Cats also make you crazy. Presenting...
Researchers at the University of Exeter have found that most cat owners think that their pets will instinctively hunt birds and mice whether they discourage the behavior or not. While many owners dislike their cat’s tendency to hunt wildlife, they feel either unable or unwilling to control it.

The team interviewed cat owners about their pets’ hunting behavior, what concerned them about this behavior, and what actions they felt responsible for. ...Some cats catch multiple birds and small animals every week, while many others stay indoors and rarely prey on animals.

Regardless, conservationists are concerned about the impact that hunters among the UK’s 11 million cats may have on declining species such as house sparrows.
(Of course they are.)

Get this..!! Here's the new and novel, MODERN way to stop your cat from (EFFECTIVELY) hunting. They left out the word effectively, because you aren't going to stop their natural instincts, Derpers. :
Some of the current methods used to prevent cats from hunting wildlife include the use of collars with bells and bright colors.
The UK has an estimated 11 million cats? That's 6 cats per person! Unacceptable. I think rational, clear thinking people can understand that not all of those cats are house cats. A purge on the scourge is what I say. #NotAllCats Just most.