Horrible story

M-13 and there actions are the most underreported crimes because it makes Obama and Illegals look bad. Obama opened the flood gates from South America where m-13 comes from.

On Long Island they are macheteing people to death, the news doesnt report it. They are committing murder and violence all over the country in specific spots and its under reported.

Trump and Sessions are the ONLY ONES who made it a priority and are trying to do something about it.

WaPo: A Teen Warned That MS-13 Was 'Taking Over' Her New York High School. Then She was Murdered.

Over the course of our national immigration debate -- speaking of which, has anyone noticed that the DACA deadline expired without Congressional action? -- border hawks are sometimes scolded for highlighting examples of violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants. I tend to agree that judging groups of people by their worst elements is an unfair practice that can cross into toxic demagoguery and scapegoating. It's true, for example, that immigrants commit fewer crimes on a percentage basis than natural-born Americans, though the same truth doesn't apply to illegal immigrants. But we shouldn't airbrush tough truths, either. Part of the conversation must entail the brutal crimes committed by some people who've entered the US illegally. Simply declaring such topics off-limits or unseemly amounts to a refusal to confront reality.

Whenever President Trump showcases family members of American citizens murdered by illegal immigrants, he's accused of dog-whistling and racism. And when he raises the specter of vicious violence perpetrated by the MS-13 gang, many on the Left claim that he's exaggerating a threat in order to spread fear-based stereotypes about Latinos. For instance, after the president shared a story of two high school girls murdered by MS-13 at the State of the Union Address, MSNBC host Joy Reid made this assertion:
