View Full Version : Eugenics: the skeleton that rattles loudest in the left's closet

Mister D
03-07-2012, 11:34 AM

It is eugenics, the belief that society's fate rested on its ability to breed more of the strong and fewer of the weak. So-called positive eugenics meant encouraging those of greater intellectual ability and "moral worth" to have more children, while negative eugenics sought to urge, or even force, those deemed inferior to reproduce less often or not at all. The aim was to increase the overall quality of the national herd, multiplying the thoroughbreds and weeding out the runts.Such talk repels us now, but in the prewar era it was the common sense of the age. Most alarming, many of its leading advocates were found among the luminaries of the Fabian and socialist left, men and women revered to this day. Thus George Bernard Shaw could insist that "the only fundamental and possible socialism is the socialisation of the selective breeding of man", even suggesting, in a phrase that chills the blood, that defectives be dealt with by means of a "lethal chamber".
Such thinking was not alien to the great Liberal titan and mastermind of the welfare state, William Beveridge, who argued that those with "general defects" should be denied not only the vote, but "civil freedom and fatherhood". Indeed, a desire to limit the numbers of the inferior was written into modern notions of birth control from the start. That great pioneer of contraception, Marie Stopes – honoured with a postage stamp in 2008 – was a hardline eugenicist (http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/2011/sep/02/marie-stopes-right-birth-control), determined that the "hordes of defectives" be reduced in number, thereby placing less of a burden on "the fit". Stopes later disinherited her son because he had married a short-sighted woman, thereby risking a less-than-perfect grandchild.


03-07-2012, 12:03 PM
What a joke your talking about ancient history and saying eugenics and left are the same thing

The guys who wrote the Constitution had slaves so i guess all their ideas were wrong too and we shouldn't listen to them either

Still, the fatal flaw in Freedland's argument here is that it was not only some socialists who were interested in Eurgenics - it was a general fad among a wide variety of people of various political leanings.
It is a shame that middle class socialists of the time did not see a problem, but then it is a shame people of many political stripes did not see a problem.
In the non-Nazi world it was the Americans - no socialists there - who actually put into practice a series of eugenic programmes, with forced sterilisation in many states, in some cases lasting until the 1970s.

Mister D
03-07-2012, 12:10 PM
What a joke your talking about ancient history and saying eugenics and left are the same thing

I did? Someone else did? Who? Where?

The guys who wrote the Constitution had slaves so i guess all their ideas were wrong too and we shouldn't listen to them either

Wow the facts really do drive you guys bonkers as the author suggests. Thanks for proving his point. :laugh:

Still, the fatal flaw in Freedland's argument here is that it was not only some socialists who were interested in Eurgenics - it was a general fad among a wide variety of people of various political leanings.
It is a shame that middle class socialists of the time did not see a problem, but then it is a shame people of many political stripes did not see a problem.
In the non-Nazi world it was the Americans - no socialists there - who actually put into practice a series of eugenic programmes, with forced sterilisation in many states, in some cases lasting until the 1970s.

:laugh: Quoting from the comments section is pretty desperate. In any case, sorry, that's not Freedland's argument. Find a smarter reply. :grin: