10 Battles that shaped the Ottoman Empire

This is an interesting article about the battles that shaped the Ottoman Empire. They won many, and lost some. My favorites are the siege and defeat of Constantinople (1452), and the siege and battle of Vienna in 1683 where King John III Sobieski broke the Ottoman lines with the largest heavy cavalry charge in history. We came, we saw, and God conquered. That was in his letter to his wife after victory.

The Ottoman Empire was actually one of three multi-ethnic, multi-religious empires in Europe that perished as a result of World War I, along with Austria-Hungary and tsarist Russia. To the east of the Ottomans were two other, long-lasting empires, the Persian empire ruled by the Qajar dynasty (which perished in 1925) and the Mughal empire of India (which perished in 1857). These eastern empires are referred to by many historians as “gunpowder empires” and they controlled the Eurasian trade routes that Chinese and especially European merchants used for exchanging goods and ideas. Here are 10 battles that shaped the Ottoman Empire:
Read the article at the link.