View Full Version : Do Einstein'Laws Prove Ghosts Exist.....

11-14-2011, 07:28 AM

Every night, amateur ghost-hunting groups across the country head out into abandoned warehouses, old buildings and cemeteries to look for ghosts. They often bring along electronic equipment that they believe helps them locate ghostly energy.

Despite years of efforts by ghost hunters on TV and in real life, we still do not have good proof that ghosts are real. Many ghost hunters believe that strong support for the existence of ghosts can be found in modern physics. Specifically, that Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientific minds of all time, offered a scientific basis for the reality of ghosts.

A recent Google search turned up nearly 8 million results suggesting a link between ghosts and Einstein's work covering the conservation of energy. This assertion is repeated by many top experts in the field. For example, ghost researcher John Kachuba, in his book "Ghosthunters" (2007, New Page Books), writes, "Einstein proved that all the energy of the universe is constant and that it can neither be created nor destroyed.....
This idea shows up — and is presented as evidence for ghosts — on virtually all ghost-themed websites as well. For example, a group called Tri County Paranormal states, "Albert Einstein said that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change from one form to another. When we are alive, we have electrical energy in our bodies. ... What happens to the electricity that was in our body, causing our heart to beat and making our breathing possible? There is no easy answer to that."

In fact, the answer is very simple, and not at all mysterious. After a person dies, the energy in his or her body goes where all organisms' energy goes after death: into the environment. When a human dies, the energy stored in his or her body is released in the form of heat, and transferred into the animals that eat us (i.e., wild animals if we are left unburied, or worms and bacteria if we are interred), and the plants that absorb us. If we are cremated, the energy in our bodies is released in the form of heat and light.

When we eat dead plants and animals, we are consuming their energy and converting it for our own use. Food is metabolized when digested, and chemical reactions release the energy the animal needs to live, move, reproduce, etc. That energy does not exist in the form of a glowing, ghostly ball of electromagnetic energy, but rather in the form of heat and chemical energy.
Ghost hunters who repeat the claim that Einstein's theories provide a sound basis for ghosts reveal less about ghosts than they do about their poor understanding of basic science. Ghosts may indeed exist, but neither Einstein nor his laws of physics suggests that ghosts are real.....snip~

So now can they please take Ghost hunters off TV with all that bullshit about EMT and Electrical globes or spheres. That they are hunting ghosts with. Sound recorders, infra and ultra violet light. Meters, lights, cables, cameras.

Show me a building that is haunted. Shit being thrown around. People floating around and saying shit. Hearing sounds and hearing what one wants to hear. Is two different things.

Course that means since all this suppose activity happens only at night time. There can be only answer.

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/379662_123782974398400_100003000959218_128232_1573 913288_n.jpg :D ;D

11-14-2011, 09:07 AM
Hey man, there are hundreds of channels now and they all need shows to air. Ghost Hunters is probably pretty cheap to make. I haven't seen it but to each his own. I will not be tuning in to it to hear analysis of Einstein's theories though. :D

11-14-2011, 09:29 AM
Hey man, there are hundreds of channels now and they all need shows to air. Ghost Hunters is probably pretty cheap to make. I haven't seen it but to each his own. I will not be tuning in to it to hear analysis of Einstein's theories though. :D

Yeah I think they should be on Realty TV not the Sci-fi Chnnel or History Channels.

11-14-2011, 09:29 AM
When I die, I will continue to exist only by the impression I have made in the world--be it physical or interpersonal. It is for this reason that people strive to make the most of their time here, and leave a legacy of themselves behind to be remembered and honored. You could say that Einstein's ghost is right here on this web page :o because we're talking about him long after he is dead. Had he not lived at all, this would not be here....and the world would be very different.

11-14-2011, 09:36 AM
That's pretty cool.

11-14-2011, 09:37 AM
Hey man, there are hundreds of channels now and they all need shows to air. Ghost Hunters is probably pretty cheap to make. I haven't seen it but to each his own. I will not be tuning in to it to hear analysis of Einstein's theories though. :D

Yeah I think they should be on Realty TV not the Sci-fi Chnnel or History Channels.

True but all those channels want to make money. That's why Bravo went from Masterpiece Theater to Real Housewives...it's what the people watch, ideals be damned :-\

11-14-2011, 09:40 AM
That's pretty cool.

Kinda makes you think differently about ghosts, huh? Has alot of weight to it. Makes floating things and specters seem lame.

11-14-2011, 09:49 AM
That's pretty cool.

Kinda makes you think differently about ghosts, huh? Has alot of weight to it. Makes floating things and specters seem lame.

Yeah...I mean I wouldn't call it a ghost, but something there exists. I would rather think about Einstein's ghost being in this page than a floating specter hovering over my bed :D

11-14-2011, 11:30 AM
That's pretty cool.

Kinda makes you think differently about ghosts, huh? Has alot of weight to it. Makes floating things and specters seem lame.

Yeah...I mean I wouldn't call it a ghost, but something there exists. I would rather think about Einstein's ghost being in this page than a floating specter hovering over my bed :D

That would be creepy. Or Einsteins ghost watching you take a shit. "Motherfucker, get out." (sprays holy water, says the Hail Mary, sprays the Febreeze) :D

11-14-2011, 11:44 AM
:D Febreeze works wonders on the evil spirits emerging from one's arsehole during a poop.

Mister D
11-14-2011, 04:15 PM
Wow this went downhill fast but I suppose it's no surprise considering the topic. ;D Ghost Hunters etc. just doesn't have the magic of Ancient Aliens. Or the crazy hair.

11-14-2011, 04:16 PM
:D It was never the intellectual to begin with...

Where were you this morning? Getting drunk in the Expedition again? ;D

Mister D
11-14-2011, 04:20 PM
:D It was never the intellectual to begin with...

Where were you this morning? Getting drunk in the Expedition again? ;D

I wish! Ah, one of those days I guess. I like to keep this open all day but I couldn't
afford the distraction for long.

11-14-2011, 04:22 PM
Gotcha...we all have days like that. :-\

Mister D
11-14-2011, 04:42 PM
Gotcha...we all have days like that. :-\

I'll be on later. Nice to see my absence didn'ty matter as much.

11-14-2011, 04:52 PM
Gotcha...we all have days like that. :-\

I'll be on later. Nice to see my absence didn'ty matter as much.

Yep, MMC hasn't been around much either.

11-14-2011, 05:34 PM
Gotcha...we all have days like that. :-\

I'll be on later. Nice to see my absence didn'ty matter as much.

You werent missed. LOL

Mister D
11-14-2011, 09:37 PM
Gotcha...we all have days like that. :-\

I'll be on later. Nice to see my absence didn'ty matter as much.

You werent missed. LOL

Now that wasn't nice, greer.

11-14-2011, 09:38 PM
Gotcha...we all have days like that. :-\

I'll be on later. Nice to see my absence didn'ty matter as much.

You werent missed. LOL

Now that wasn't nice, greer.

Well you did call him a dumb ass :rofl:

Mister D
11-14-2011, 09:40 PM
Gotcha...we all have days like that. :-\

I'll be on later. Nice to see my absence didn'ty matter as much.

Yep, MMC hasn't been around much either.

Was he here this morning? Didn't he mention he some stuff to take care of?

11-14-2011, 09:42 PM
Gotcha...we all have days like that. :-\

I'll be on later. Nice to see my absence didn'ty matter as much.

Yep, MMC hasn't been around much either.

Was he here this morning? Didn't he mention he some stuff to take care of?

No, he just suddenly logged out without saying anything. He's been doing that more and more. :-\