Yep it's all over but for the voting. Tomorrow the voting stations open and probably by Wednesday morning most of us will have a good idea of who's going to be the chief executive of the United States in 2013.

Well I say that by Wednesday morning, but if the New York Times statistician, Nate Silvers, is correct then Obama will easily be re-elected and we will probably know it by late tomorrow night. But if the polling returns really are as tight as the Rasmussen and Gallup companies claim then we may not know until Monday of next week who's going to be president . . . and if they really are that tight then Romney will probably eke out a marginal win. I suspect that Nate Silvers is wildly wrong but I don't know that for certain, and I will simply wait for one or the other of the candidates to concede defeat. The other fellow then will be the winner. Simple, yes?

I will end this on a humorous note [well, it's humorous if you are a Republican]. No doubt I am wrong about this but I like to fancy that national and overseas bookies are basing their odds [heavily favoring Obama by the way] on Nate Silvers' analysis which always outrageously favors a Barack Obama re-election. So then big -- and I mean really, really big -- gambling money is at stake in this election and those people will not be amused if Romney wins and this costs them several large fortunes as a result.

Ahem! Are you listening to this Nate? Here's the deal then; if Romney does win then my advice to you is, "Run Nate! Run for hills fellow! Faster Nate! Run much faster!"

Heh . . . well one can fantasize.