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03-11-2017, 11:02 AM
Donald Trump spends an excessive amount of time watching TV — here are his favorite shows
Carrie Wittmer Mar 11, 2017, 9:20 AM ET
donald trump 60 minutes
Screenshot/CBS News
Through background audio in video footage from his first ride on Air Force One, we know that President Donald Trump watches Fox News. And we also know that he spent an evening watching "Finding Dory" while Americans protested his immigration ban. But what are his favorite television shows?

Trump hasn't exactly released a list of them, but we can tell what he's tuning into from comments and his frequent Twitter posts.

The commander-in-chief reportedly watches a lot of TV, particularly for a US president - so much of it, in fact, that people around him are reportedly concerned about it. Meanwhile, he misses most of his daily briefings.

"For a sense of what is happening outside, he watches cable, both at night and during the day - too much in the eyes of some aides - often offering a bitter play-by-play of critics like CNN's Don Lemon," The New York Times reported.

Here are the TV shows that Trump watches:


You would think there were better uses for his time.

03-11-2017, 11:09 AM
You're right -- he could:

1. Party with Beyoncé
2. Fill out his bracket.
3. Party with the other cool rappers that Obama had over.
4. Make youtube videos showing how important it is to have the government raise you.