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Dr. Who
04-20-2013, 12:27 PM
I switched to the mode for cell phones etc. and now I can't access my settings. How do I return to the standard view?

04-20-2013, 12:36 PM
I switched to the mode for cell phones etc. and now I can't access my settings. How do I return to the standard view?

I think you just scroll to the bottom and select "View Full Site." But then it's been a while since I used the mobile app for this site.

Dr. Who
04-20-2013, 12:39 PM
I think you just scroll to the bottom and select "View Full Site." But then it's been a while since I used the mobile app for this site.
That shows the full site, but when I click on settings it takes me back to the mobile view and there is no settings option in that view. Hope I'm not stuck with this :sad:

04-20-2013, 12:46 PM
I think go to your profile settings.

Dr. Who
04-20-2013, 12:51 PM
There is nothing that I can see under profile that allows settings changes. If I go into full site view and click on settings I get:
We are sorry, this content is not supported via the mobile style.

Dr. Who
04-20-2013, 01:00 PM
Also these are the only options I have:
http://thepoliticalforums.com/images/mobile/vbulletin-logo.png (http://thepoliticalforums.com/forum.php)
http://thepoliticalforums.com/images/mobile/gridmenu.png (http://thepoliticalforums.com/mobile.php?do=gridmenu)http://thepoliticalforums.com/images/mobile/search.png (http://thepoliticalforums.com/search.php?search_type=1&contenttype=vBForum_Post)

vBulletin Menu

http://thepoliticalforums.com/images/mobile/forums.png (http://thepoliticalforums.com/forum.php)Forums (http://thepoliticalforums.com/forum.php)

http://thepoliticalforums.com/images/mobile/album.png (http://thepoliticalforums.com/album.php)Albums (http://thepoliticalforums.com/album.php)

http://thepoliticalforums.com/images/mobile/profile.png (http://thepoliticalforums.com/members/612-Dr-Who)Profile (http://thepoliticalforums.com/members/612-Dr-Who)

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http://thepoliticalforums.com/images/mobile/notifications.png (http://thepoliticalforums.com/mobile.php?do=notifications)Notifications (0) (http://thepoliticalforums.com/mobile.php?do=notifications)

http://thepoliticalforums.com/images/mobile/messages.png (http://thepoliticalforums.com/private.php)Messages (0) (http://thepoliticalforums.com/private.php)

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Dr. Who
04-20-2013, 01:25 PM
OK, I finally got into my settings. After fighting with it for a while!

04-20-2013, 01:27 PM
Click "Full Site", then upper right "Settings", then "General Settings", scroll down to "Miscellaneous", then "Forum Skin". Select "Default Style". Scroll down, click "save Changes".

04-20-2013, 01:28 PM
OK, I finally got into my settings. After fighting with it for a while!

Cool. Yea, took me a while first time. I like the Mobile version but it doesn't allow me to do moderator things.

Dr. Who
04-20-2013, 05:02 PM
Cool. Yea, took me a while first time. I like the Mobile version but it doesn't allow me to do moderator things.
Only went there as an experiment. I am now cured. It's too much of a pain to get out. It might help if there were instructions somewhere.

07-20-2018, 10:28 AM
So, I too changed My Settings to "Mobile Style" just to see what would happen. It sucks bad, at least for a PC. I don't recommend it.

But getting out of "Mobile Style" is not obvious or intuitive. The easiest way I found to do it is to go down to the lower left window on the page with the style options scroll box, and select anything BUT "Default Style" from the menu. (That only gives you the default view of the forum, but you go right back into Mobile Style again. No idea why. My mind. It is blown. Again.)

Anyway, so I did that -- went down to the window at the bottom left and selected "Large Font", and I got large fonts.

From there I could then select Default Style and bring back the full site layout again, and it stuck. Whew.

Note that when in "Mobile Style", the "Full Site" option at the bottom of the page is temporary, only for the page you are on.

You will still have to go back into "My Settings" to change back to default settings, but at least now you'll be able to do that.