View Full Version : Physical Health, Biden and Trump

10-24-2020, 10:53 AM
Trump likes to mock Biden’s physical health. Imagine that. Trump, the PILLSBURY DOUGHBOY, is mocking Biden’s physical health. LOL!

We have all heard the demeaning comments that Trump has made about Biden’s physical health, just like he did with Hillary. It is obvious that these comments are just another one of his MANY efforts to CON the American people. (Don-the-Con strikes again!)

In REALITY (aka, NOT in Trump’s TV REALITY), the results of a recent physical exam released by Biden’s doctor, showed that, despite his age, Biden is in good health and nowhere near slowing down. Doctors credit Biden’s good health to exercising at least five days a week, and not smoking or drinking alcohol. (I would assume that Biden eats FAR FEWER cheeseburgers than Trump, and that would also contribute to Biden’s good health.)

Let’s take a quick look at Trump’s physical health:

- His doctor says that Trump is obese. (That explains his “doughboy” look.)

- We have seen Trump using two hands to drink a glass of water. (Maybe he was drinking heavy water. He probably thought it was cure for Covid.)

- We have heard Trump slurring his words.

- We have heard Trump having trouble reading a teleprompter.

- Trump made a mysterious visit to the hospital last fall, and he will not give a straight answer as to why. (What is he HIDING?)

- Apparently, Trump lacks stamina. During a G7 meeting in Sicily, he refused to walk 700 yards for a photo op. He had to be transported in a golf cart, while the other leaders walked. (He was lucky that they were willing to baby him like that. I guess he was feeling fragile that day.)

- Some observers say that Trump has trouble walking down ramps and staircases. (I guess a golf cart would not help with that.)

- Trump has periods of low energy. For example:

>He invented a daily routine that he likes to call “executive time”, and that consumes a major chunk of his work day. Often, his executive time is focused on low energy “work”. For example, watching TV and eating cheeseburgers. (I guess it DOES take some energy to lift the cheeseburgers, and the TV remote.)

>For his debates with Hillary, he did not have enough energy to learn the issues, whereas she knew the issues inside out. (Apparently, she had MUCH MORE energy than him.) During the debates, he was high energy for the first 15 minutes, and then he was in “low energy” mode for the last 75 minutes. It was like he needed life support to get thru those last 75 minutes. Of course, he had enough energy to STALK her. And he had enough energy to incessantly interrupt her, to hurl childish insults at her, and to threaten her. But he did NOT have enough energy to come up with a NEW shtick. Instead, he repeated one of his OLD shticks ... projection. For example, Putin’s puppet said “no, you’re the puppet”, and Tax Dodger Don called her “crooked Hillary”.

>For his first debate with Biden, he made the BASELESS claims that Biden would be taking performance-enhancing drugs in preparation for the debate, and that Biden would be wearing an earpiece during the debate. He also implied that Biden would be high energy until the drugs wore off, and then he would go into “low energy” mode. (I watched the debate, and I did NOT see that.) As for Trump’s energy level: As he did for his debates with Hillary, Trump did not have the energy to learn the issues, while Biden knew the issues inside out. (Apparently, Biden ALSO has MUCH MORE energy than him.) Apparently, Trump overexerted himself during the debate, because his face was red and sweaty during most of the 90 minutes. (NOT so, for Biden.) Furthermore, Trump was often unable to focus on the topics under discussion, and he often went off on a tangent. (Was that from low mental energy? Or was he high on drugs?)

- And now, as a result of a series of STUPID decisions that he made, Trump contracted Covid.

It should be noted that Trump received GREAT healthcare paid for by the American taxpayers, while he is trying to take away affordable healthcare from millions of those same American taxpayers. Furthermore, because he often does not pay his taxes, he chipped-in almost NOTHING for HIS healthcare bill. Bottom line, he is getting great healthcare for almost FREE. What a FREELOADER!

- Trump suffers from a SEVERE case of trumpatitus (pronounced like “hepatitis” with the “hep” replaced by “trump”). Trumpatitus is a precursor for the Coronavirus. Trumpatitus is a disease that causes the brain to have frequent “reality-TV-like” thoughts about the Coronavirus. These thoughts are characterized by very bad judgment, lots of wishful thinking, and lots and lots of pixie dust. Trumpatitus is highly contagious, and it has infected people in the US in epidemic proportions. Trump is patient zero for the trumpatitus epidemic. (Thanks to patient zero and the trumpatitus epidemic, the US is the “Covid capital” of the world.)

This list could be longer, but I’m going to end it now.

As MOST of us know, Trump’s negative claims about Biden’s physical health are just another one of his MANY con jobs. And as most of us know, one purpose of that con job is to distract us from HIS physical health problems.