Quote Originally Posted by IMPress Polly View Post
Everyone's doing their arbitrary lists of "the best" this and that, so figured I'd chime in with my favorite (whatever) here. No list format for you though. I also know everyone will hate everything I say, so I'm not going to waste my time with much commentary this year. But just for the hell of it...

Favorite Books:

My fav' new book this year was Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger by Rebecca Traister, though I'd give runner-up status to A Politically Incorrect Feminist: Creating A Movement With $#@!es, Lunatics, Dykes, Prodigies, Warriors, and Wonder Women by Phyllis Chesler.

Favorite Video Game: Celeste

This is an awesome platforming video game that serves as a metaphor for navigating depression and anxiety. It just meant a lot to me. It's available on all the current-gen consoles, and also on home computers.

Favorite TV Show: Aggressive Retsuko

(Or Aggretsuko in the original Japanese.) It's a comedy anime for children aged 20+ about surviving your work day from the people who brought you Hello Kitty.

Favorite Song: FFS by Deaf Wish

Sonic Youth life. Just saying.

Best Political Movement: South Korea's Beauty Resisters

I just love the radical womyn of South Korea! Here's some footage of one of their large-scale protests against spycam porn (or "molka" in Korean) and beauty culture conducted over the summer:

Now you know what the best stuff was. Disagree? Share your fav' stuff of 2018!

Mental health teaching in video game format. I kind of like it. When it comes to video games there is a certain something to be said for " if you can't beat em join em"