View Full Version : SWAT Officers Who Rushed to Scene of Parkland Shooting Without Permission Have Been D

03-08-2018, 04:43 PM
SWAT Officers Who Rushed to Scene of Parkland Shooting Without Permission Have Been Disciplined (https://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3638183/posts)​

By Cortney O'Brien

Two Miramar Police Department SWAT team members, Det. Jeffery Gilbert and Det. Carl Schlosser, were off duty and training at Coral Springs when they learned of the shooting at nearby Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last month, where 17 people were killed.
Instead of treating the two men as heroes, the SWAT's unit commander informed the two men that they had been temporarily suspended from their duties. They were unwanted, you see.
“Effective immediately you have been suspended from the SWAT Team until further notice,” wrote Capt. Kevin Nosowicz, the unit’s commander, in a Feb. 22 memo obtained by the Miami Herald through a public records request. “Please make arrangements with the training department to turn in your SWAT-issued rifle.” (Miami Herald) [http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article203903054.html]​
Pat Franklin, a retired Miami Beach police detective, offered further explanation for the disciplinary action.
"You don’t want to let those guys loose into something that’s chaotic where they might take inappropriate action," he noted. "It is prudent to have them stand down unless there is a plan.”

Source: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/cortneyobrien/2018/03/08/swat-officers-who-rushed-to-scene-of-parkland-shooting-have-been-disciplined-n2458822/print

Hmmmm. Different Police Department so............ Has the captain that told "her" officers to NOT enter the building contrary to department policy been reprimanded or disciplined? Just curious.
"It is prudent to have them stand down unless there is a plan.”
Surely, an active shooter must be allowed to continue to shoot people until the 'powers that be' formulate a 'plan' ... complete with logistics and possibly close air support!
Having a 'good guy with a gun' stop 'a bad guy with a gun' without this 'plan' might be 'chaotic' ... instead of a neatly packaged paramilitary operation ... preferably with the Unit Commander outside with a bull horn, posing for Drive-By Media photo-ops ...(note sarcasm)
This is the kind of thinking that makes police almost worse then useless in an active shooter situation. Have them sit around outside planning while the kids are being butchered.
When the code goes out for Officer down all police units respond on the area. So too, when the call went out for the school shooting all officers responded even from nearby towns like Miramar, Cold Springs, etc.
Apparently even in time of extreme circumstances like a active school shooting Sheriff Israel holds sway over any rescue efforts. How dare a swat team on scene should attempt to clear an active shooter from the school scene?
When you live in a Progressive Democrat Blue run city or town do not trust the Police for they have to follow dumb ideas. First line is protect yourself. Police come after the action begins. It proves the old adage, "There's never a cop around when you need them".
Over the years we seen riots where Police were told not to interfere with criminal activities and people were killed, hurt and property destroy. We saw it in the 90's in Los Angeles, again in Ferguson, Baltimore, Berkeley and in Charlottesville where riots broke out and Police just watched them hurt others by order of Progressive Marxist Democrat government.
The two police officers in question are being scapegoated there's no question about that.

03-08-2018, 05:17 PM
Yeah we don't want to let those guys loose taking on an active shooter.....they might just stop the shooter. WTF is wrong with that Capt.

Can somebody puleeeeeeze lay a bitchslap upside that mopes head.