Quote Originally Posted by Cali View Post
I think Mr. Romney is fine, he speaks for what he believes in, what he thinks is best for America. I agreed with most of all the things he said. The only thing that I think didn't help him is seem like he speak so gernerally, broadly, the broader of the issues, he didn't really going into details, he didn't elaborate to details like how Obama did. I can see from both the convention, seem like Romney can't seem to connect to the audience alot like how Obama did. I still voted for Romney though.

We, the 59 millions voters who vote for Romney, who didn't want president Obama for the 2nd term, now have to live and obey with all the policies of Obama administration for the next 4 years. The Americans have no choice, is not like they can go anywhere, America is their homeland, their families and friends are all here, generations and generations they work hard to be where they at today. Little or a lot, I believe the lives of the Americans will be effected in the next coming years, including a low life job person like myself. Liberals, you know, minimum wage job people like me have to pay taxes too you know, and my taxes will be going towards buying free healthcare for those who get free contraceptive, free welfair, free, free, and I hope I don't have to pay taxes to feed those who are NOT citizens of USA!

In my opinion, Americans now are being feed little by little of socialism ideas into our brain, and many people are not even realized this. All they care is about their "individual" rights and benefits (mostly the young generation). 1st term of president Obama, I can understand, but people are putting president Obama back into office 2nd term, seem like the "society" "thinking" now in America has change alot. Seem like the younger generations now are getting more and more "very open" these days.

Anyways, I pray for my minimum wage job, that if I still able to have this job for the next 4 years, LOL! With many people will be getting lay off and fighting for jobs, not much luck. Oh, by the way, nothing is for free you know, one day the middle class won't have anything left for Obama policies to milk, then those who waiting for free stuff will get nothing! Things don't fall down from the sky, you work hard to earn it, that is what true fairness is about.

Anyways, Liberals are winner for this presidency, and we are the looser, well let me tell you. I don't even have to think twice, with a heartbeat if I can choose again, I will voted for Romney again, eventhough I know the outcome that he will lost, I still voted for Romney. I don't bow down to Socialist ideas, period!!

You are the type of American who remains a complete mystery to me and most of the rest of the world.

You do not live, you subsist. You believe the rapacious interests that backed Romney and his ilk will somehow help you. And that a fairer distribution of wealth and services will not.

Are you nuts? Or do you come from West Virginia?