View Full Version : Don't Mess With Mr. Glock

06-28-2011, 01:05 PM
He is the man behind the gun. You don't mess with Gaston Glock. His most trusted associate tried. Lured into a dimly lit garage in Luxembourg by his colleague Charles Ewert, the Austrian Glock stopped to look at a sports car at Ewert's suggestion. Suddenly, a massive masked man leaped from behind and smashed a rubber mallet into Glock's skull. Ewert fled to the stairwell. "I am a coward," he later told . With Glock off balance, the attacker landed another crushing blow. "I was fighting for my life," recalls Glock, 73, during a rare interview with the press.


Pretty good story...

06-28-2011, 04:27 PM
Yeah it was.....to bad he didn't rip out the guy's eyeball and eat it. lol

06-28-2011, 04:28 PM
:D :D :D