View Full Version : Enchantments.

Brett Nortje
01-07-2018, 05:10 AM
I have been thinking about this now for a while, and, in this age of telepathy, want to make 'anti spy rooms.' This would be where you give off a layer of heat to encase the room, where the room is encased in noise to stop people seeing in.

I have this in mind particularly for my guild in the local factory area. If we were to train people in magic, we need to have anti spying things, as, with life I have learned, two fists equals conflict, two guns equals conflict, but with one gun and one fist, there is peace, yes?

So, how do we 'give off' energy to shield the area from spying? Well,t his might be possible with constant application or, just as likely, with a persistent layer of noise given off in advance...

Then, we need to concentrate a lot of 'hatred' around us, as it is dense energy, of course. This will 'fill the room' and then there will be less chance of having the room invaded by the prying eyes of onlookers.

Or, the area might be 'moulded?' this could be done by shaping a 'persistent dome' with your own 'body heat fuels,' where you could craft the dome from the excess heat of yours. This might be possible with the magnetic effects of electron attraction, simply fixing protons to metals and solids surfaces. To get the protons there, we need to make these things denser, and, then they might break, like nitrogen four, of course.

So, we would want to simply draw heat into the room! This would be possible by using 'lighting' to 'bring the electrons down to earth' and then leaving behind something less dense, or, the other way around, with 'lightning striking the dome' with great frequency.

01-07-2018, 05:58 AM
Brett you are a hard act to follow :)

01-07-2018, 06:43 AM
Keep us posted as to the status, Brett. Good luck!!!

Brett Nortje
01-09-2018, 05:11 AM
With the sounds you make with your voice, it stands to reason that this is related to the golden ratio in music, of course. I am trying to make a dome of silence that works with music, a 'song' or 'tune' that will give total privacy to the people around it, of course.

So, if we were to observe we are looking for 'a dense song,' that will collect later, this would resound as a song that manifests at different levels, yes? Obviously, a high pitched song will travel through us and affect 'glass or crystal' things, yes? This stand to reason that this would affect the 'incoming hearing of us,' then, yes?

If we were to observe that the dome needs to be made of something 'dense or distorting,' then maybe we could simply tune it to a sub phonic frequency where the radio gives off short wave noise that nobody can hear? Yes, I think that is it...

Brett Nortje
01-09-2018, 06:14 AM
This whole sounds in magic thing can be traced to the only natural magic we possess. This is what my own magic is based on, that what comes from the conscious to the body to the outside, actively and consciously, of course. This would be the only way without our bodies we can affect the world around us, through making papers fly around, to making avalanches, to making glass shatter and so forth, yes? It is actually air that is coming out at a certain frequency and density that can only affect an penetrate things to the limits of its 'mass,' okay?

So, if we were to observe how we can change the direction of our blowing out to make different sounds and so forth, and, that each sound we make has a different reaction on the others around us, that they might get angry or even endeared, then we could easily see that each sound, on a surface level at least, as if an end user of the magic arts, a terminal operator... we could say that each sound has a different effect on people, yes?

Now, I am guessing that we could make a hour long radio broadcast that would make people go to sleep, or throw all the bread out their house, and, so forth. This is because, we can communicate a message with sound, but, if we were to observe that 'too strong a signal cannot be overpowered or resisted,' then it would be easy to see that we could easily be 'brainwashed to severity,' yes?

This stands to reason then that correctly worded enchantments would have different effects depending on your own 'phonic tuning.' With a different voice comes different sounds, and, with different sounds comes different outcomes, yes? This means you should look to your best friends and wonder what you say to them all the time and the way you say it - this will make you very charismatic, of course!

Brett Nortje
01-17-2018, 08:18 AM
I want to set up doorways between point on earth that last, as if they were dimension doors that are permanent.

This might be done by casting 'dimension door' and charging the doorway. This would be like mixing necromantic power with alteration, so, you would touch the doorway and 'push energy' into it.

This would require a hand to touch the doorway and then place manna into it by merely wishing it into it.

Or maybe this can be done by casting it and 'sustaining' it? This will naturally sap the energy of the caster, hopefully eating away at manna pool or something?

Or, we could observe that this is electromagnetism, so, we could place a few magnets around the doorway 'to hold it open?'