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11-18-2017, 08:55 AM
ESPN’s Scott Van Pelt Slams Network Critics: ‘You’re So Dumb That I Can’t Even Pray For You’


If you truly wanna boycott the NFL and you wanna boycott ESPN, the notion that some guy sitting out there, or gal, and they decide, ‘you know what, I’m gonna cut my entire cable package because ESPN gave an award on a made-up show in July because there’s no sports, to a woman who used to be a man, so I’m now not gonna have any cable TV at all and I’m gonna sit around at night and read books by candlelight like olden times because of that,’ that’s not happening. And if you did that, than you’re so dumb that I can’t even pray for you because you’re beyond hope.

He brings up the NFL in the first sentence, then continues on about issue having nothing to do with the NFL. He seems to take an attitude that people think his network giving an award to an individual who....is not a woman....merely dresses like one and considers himself one and for that ESPN gave him a courage award. Some of us believe that, like Van Pelt's opinions, was stupid and showboat. And look at his idea of what your alternative to cutting cable is.....first of all...many people are cutting cable and streaming their entertainment in. Secondly......."sit around and read books by candlelight?"........as if that's the only alternative to ESPN?

This Dude is a colossal retard.

11-18-2017, 09:31 AM
Not a fan of ESPN b/c it's taken my sports escape and made it so its no longer an escape (Plus it's really the SECSPN and hates the B10.)

11-18-2017, 09:43 AM
In Ancient Rome gladiators were help up as heroes while the empire collapsed. Its all Bread and Circuses today. We are rapidly declining and I am too old to care personally but I weep for my grandchildren.

11-18-2017, 10:34 AM
TV is going the way of choice, you choose what you want to watch, to a degree you can do that now.
There is absolutlely no reason to watch ESPN you can get sports news alot of places. ESPN via disney made a sports channel into a left wing hyberpole channel

11-18-2017, 01:41 PM
Not a fan of ESPN b/c it's taken my sports escape and made it so its no longer an escape (Plus it's really the SECSPN and hates the B10.)
I think that is well said. The network lends it's opinions and politics and I think motivates and facilitates actions like Kaepernicks.

And this notion Van Pelt suggests......that to turn off ESPN, what are you gonna do "read a book?"

Exactly. This nation's children need to put the cell down. Turn idiots like Scott Pelt off, and read a book. You can actually use the same electricity used for your tv to work to plug in what's called a lamp. Artificial light, Scott.