View Full Version : the black weapon that canceled Christmas

07-03-2017, 12:39 PM
In December 1974 the state of Oregon banned Christmas lighting while other state governments requested citizens to not put up Christmas lights. Some of you might remember this event and how weaponizing oil can destroy our economy. It seems the US particularly tried to wean it self off Middle Eastern oil ever since.

-Did we succeed?

-Did trump keep his promise, made over several tweets, to block all oil imports from Saudi Arabia? and deminish the ever rising power of the OPEC oil cartel?

-Is the U.S.A any closer to weaning it self off Saudi Arabia's palm?

The answer to all of those questions is a big fat NO!

Just last month in May 2017, the crown jewel of Saudi Arabia, Aramco, Bought 0 of the largest oil refinery in Texas. Not only that, they have an exclusive license to sell Shell gasoline in Mississippi, Texas, southeast and mid Atlantic. This means if you purchase oil from a Shell gas station in Atlanta, Baltimore or Dallas, your buying Saudi oil.

What does this mean?

Simple, any dreams of America ever being weaned from Middle Eastern oil in the near future are impossible. Not only that, since our military, to a large extent, still depends on oil we will always be beholdened to Saudi Arabia. US Politicians will always bow to the authority of the Saudi monarchs, not because of oil per se, but because of the extensive network of lobbyists serving the Saudi monarchy bought by oil money of course.

How do you feel knowing that a Saudi Muslim monarch controls how much you shell out at the gas pump and to some extent, How much Food sells in the supermarkets? all this power at the hands of the origin of radical Islam. Why is Saudi Arabia not one of the 6 counties banned from entering the U.S.A?
Simple, all of the 6 countries in the travel ban, despite no terror history, are poor countries that only send refugees. To me it's a refugee ban more then any thing.

Will the U.S.A ever curb the ever growing power of the OPEC cartel?

It's true that in first round between the U.S.A fracking industry and Saudi Arabia, the former won. But for how long? Ever since The oil embargo, OPEC has gained the power to achieve its goal of managing the world's oil supply and keeping prices stable. By raising and lowering supply, OPEC tries to maintain the price between $70-$80 per barrel. Lower than that, and they are selling their finite commodity too cheap. Higher than that, and development of shale oil looks attractive. Now the saudis are buying more and more of the energy assets in the U.S.A. all while the American stooge still believes that the candidates he/she voted for are the politicians representing him/her.

07-03-2017, 12:58 PM
Oil whether domestic of foriegn will always own us. Its like anything else that people must have. Electric, water, people must have gas and heating oil and they will always control us by withholding and raising prices sky high. Theyve manipulated prices my entire driving life. If you think it will be cheaper because it comes from Oklahoma or texas think again, greed is their masters

07-03-2017, 01:01 PM
Will the U.S.A ever wean it self off Middle eastern oil?
People don't realize that America is controlled by a radical Islamic monarchy.

07-03-2017, 01:31 PM
Will the U.S.A ever wean it self off Middle eastern oil?
People don't realize that America is controlled by a radical Islamic monarchy.

"America is controlled by a radical Islamic monarchy"

About 25% of US consumption is from foreign countries. About 52% of that 25% is from OPEC and other Persian Gulf countries. So no.


Mini Me
07-03-2017, 02:05 PM
Saudi Arabia and Israhell work toghether now to export terrorism and war to the world! Our boys die to support Izrahell's proxy wars! Thanks to the PNAC Neocon gang of traitors!

Who needs enemies with friends like that?

And we have a deal made long ago to defend S.A. as long as they support the Petrodollar, which is the worlds reserve currency!

07-03-2017, 03:19 PM
Oil whether domestic of foriegn will always own us. Its like anything else that people must have. Electric, water, people must have gas and heating oil and they will always control us by withholding and raising prices sky high. Theyve manipulated prices my entire driving life. If you think it will be cheaper because it comes from Oklahoma or texas think again, greed is their masters

Lots of energy in the sun and wind but that cannot be put on a $200.000 umbilical cord .

07-03-2017, 06:58 PM
Lots of energy in the sun and wind but that cannot be put on a $200.000 umbilical cord .

Sure it can. Use that energy to crack H2O for hydrogen.