Quote Originally Posted by Collateral Damage View Post
The government should provide information on subjects pertaining to the citizens.... that is their action. That is my response. Epidemic I believe was your offering, so provide information on what it is, how to prevent personal infection, and what to do if a person comes ill. Not mandate injections, not require people to do this or that, but provide information and let the individual make decisions for them and their minor dependents. They can offer immunizations or care, but participation should be voluntary.

While society bears the cost of those who won't take care of themselves, I don't care if they complain about what it costs. Some medical conditions are not self inflicted, should those people just shut up because they are part of a societal pool? We are all free to make choices, and taking away one person's freedom of choice, will eventually become 'your' freedom of choice.
Let's say some kind of viral infection that's contagious through casual or even brief contact with infected persons. Let's also say that the medical community is unprepared for it. The state should step back and provide information?

Nice try but obesity is 1) the topic and 2) is most certainly self-inflicted the vast majority of the time. Our freedumb leads directly to rising medical costs that, quite frankly, aren't sustainable. This is moving in a direction liberty lovers may not like but it's our fault.