had more time but, sadly, I'm already behind in my work and the things I need to get done to make this holiday a success for all involved. I'd love to revisit this topic in depth at a later date.

12-22-2016, 06:05 AM
threatening the electors is a federal crime. I hope each one of these scumbags end up in front of a judge and charged, federally, for intimidating a federal officer. They are state positions, but it was for a federal election.
For the lawyers in this forum: What is the penalty for threatening a federal officer?

12-22-2016, 06:15 AM
The lefts tactics are to make you feel guilty for being white, badger you, abuse your senses relentlessly, accuse you and label you. When all that fails they scream, rage, shit their pants and cry and go get counseling.

They use diversity for their personal gain. If you went to college to be a counselor you would be a flaming lib too, because your livlihood depends on govt grant handouts. Thats just one example of why the left is the way they are.

Teachers, my daughter is a teacher and I love her to death and I know shes sincere about her job.
She makes almost 70,000 a year for 180 days of school, less 10 days sick time and 5 administrative days and vacation. I think shes fairly compensated for the all the effort she puts into her job. Of course they are going to be democrats, because democrats want to keep everything the same.

12-22-2016, 08:40 AM

12-22-2016, 09:58 AM
The lefts tactics are to make you feel guilty for being white, badger you, abuse your senses relentlessly, accuse you and label you. When all that fails they scream, rage, $#@! their pants and cry and go get counseling.

They use diversity for their personal gain. If you went to college to be a counselor you would be a flaming lib too, because your livlihood depends on govt grant handouts. Thats just one example of why the left is the way they are.

Teachers, my daughter is a teacher and I love her to death and I know shes sincere about her job.
She makes almost 70,000 a year for 180 days of school, less 10 days sick time and 5 administrative days and vacation. I think shes fairly compensated for the all the effort she puts into her job. Of course they are going to be democrats, because democrats want to keep everything the same.

How can we be wild eyed nutjobs, when you admit that we don't want to change anything?

I truly appreciated a post you made in my thread last night about cuts in social security.

I look forward to seeing that kind of independence from you in the future.

12-22-2016, 10:00 AM
I don't claim to Tolerate Jack-Sh!t ... those dayz are over. :grin:

12-22-2016, 10:09 AM
I don't claim to Tolerate Jack-Sh!t ... those dayz are over. :grin:
You never did

12-22-2016, 10:13 AM
The lefts tactics are to make you feel guilty for being white, badger you, abuse your senses relentlessly, accuse you and label you. When all that fails they scream, rage, $#@! their pants and cry and go get counseling.

They use diversity for their personal gain. If you went to college to be a counselor you would be a flaming lib too, because your livlihood depends on govt grant handouts. Thats just one example of why the left is the way they are.

Teachers, my daughter is a teacher and I love her to death and I know shes sincere about her job.
She makes almost 70,000 a year for 180 days of school, less 10 days sick time and 5 administrative days and vacation. I think shes fairly compensated for the all the effort she puts into her job. Of course they are going to be democrats, because democrats want to keep everything the same.

Are you claiming that your daughter didn't follow your advise and as a consequence made a success of her vocation?

12-22-2016, 11:08 AM
I don't claim to Tolerate Jack-Sh!t ... those dayz are over. :grin:

Who will you threaten today little guy?

12-22-2016, 01:20 PM
How can we be wild eyed nutjobs, when you admit that we don't want to change anything?
That's just it.......you want to keep it your way and promote a degenerate society.....but you've been served and times they are a changin (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7qQ6_RV4VQ) back to pre-1964.....

12-22-2016, 01:30 PM
You never did

perfect response

12-22-2016, 01:34 PM
The lefts tactics are to make you feel guilty for being white, badger you, abuse your senses relentlessly, accuse you and label you. When all that fails they scream, rage, $#@! their pants and cry and go get counseling.

They use diversity for their personal gain. If you went to college to be a counselor you would be a flaming lib too, because your livlihood depends on govt grant handouts. Thats just one example of why the left is the way they are.

Teachers, my daughter is a teacher and I love her to death and I know shes sincere about her job.
She makes almost 70,000 a year for 180 days of school, less 10 days sick time and 5 administrative days and vacation. I think shes fairly compensated for the all the effort she puts into her job. Of course they are going to be democrats, because democrats want to keep everything the same.


The tolerant and well educated RIGHT

12-22-2016, 01:37 PM
The segregationists are upset.

12-22-2016, 01:49 PM
you want to keep it your way and promote a degenerate society.....but you've been served

By nutjobs like this no doubt
