Quote Originally Posted by Common View Post
I read all the Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle and Dracula by Bram Stoker, all those books where you dont learn nothing but still keep you engrossed.
I found the one-volume Holmes by Conan Doyle in my father's library when I was probably about twelve, and was instantly fascinated. Since then I've read and collected all the Holmes books by various authors I could get my hands on, and seen all the films. (Basil Rathbone was physically perfect for the role, but his Holmes was always a little too nice and polite - the SH of the books was a bit less nice, and could be a bit of a nut at times; Jeremy Brett got it exactly right, I think.) A few months ago, a new Holmes play by Jeffrey Hatcher premiered here in Phoenix and I had to go see it. I'm not a frequent playgoer, but the subject matter was irresistible, and I was in no way disappointed.

Quote Originally Posted by Common View Post
Have you read any John Grishams books ? The firm was one of his best I thought
No, I've seen several of the films based on his books - I really liked 'The Client' - but for some reason I've never picked up any of the books.