View Full Version : How to read faces, voices and timing.

Brett Nortje
02-06-2015, 07:50 AM
Whenever you meet someone new, you will judge them based on the people you have already met. this is natural, and, comes from our birth like object recognition or 'thing identifier.' you will at first learn that that hairy one is full of fingers, for example, or that softer spoken one is full of toys, yes? then you will compare people to them, and you will start judging.

Then, you will start to think of the new people you meet, and then you will form a image of humanity. from there on, you will slowly start to think of yourself fitting into your image of humanity, in some way shape or form, and then you will either be happy with it or not, but you will no doubt challenge yourself to change it at some point, trying new things, maybe? remember the more it means to you, the more you want it to change.

But, this is about faces, first. if you were to look at someone in their face, you will feel a lot of things. you will think, man, that guy is wrinkled, he must be an ass, or, hey, that woman is short, she must be cute, yes?

Then, you will form an opinion about them, how to greet them, how to make them like you, or not. then you might try to find a way out of there, maybe they do not like you either or something? this all comes down to facial angles, if you ask me. for a westerner, it comes down to cartoons and for a third world person it comes down to something else, i am not sure what yet, but we will get there.

Now, if you were to judge someone based on their face, then you would have to think of where they stand first, as, you will, depending on where you think you stand to them, identify where they stand first. this is like putting on a accent when you speak to other peoples, for example, or being rude if you think the waiter is lacking some sort of attitude.

This all comes down to what you see! this all comes down to what you hear! this also comes down to where you are, what the time is, and stuff like that. if you were to want to find your place in society, then your best bet is to identify where others that look, stand, sound, activity cycle, and so forth, stands. this is what they 'see.' there are ways to change it, like wearing clothes, for example.

Brett Nortje
02-07-2015, 06:19 AM
Basically, the way i see it looking at pictures of famous people, the quieter stars will have foreheads that go outwards at an angle to the top. this is because they look in the mirror and see a pair of horns! that is something that people of the west find with cartoons anyways, that they have a pair of horns like the devil, and will try not to bring attention to themselves.

This is also a sign of good looks. this coupled with the 'horny part' will mean that they will feel confident yet quite, charging down people with subtlety and grace, a gentle man if you will. maybe they will not like the horns and strive to be true to what they want to be?

On the other hand, people with foreheads that go straight up will try to be funny, mocking those with outwards or inwards facing foreheads.

Lastly, people with inverted foreheads will be unhappier and will try to prove themselves, because they have a 'pointed exterior.' these people will try to be the best they can be. for some reason, these people are less popular, it seems, as they have no 'horns' nor normal things in their 'faces.' i find this is because they see themselves as equal, yet have the foreheads of a roof and stuff, making them look clever, maybe?

Brett Nortje
02-07-2015, 06:38 AM
I find that cheekbones come right under the eyes, so will have an effect on how people react to us. i am starting with the biggest parts of the face, because they have the biggest visual impact on us as an observer. i guess there are high, wide and low cheekbones, yes? let's deal with that first?

So, the cheekbones of high types, what do these mean? if the person has high cheekbones, they will, as they speak, guide you into their eyes, yes? this is because their cheekbones are close to their eyes, so, if you don't understand something, you will move to their cheekbones and then immediately back to their eyes, as they are so close together, so you will basically believe everything they say, or follow what they are saying. maybe a teacher would be a good example of someone with high cheekbones?

If they are wide, you will maybe, when listening to them, look around the room or wherever you are, making lying easier for them, or disguising your message with something a little bit of a fib, yes? this would mean, of course, these would make terrible teachers, but good politicians, of course.

If the cheekbones are low lying, then they will make the person look to the mouth of the person as they are speaking, or, lower their line of vision into a sense of "Why am i looking down?" or submission, yes? this would be like a preacher, i suppose, or a police officer, as, when we look down it is usually out of looking for a foundation for what they are saying, or thinking we have found foundations in what they are saying, of course.

Brett Nortje
02-07-2015, 06:55 AM
The next biggest effecting thing in the face is the brows, as we look people in the eyes when we talk to them, maybe this is the most important thing, yes? these with the cheekbones will guide us into their eyes or out of their eyes, of course.

If the brow is wide, it will send our eyes in 'prey mode,' as the eyes of a predator, in nature, are focused and in the front of the face. if their brows are wide, then it will make us more aware of things around us, like a military sergeant speaking to the troops, or a good team builder, making us worry about those around us, of course.

If the brow is focused, then we will find ourselves looking into the eyes of the person, like a good teacher making us focus on them and drawing attention to themselves rather than things around us.

This is because the brows are ways out of the eyes, and the further out you look along the brows, which attract our attention when we look into the eyes of those we are speaking to, you will either not escape them, or you will. depending on other factors, you may decide to pay attention to them or not.

Brett Nortje
02-07-2015, 07:30 AM
This comes down to speed the person speaks at, tones used, and accent. basically, the faster someone speaks the more they have to say, the deeper the tones used, the more serious they are - obviously - and the accent dictates who they think they are speaking to.

So, if the speed someone speaks at is slow, then they are being careful, of course. if they speak as if they cannot stop, maybe they are attacking someone, something, or defending themselves? maybe they are trying to make money? maybe they are short of time? maybe they are sick of something?

If the tones used are high, they are trying to trigger a reaction from you out of excitement, as, every time someone speaks they are trying to get a reaction. this is like speaking to the dark when you think there is an intruder inside your house, you want a reaction, no?

Now, if the accent used is used to try to relate to you, you know the person is your friend, and if it is used to alienate you, know they are not trying to win you over, or, trying to make you submit, of course.

Brett Nortje
02-07-2015, 08:11 AM
When we go through our lives, we do things, or, are affected by things. sometimes these things will make us feel high or low or excited or disappointed. it is our guts interpreting the world around us, and the events taking place.

To plan your day, the world has been divided up into units of twelve and sixty. this is the way our energies are affected by the horoscopes. basically, the most testosterone is experienced in the first hour of the day, being from twelve to one am, or, pm. this is the age of the rat to the Chinese understanding, and Pisces to the Greeks. there are doubtless others that fall into this arrangement, and, they all affect our lives.

If you read what that sign is about, it will show you, in order of which i am not sure, how the world works, and when the best time to have your hair done, or, go shopping will be. hell, it will show when the best times for students to take their tests will be too!

In all, it relates to G.M.T. where the twelve rests. finding the relations between these things will help us uncover the best times to do things, i reckon.

Brett Nortje
02-08-2015, 01:35 PM
Another thing about time, going right is resisting time, going left is going with the time, and staying still is like allowing time to flow. this is because the sun rises in the east, or, towards the right.

And, if you look at a map, it is tailored to be set to go north. if you face north, the directions make sense, any other direction and then your west and east change a little. so, if you look north, on your left is west, yes?

Brett Nortje
02-08-2015, 10:48 PM
I suppose if the forehead is 'big' it inclines people to think of them as being clever or deep, and, of course, shy, yes? we always reflect how others treat us, so, this makes sense, yes? of course with a big forehead, it tends to imply that the person is sought for to solve personal problems, so, it is logical to assert or guess that people with big foreheads are good listeners, or used to listening.

Maybe the opposite is true for people with small foreheads? i suppose so, it is only logical to assume or guess that people with small foreheads are thought of as stupid or bad listeners.

how about wide foreheads? if a forehead is wide, it implies or supposedly means that the person has a big face, so, would also mean that they are easier to focus on, like a dart board would be easier to hit. it also might mean that they look stupid, so are treated as if they were stupid by peers and role models, and, therefore, they will be frustrated and wanting to prove themselves, yes?

Brett Nortje
02-08-2015, 11:01 PM
For the cheeks, we often kiss people on the cheek, or, our faces might get fat with a lot of wobble on the way we speak, of course.

If we observe the cheeks of people that are wide, they will look more like a sissy, as their cheeks will be more kissable. this would mean that people treat them with more 'concern' and 'praise' as if they had a baby face, yes? then, they will become children, needing to be sought after a lot.

Then, how about if the cheeks are narrow? this would make them look more 'distinguished,' as they will look more hard to kiss, they will be a 'mission' to get the attention of, as, they will be kissed 'less easily.' this means they will become aloof maybe?

Now, for the fatties! if someone has a fat face, they will look too easy to kiss, and, will be 'sidelined,' and ignored. then, they will become more driven to succeed and easier to approach, as they will be open minded and stuff. they will be more driven to succeed when they are 'shunned,' as, they will be trying to find a way to get people's attention. these make very good employees!

Captain Obvious
02-08-2015, 11:25 PM
Brett - there was a segment on a program on NPR I heard today that was kind of interesting. Forgot the name of the show already but the theme was "falling" and various "falling" stories.

One was a "falling in love" think where this college girl fell in love with this guy with a condition, it started when he occasionally made direct, elongated eye contact with her. She thought he was flirting with her but he had this condition who's name I already forgot, a google search could find it but I'm lazy and tired right now, but the condition was basically - his brain couldn't remember faces. So he'd stare at people waiting for reactions from them if they knew him because he could never recognize anyone.

They fell in love in the long run and when they met they had this signal thing going where she'd do something specific toward him so he recognized her, it was really fascinating to hear.

But after shacking up with her for a year he dumped her, so the story really didn't have a happy ending, for her.

But it was a good listen.

Brett Nortje
02-13-2015, 01:12 PM
When we listen to people's voices, there are two main categories for them, being how high or low they are, and how fast they are.

Now, the tone of the voice will reveal how the person is feeling. if it is low, it will mean they, as we have discussed, are trying to be taken seriously. of course, when someone screams they do so in a high pitch meaning they still want to be heard. it is that a low pitch proclaims demands, and a high pitch is about claiming innocence, so, if someone is lying it will be in a higher pitch than normal. if you were to examine somebody, you would have to see how they normally speak before finding the pitch they are using, and, if they were to usually speak in a high pitch it would be because they are used to hiding things, yes?

The speed or pace that someone speaks at will be faster if they are used to being told no. this is because they need to get their message across before there is a resounding no once more. this is typical for 'servants' that are not treated well. of course, if English is not your first language, then of course you will speak slower and deeper, yes?

If you were to mix eye contact with tones, you would find that there is even more pleas of innocence or demands. if the person is focused on the listener, then it is more of a demand.

Brett Nortje
02-13-2015, 02:23 PM
Very simply, the most obvious sort of body language is that we reach to the driver's side in our western society. many city dwellers will look to the side of them that the driver sits on when we are looking for help, and when we think we are helping as adults, we will look to the passenger side. this is because we are used to seeing our parents there, or our kids.

Then, we also look right when we are speaking, and look left when we are adjusting or listening. this is true for right handed people at least, because when we use our right hands, we are usually writing or using our tools or the kitchen utensils or whatever.

Now, if we are using our left hand, it could also mean we are taking something in, as with eating using our left hands for shoving the food into out mouths. this is true for all people that use silverware, but, for 'savages,' they just put the samp into their mouths with their used hands.

When we look behind us, we are looking to help someone, as is in taxis and passenger cars. when we look through the person to the next person, we are looking to skip past that person onto someone we think more of to be around.

When we look down, we are unsure, when we look up, we are sure yet frustrated. looking down is also a sign of fear, as we check out footing, so to speak.

Brett Nortje
02-13-2015, 02:39 PM
Some people have said that being tall is a sign of evolution. yet, when we are young, lack of sleep can stunt our growth, so that may also play into it. i know the eastern people are all quite short, so is it that these people that are so good at maths are not 'evolved?'

If you were to look at someone, then you get a visual impression of them. if they are tall, you think that is good, they seem to be less worried about being short. if they are thin, they are less worried about being fat. if they are attractive, then they are less worried about that too. this eats away at stress, as being short, fat and ugly will stress you out socially. this goes to show that these people are probably not very nice as people treat them with contempt, yes?

To be in the middle ground of height and 'dimensions' is where there is lot of naturalness. if someone is normal height, they will be more concerned with things as if they were neutral, yes?

To define skin tones, well, the more dark someone is the more time they spend in the sun. this also denotes basic health, as vitamin d is found in the sun, as well as fresh air. then there is the regional stuff, like being in a desert or ice caps where there is a lot of heat or cold. if someone has a pale complexion or skin tone, then they will not be as strong as one with a darker one on average, unless there are visible muscles on them.

So, who is more intelligent? the way i see it, intelligence is founded on one's trying to learn things, leading to a natural exercise for the brain. retreating to yourself and burying yourself in books, for example, would lead to more intelligence. of course we spend our time doing something, and we develop from there, as long as we try new things. if you were to do the same things over and over, there is no guarantee that we will get better at them, but there is always the chance, depending on what we are trying to do.

Brett Nortje
02-13-2015, 02:51 PM
It doesn't take long in life to recognize people that are a threat to the powers that be, and take them into our hearts. there are two kinds of leaders, ones with triangle foreheads, and ones that have faces that resemble that of an animal we recognize - one that breaks the rules.

Since childhood we will want to rebel, as, there is so much resources, and so much people, we will want as much resources for ourselves as possible. 'emotional comfort' is also a resource.

So, who are the happy people? i find that those with dark skin tend to be happier, and those with narrow brows are also inclined to have more people listen to them.

If we were to check 'shoulder width,' i find those with narrow shoulders tend to be more popular, as, they will fit into the gaze of others and themselves more easily.

It is also the less attractive people that will be more intelligent, as, they will try to find something else to do other than chase people that don't want them to sexually, naturally.

If we were to look at people's ears, we will find that people with small ears do not listen as much as people with big ears, because when we see our ears, we will come to accept them and everything they mean to us, so as to stop fighting oneself. if we fight our forms, we will just sit alone all day.

Brett Nortje
02-13-2015, 03:12 PM
People are considered stronger if they have wide jaw bones i find, because it looks like musculature or something similar. it is like when someone likes to be around tall people for comfort, size means comfort for us, as when we were kids they will be our parents, yes?

The narrow jaws are ones we like to kiss, as it looks hard to kiss them. wide jaws are also thought of nice to kiss because we think of the supposed strength of the kiss.

We like to be around people with big features and that are large in size, and they will get used to this, shrugging other responsibilities for the grandeur of looking after people and gaining popularity. so, tall people often shrug work and talk to others as they enjoy being ones that make people feel safe, not only tall people, but big people too. this means that 'big people' are not very serious about responsibility, yet will be good at looking after others - a parent without a job - a mother.

Brett Nortje
02-13-2015, 03:54 PM
Where the person places the emphasis is where the person thinks the emphasis will be to you or them. they are likely to accompany this with a gesture from their hands or feet too. if the speaker was to emphasize something, they are drawing attention to it. this is because they think it is relevant or not relevant.

So, if they were to lower their tone with the emphasis, then they are speaking as if it were important, and if they heighten their tone with emphasis, it is because they think this is stupid.

Brett Nortje
02-13-2015, 04:10 PM
We can tell a lot about a person by the way they structure their sentences grammatically or with what words they use. if they use a lot of big words, they are trying to underline the seriousness of the situation, and a lot of small words will be used when they find something trivial, i suppose?

So, if we were to observe the speeches of non English first language speaking people, they will tend to be full of big words if they are leaders, and full of bad word choices if they are not taking it seriously. this is why african and asian and south american leaders always use such big words - they also think it is a form of brainwashing, as, the people will associate these words with them, and this leads to a supposed 'better image' of the leaders of the people.

So, if someone uses verbs a lot, it is actually because they want action, nouns will lead to them wanting to say who they are speaking to and who is speaking and adjectives will show the description of things, so, will be when the speaker is trying to point out a difference between two or more things.

Brett Nortje
02-13-2015, 04:27 PM
What we show the world, it is said, is always the opposite of how we really feel. i was not so sure about this, as, we often show the world how we feel when we cry, when we cringe, when we blush, and so forth.

For this reason, we will always try to hide what we feel. this is because any sign of weakness is found to be exploited over us, even by our friends and family.

But, it is not always the case. if we were to be intimate with someone, then we would show them how we truly feel. this is essential that we vent every now and again, so when we get stressed or explode, we will be our true selves - when we lose control.

In our childhoods, we often find the correct most comfortable way to get along with others. this leads to our backbone of emotions too, as we are often disappointed that we have to act in a certain way to feel we are accepted by society. i find this true especially in little kids, as, they will copy adults as a form of inspiration. this means, of course, the older we get, the less we copy people that are older than us, as, they will often be dead!

So, if we were to be ourselves, we will feel happier, yes? this leads to some of us just saying no to trying to fit in because it makes us too unhappy, and nobody can live like that, can they?

Brett Nortje
02-13-2015, 04:48 PM
In the whole world, we all have accents. these we pick up from the society we live in, and, therefore, we find the same types of words used as by our society.

If it were that there was an accent we develop when we speak, it is not because we are copying people, it is rather because we are using the same sentence structure as them, leading to the same 'break points' in sentences. i call spaces and pauses between words, or, the sounds we make between words, 'break points.'

Then, we also get used to speaking to certain people all the time. this is where we will try to, if it is a group of girls, for example, talk about people's names, the same names or nouns that they use, so, accents are also cliquey, you could say.

Accents also develop from the media. if we expose ourselves to watching soccer from Spain, for example, we will hear a lot of pauses when people are speaking, meaning that we will also hesitate when we are enjoying something, just to make sure we are enjoying it, you could say, yes?

So, if we were to watch horse racing, when we are excited, we will speak a little faster, so with baseball and basketball, or all American sports, as the ball is changing possession the whole time. if we were to listen to the news a lot, we will be spending time with ideas and develop a better intelligence, as adults do. so, if you were to watch a lot of fantasy, you will have a better imagination - something crucial to new developments and progress, yes?

Now, to listen for what kind of person you are hearing, you must try to listen to where they breathe to talk. it will be right before or right after the points they want to dwell on, yes?

Brett Nortje
02-13-2015, 05:09 PM
It is safe to say, if people like and use certain words, they will also avoid certain words. this is like a person with a big nose avoiding using the words big and nose, of course.

I myself avoid using big words as i believe that non English first language speakers could find it easier to understand, as well as kids. [I also don't know what half of them really mean, mind you.]

So, if someone avoids using the word steal, then it is obvious they fear being stolen from, or being called or identified as a thief.

There are a lot of common words, identifying which ones are replaced with adverbs and pronouns and so forth. i know i seldom say he or she, as i believe that these writings of mine should be neutral towards gender.

Now, someone that does not speak, instead shaking or nodding their heads, certainly has something to hide. figuring out what it is can be found by a simple conversation trying to get them to say those words.

A good way to find a thief out, so to speak, is to speak to them about thievery, like "hey, that obama stole his daughters heart this valentines day!" and looking for a reaction. generally, if the reaction is strong, then it denotes a out right refusal to accept that their stuff will be stolen, and a subtle rejection will show that they are actually hiding something, yes?

Brett Nortje
02-13-2015, 05:12 PM
... simply listening to where they use big words instead of small words will show where the deceit lies, yes? this could be a personal problem or shortcoming of theirs, so, you can learn a lot about people the way they speak, of course.