View Full Version : Bigotry is natural, right down to the cellular level

09-22-2017, 07:54 PM

While many organ transplants are successful, there is still a chance that the recipient's immune system will reject the transplanted organ. Before a patient can have an organ transplant, they will take a blood test that will allow doctors to perform tissue typing. This lets doctors check the compatibility between donor and recipient tissues by comparing HLA markers.

Because everyone’s HLA markers are different, with the exception of identical twins, matches are made as close as possible. Without a close match, the organ will be rejected, and T cells will begin their attack.

I think the fact that even white blood cells will react hostility to "foreign" organ transplants which they sometimes misidentify as a threat is proof that bigotry in human societies is biologically normal, and has sometimes played a role in human survival.

Therefore trying to completely eliminate bigotry, or certain types of bigotry (e.x. homophobia) from society is impossible without changing humans' entire genetic hard-wiring.

This is the problem with those on the left who deny human biology and won't accept that some negative types of human behavior are biologically based rather than merely "constructed", they're fighting an impossible battle by denying human nature.