View Full Version : Both The Roar Of The Lion & The Voice of The People Being Shut Out By Republicans

Sybil Ludington
12-09-2020, 02:19 PM
https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/9jmMOXv0L667WqbCFsLnZ2wXNLZUctJvlvDpYw35RfGpmJ8GTj bomn-pXsLwd5ULhElkzw6DFGgJF7FApgTo-0IGKjWj30z9ZZLfUg0IoFEt=s0-d-e1-ft#https://canadafreepress.com/images/uploads/cover120920-336.jpg
Meanwhile, Republicans, thoroughly tone deaf to the Roar of the Lion, pretend not to hear the Voice of The People. But against all odds, both are still out there

The logo illustrating this article (source unknown) was forwarded to the Mother Ship yesterday by savvy CFP columnist Jim O’Neill.

The logo is perfect for our times, depicting President Donald Trump as a lion “because (the GOP elephant and the Democrat donkey) “isn’t working anymore.

Aside from the 74 million American voters who gave him a landslide—stolen from him early in the morning of November 4th, Trump the Lionhearted stands alone—abandoned by members of his own Party.

Only the truth-telling Epoch Times seems to have noted itOnly the truth-telling Epoch Times seems to have noted it.

‘As Trump Fights Election Fraud, Most Republicans in Congress Remain Quiet’- (Epoch Times (https://www.theepochtimes.com/as-trump-fights-election-fraud-most-republicans-in-congress-remain-quiet_3609866.html), Dec. 8, 2020)

Quiet as the grave now being dug for America as a falsely-crowned ‘President-Elect’ proceeds to bury America the Beautiful under soul-killing Socialism.

Hiding from Covid, while America is in business-killing Lockdown, the elephants, just like the Dem donkeys, are not coming out to water.

Leaving the president to fight alone, they are afraid of getting their curls wet.


he logo illustrating this article (source unknown) was forwarded to the Mother Ship yesterday by savvy CFP columnist Jim O’Neill.
The logo is perfect for our times, depicting President Donald Trump as a lion “because (the GOP elephant and the Democrat donkey) “isn’t working anymore.
Aside from the 74 million American voters who gave him a landslide—stolen from him early in the morning of November 4th, Trump the Lionhearted stands alone—abandoned by members of his own Party.