So early this morning it felt cold out and an hour or so ago when I went for a walk the thermometer read mid 20's so I chose my heavy coat, gloves, Muck boots ( due to the ice on the road) and a light but warm face mask pulled only over the ears.
When I returned the coat was unzipped and I was pushing it as open as I could with each step , and the gloves and hat were in the coat pockets. I then shoveled to regain the driveway edges from snow banks and got so hot I took the jacket off. And came in so hot I headed straight for the shower after giving myself a few minutes to stop sweating so much.
On another day with clouds and wind, and a different humidity my garp might have been perfectly appropriate at the same temperature. We often rely too much on just one weather factor. I've been colder in a rain with wind in the high 50's.
I should clarify that I have always been considered cold tolerant and heat intolerant even where I live. Then that skinny kid grew into a somewhat short , somewhat overweight man with a strong lower body. In other words I am shaped like an Eskimo. Still it's easier to take gloves and hats off then to not have them with you. Really shoulda worn the wind breaker or a pull over though.